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Where can I find instructions for filling out a DD FORM 1597? (3 answers)

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I need help filling out or what goes in Blocks 5a - w. (if not used, "N/A" ?)

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    Jan 30, 2013

    Please copy and paste above URL to your browser and at the top of this web page once you get to it, please select the link next to ..."For assistance see..." as it will provide FAQs and instructions. Further questions should be directed that that site as it is external to the ACC.

    Thank you.
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    Jan 30, 2013
    The Spawar Systems Center, Charleston "Contract Closeout Procedures states the following: "• DD 1597 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT CHECK-LIST (DFAR 204.804-1(ii)) Prepare a DD 1597, if necessary, to determine that all the required actions have been done. When complete, the administrative closeout procedures shall ensure that: 1) Disposition of classified material is completed 2) Final patent report is cleared 3) Final royalty report is cleared 4) There is no outstanding VE change proposal 5) Plant clearance report is received 6) Property clearance is received 7) All interim or disallowed costs are settled 8) Price revision is completed 9) Subcontracts are settled by the prime contractor 10) Prior year indirect cost rates are settled 11) Termination docket is completed 12) Contract audit is completed 13) Contractor’s closing statement is completed 14) Contractor’s final invoice has been submitted 15) Contract funds review is completed and deobligation of any excess funds is recommended." When completing Blocks 5a-w, the person closing the contract needs to think about which of these types of actions occurred on the contract, what type of contract it is (i.e. FFP or Cost-reimbursement), and when in doubt, may need to do alittle more research to see if this is an action that occurred during contract performance or would be required as a result of the type of contract it is. For example, a cost type contract would require indirect rates to be audited and finalized by DCMA/DCAA (5 m) before you could close out the contract. If you have furnished Government Property, you would need a property clearance report signed off by the property officer to ensure GFP has been returned or properly disposed (5 h and 5 i). If you had classified material (5 a), you would need to ensure all classified material has been returned or properly disposed and signed off by the security personnel. You will need to read the contract, including modifications, and contract file to determine which of these actions may have been applicable to the physically complete contract and ensure all actions required by FAR, DFARs, and PGI have been completed before you can close out the contract. provides additional powerpoint training information on the DD Form 1597 along with general closeout procedures. You might check with your own agency to see if they have a contract closeout guide for you to follow as each agency has a slightly different variation depending on some of the automated systems they use.
    -- Updated Jan 30, 2013 --
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    Jan 30, 2013
    Also, see

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Date CreatedWednesday, January 30, 2013 9:57 AM
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