Monthly Archives: May 2012

Mapping at the U.S. Census Bureau

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Tweet Written by: Lisa Sikes and Katy Rossiter When you think of the Census Bureau, you might imagine filling out a census or survey form.  Maybe you think of the billions of statistics and counts that are available. What you … Continue reading

Posted in Data Tools, Geography | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Memorial Day: A Look at Veterans in America Today

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Tweet Written By: Melissa Chiu As we honor those soldiers who have given their lives to their country this Memorial Day, we can also take the opportunity to better understand America’s veterans. The American Community Survey provides a profile of … Continue reading

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Majority of Infants Now Minorities

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Tweet Written by: Alexa Jones-Puthoff Census Bureau population estimates released today revealed a major demographic milestone. For the first time, a majority of our population under age 1 is minority. That means that more than 50 percent were some group … Continue reading

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China and India: Neighboring Countries but Poles Apart in Their Older Populations’ Health

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Tweet Written by: Wan He China and India sit next to each other on the Asian continent, sharing a thousand-mile long border. The Silk Road connected these two countries more than 2,000 years ago, allowing exchanges not only in trade … Continue reading

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High Blood Pressure – Not Just an American Problem

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Tweet Written by: Mark Muenchrath You or someone in your family may have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, or hypertension. About one in three adults in the United States has this condition, according to the Centers for Disease Control … Continue reading

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