Stabilization – Office of Transition Initiatives

Program Description

In May 2010, USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) launched a program in the Kyrgyz Republic in response to the country’s political crises. Popular demonstrations in April led to the ouster of former President Kurmanbek Bakiyev. Given this window of opportunity, the U.S. Government was able to further demonstrate its support of democracy in Central Asia by supporting efforts aimed at establishing transparent, accountable and effective governance at both national and local levels. The violence and mass displacements stemming from the June 2010 events in the southern part of the country highlighted the need for immediate and targeted assistance to address emerging sources of instability and conflict within communities that have the potential to derail the ongoing democratic transition. The constitutional referendum, followed by parliamentary, presidential, and local elections, represent critical milestones to establishing a more stable and secure democracy. During this critical period of transition, the USAID/OTI program in the Kyrgyz Republic is supporting the country’s efforts by encouraging democratic processes and helping to build trust both within communities, and between citizens and government.

Program Objectives

The USAID/OTI program provides small grants to civil society, government, and private sector partners to implement high-impact, short-term projects in volatile communities. The targeted assistance supports the ongoing democratic political transition, while addressing emerging sources of instability and drivers of conflict at the community level. The USAID/OTI model is designed to be fast, flexible and responsive to a dynamic environment. It allows partners to implement pilot initiatives and catalytic projects that build momentum for continued long-term development. As a whole, the activities are working to encourage democratic processes and build trust both within communities, and between citizens and government during the critical period of transition. Specific program objectives include:

Mitigate conflict. OTI supports conflict mitigation between groups by responding to ongoing and emerging sources of instability and tensions within volatile and marginalized communities that are prone to conflict.

Improve inclusive governance. OTI supports inclusive, responsive and transparent governance at national and local levels, while increasing the ability of citizens and communities to engage constructively in democratic processes and effectively hold their leaders accountable.

Program Activities

  • Increase access to reliable and objective information to reduce the impact of rumors and inform citizen decision-making
  • Expand opportunities for youth and other vulnerable populations to engage in constructive and productive activities at critical times
  • Improve the responsiveness and accountability of government through inclusive decision-making and citizen engagement
  • Promote interaction that encourages diversity and pluralism in formal and informal institutions
  • Strengthen the capacity of civil society—especially women and youth—to assess, prevent, mediate, and mitigate conflict
  • Stimulate economic recovery and expand opportunities in marginalized and volatile communities

Fast Facts

Start Date: May 2010

Partner: International Resources Group (IRG)

Contact: Mr. Ashley Moretz, USAID/OTI Country Representative-Kyrgyz Republic;

OTI Kyrgyzstan Program_Update_October_2011.pdf

OTI Kyrgyzstan Program_Update_September_2011.pdf

OTI Kyrgyzstan Program_Update_August_2011.pdf

OTI Kyrgyzstan Program_Update_June_2011.pdf

OTI Kyrgyzstan_Program_Update_April_2011.pdf


Project Name Duration Overview Partners USAID Contact
Kyrgyz Republic Transition Initiative 05/2010 - 12/2012

USAID/OTI is supporting the Kyrgyz Republic’s efforts to establish a more stable, secure democracy, while

laying the groundwork for continued long-term development. The program provides...

International Resources Group Ashley Moretz
Last Updated: 02-18-2013