United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA National HIV/AIDS Website


for Veterans and the Public

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Many people feel tired, especially when they are stressed or their lives are busier than usual. Symptoms of being tired can include: having a hard time getting out of bed, walking up stairs, or even concentrating on something for very long.

If the tiredness (or fatigue) doesn't go away, even after you have given your body and mind time to rest, this tiredness can become a problem. It can get worse if you don't deal with it.

Talk with your VA health care provider if your fatigue is not going away or is becoming too hard to deal with. The more information you can give your doctor about how you are feeling, the more likely the two of you will be able to come up with the right treatment for your fatigue.

Quick Tips: Fatigue

  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Changing your sleeping habits too much can actually make you feel tired.
  • Try to get some exercise.
  • Keep prepackaged or easy-to-make food in the kitchen for times when you're too tired to cook.
  • Follow a healthy, balanced diet. Your VA health care provider may be able to help you create a meal plan.
  • Talk to your doctor about the possibility that you have anemia or other medical problems. Anemia means that you have a low red blood cell count, and it can make you feel tired.