ORNL Neutron Scattering School National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering

June 12-26, 2010
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN


12th National School on Neutron & X-ray Scattering

Lecture Notes & ORNL Videos

Some of the material in the following presentations is protected by copyright. Distribution, presentation, or other use requires expressed permission of the author.

J. D. Budai and B. C. Chakoumakos – Proposal Writing for X-ray and Neutron Beam Time PDF PPT

Argonne Lectures

P. M. Abbamonte – Inelastic X-ray Scattering
G.B. Bunker – X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
L.X. Chen – Time-resolved X-ray Spectroscopy
T.C. Chiang – Surface X-ray Scattering
P. P. Denes – X-ray Detection
E. Fullerton – Magnetic Spectroscopies
J.M. Gibson - Complementarity of Real Space and Reciprocal Space
C.J. Jacobsen – X-ray Imaging
L. B. Lurio – X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
W.L. Mao – High Pressure Techniques
D. M. Mills – X-ray Generation/Instrumentation (Part 1)
D. M. Mills – X-ray Generation/Instrumentation (Part 2)
I. C. Noyan – Diffraction Stress Analysis
D.W. Schaefer - Exploring the Nanoworld: Imaging and Scattering
S. K. Sinha – Interaction of X-rays and Neutrons with Matter
B. H. Toby – Introduction to Powder Diffraction

ORNL Lectures (Click icon to view the video.)

C.J. Benmore – Pair Distribution Function Analysis Movie icon
J.M. Carpenter – Neutron Generation and Detection: Sources Movie icon
J.M. Carpenter – Neutron Generation and Detection: Detectors Movie icon
B.D. Gaulin -  Introduction to Inelastic Neutron Scattering Movie iconPart I     Movie iconPart II
B.D. Gaulin – Magnetic Neutron Scattering Movie icon
K.W. Herwig – Quasielastic Neutron Scattering Movie icon
T.M. Holden – Applications to Engineering Problems Movie icon
A. Huq – Powder Diffraction Applications Movie icon
G.E. Ice – Diffuse Scattering Movie icon
G.E. Ice – Microdiffraction Movie icon
C.F. Majkrzak – X-ray and Neutron Reflectometry Movie icon
C.F. Majkrzak – Polarized Neutrons Movie icon
M.E. Ohl – Neutron Spin Echo Movie icon
R. Pynn – Introduction to Neutron Scattering Movie iconPart I     Movie iconPart II
J.J. Rhyne – Neutron Sources Movie icon
A.J. Schultz – Single Crystal Diffraction Movie icon
V. S. Urban – Small Angle Scattering Movie icon
X. Wang – Applications of Small Molecule Crystallography Movie icon

Note: users of Firefox must ensure the windows media plugin is installed.


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