Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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Hospital Education and Training (HET)


Provide relevant education and training opportunities that promote excellence in healthcare and ensure readiness.


Recognized as a leader in building a constantly relevant education and training program that supports an integrated DoD healthcare system.

Education & Training

Office Hours: 7:00 – 4:30, Monday thru Friday
Location: Bldg 300, Room 11C18
Phone: (706) 787-7288/7262
Fax: (706) 787-8126

Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing

Office Hours: 6:30 - 3:00, Monday thru Friday
Location: Bldg 300, Room 3C-09
Phone: (706) 787-7005
Fax: (706) 787-7921

Practical Nurse (68WM6) Course

Office Hours: 7:30 – 4:30, Monday thru Friday
Location: Bldg 38715
Phone: (706) 787-9102
Fax: (706) 787-3394

68D Operating Room Technician Program

Office Hours: 7:00 4:30, Monday thru Friday
Location: Bldg 300, Room 11B-11
Phone: (706) 787-1291
Fax: (706) 787-8126

Clinical Nurse Transition Program

Office Hours: 7:00-4:30, Monday thru Friday
Location: Bldg 300, Room 11C-06
Phone: (706) 787-7663
Fax: (706) 787-8126

18D Special Forces Medical Sergeant’s Course - Clinical Rotation Training (SOCT)

Office Hours: 7:30 – 4:30, Monday thru Friday
Location: Bldg 300, Room 11C18
Phone: (706) 787-7288/7262
Fax: (706) 787-8126

Education & Training

Education & Training functions of the Hospital Education & Training (HET) Care Line at DDEAMC include...

  • Provide Newcomers' Orientation and Hospital Education Annual Review Training (HEART) for all hospital staff, and provide Clinical Tracks – Department of Patient Care Services orientation for nursing staff (RN, LPN, 68WM6, and 68W, designed to provide initial job training and familiarization with the work environment. Provide Commander’s Welcome Briefing – welcome and introduction to the organization leadership and more...
  • Provide CHCS and Microsoft Office hands-on training in two computer skills laboratories for all hospital staff.
  • Provide Basic Life Support training for all hospital staff who have the potential to provide patient care.
  • Coordinate and conduct other life support training programs, to include ACLS, PALS, PEARS, and ATLS.
  • Conduct an annual Learning Needs Assessment Survey to determine the education and training needs of hospital staff.
  • Plan, coordinate, and implement a wide range of continuing education programs for hospital staff, aimed at enhancing professional staff development, promoting clinical competency, and maintaining military readiness.
  • Award contact hours for continuing education – DDEAMC is an Approved Provider of continuing nursing education through the Army Nurse Corps Continuing Health Education Program (ANC-CHEP) by the U.S. Army Nurse Corps Nursing Education Branch, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC). Offerings throughout the year and announcements made via Share Point.
  • Coordinate the Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP) clinical elective program for nurse cadets to provide them with progressive experiences that will align them with the duties, responsibilities, and expectations of the junior Army Nurse Corps Officer.
  • Through affiliation agreements, provide administrative oversight for nursing students in a clinical rotation at DDEAMC.
  • Update and report competency training data to the hospital leadership using the AMEDD Personnel Education and Quality System (APQES).
  • Manage the DDEAMC Civilian Tuition Assistance Program.
  • Provide counseling to Army Nurse Corps officers regarding Long Term Health Education and Training (LTHET), generic course guarantees, short courses and other professional development opportunities. Counsels and assists enlisted staff on the Army’s AMEDD Enlisted Commissioning Program.
  • Support the Joint Commission Human Resources Committee, with the Assistant Chief, HET and the Chief, HET serving as the Chairperson and a member of the Committee.
  • Proponent for the following DDEAMC Regulations (Reg) and Pamphlets (Pam):
    DDEAMC Reg 40-1, "Basic and Advanced Life Support Programs"
    DDEAMC Reg 600-2, "Management of Human Resources"
    DDEAMC Pam 600-2, "Competency Documentation File"
    DDEAMC Reg 600-4, "Local Management of the MEDCOM Civilian Tuition Assistance Program"

Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing (GPAN), Phase II

About the Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing (GPAN), Phase II at DDEAMC...

Eisenhower Army Medical Center has been designated as a Phase II training site for the US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing conducted jointly by the US Army Medical Department Center and SchoolExternal Link - Opens in New Window and Northeastern UniversityExternal Link - Opens in New Window. The program is a fully-accredited 130-week course, which awards graduates the 66F MOS, and establishes their eligibility to sit for the National Certification Examination for Nurse Anesthetists.

After 51 weeks of classroom instruction at Fort Sam Houston, TexasExternal Link - Opens in New Window, this Phase II program site provides classroom and clinical rotations within Eisenhower Army Medical Center. The student's education is supplemented by clinical rotations to Doctor's Hospital External Link - Opens in New Window (Augusta, GA), the Veterans Affairs Medical Center External Link - Opens in New Window (Augusta, GA), Womack Army Medical Center External Link - Opens in New Window (Fort Bragg, NC), Memorial Health Hospital (Savannah, GA), and Martin Army Community HospitalExternal Link - Opens in New Window (Fort Benning, GA).

Successful completion of all academic requirements, an submissdion of an approved/accepted clinical research thesis, awards a Master of Nursing Degree from Northeastern University.External Link - Opens in New Window Additional information is available by visiting the US Army Nurse Corps BranchExternal Link - Opens in New Window and the US Army Program in Anesthesia NursingExternal Link - Opens in New Window homepages.

Practical Nurse (68WM6) Course

About the Practical Nurse (68WM6) Course at DDEAMC...

The mission of the DDEAMC Practical Nurse Course is to educate and prepare highly trained battlefield medics in the ranks of Private through Sergeants. Health Care Specialist (68W) and Practical Nurse (M6) training enable graduates to provide first line trauma care far forward on the battlefield, perform as members of Forward Surgical Teams, and function in expanded and support roles in Combat Support Hospitals and fixed medical facilities.

The DDEAMC Practical Nurse Course is a 44-week Phase II course that includes both a junior and senior class. This 44 week-period that focuses on clinical care is in addition to the 8 weeks that all Practical Nurse Course students spend at the AMEDDC&S. DDEAMC graduates approximately 100 students per year in two graduation ceremonies that are held about every 6 months.

The 68WM6 (Practical Nurse) Course is accredited through Texas State Board of Nurse Examiners. Upon successful completion of the course, Soldiers qualify to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN). The Soldier must obtain and maintain licensure as a Vocational Nurse/Practical Nurse for award of the ASI M6.

68D Operating Room Technician Program

About the 68D Operating Room Technician Program at DDEAMC...>

Welcome to the 68 Delta Operating Room Specialist Phase II Training Site at Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center.  Headed by the Chief, Hospital Education and Training (C, HET), the 68 Delta Operating Room Specialist Course is a two-phased course.  Phase I of the course is comprised of nine weeks of training conducted at the U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School (AMEDDC&S).  Phase II is comprised of didactic and hands-on training at one of 14 clinical training sites over a 10-week period.  Eisenhower is one of those sites.

A Senior Clinical Instructor (Registered Nurse) and a Primary Clinical Instructor (68D, OR Specialist) monitor the day to day operations and implementation of the course.  They are responsible for ensuring that students meet course requirements in accordance to the guidelines set by AMEDD C&S, supported by C, HET and the Head Nurse, Operating Room.

During Phase II, students rotate through the Operating Room (OR) and Central Material Section (CMS).  In the OR, students actually practice their skills during surgical procedures while maintaining basic aseptic techniques.  Their rotation through CMS teaches them the proper techniques for assembling and sterilizing surgical instruments.  Upon completion of the course, students are able to demonstrate entry level skills in both the OR and CMS as an Operating Room Specialist (OR technician).

During the 10 weeks of Phase II training, students rotate through a variety of surgical services.  These services include Orthopedic, Vascular, Gynecology, Otolaryngology (Ears, Nose, Throat), Ophthalmology (Eyes), Plastic, Oral Maxillofacial and General Surgery.  Students are required to do daily case studies on the surgical procedures they will encounter the next day. The case studies are used to evaluate the student’s comprehension of the surgical procedure.

In addition, daily evaluations of students’ performances are also obtained from their assigned staff member.  These evaluations are essential in determining the student’s eligibility to graduate and should show a constant improvement in skills development over the 10 week period.

Students are also required to pass examinations while in Phase II.  The examinations consist of instrument identification as well as written exams.  The instrument identification exams are used to indicate the student’s ability to recognize instruments for particular services while written exams measure the student’s basic surgical knowledge. Students must have a cumulative grade point average of 75% to pass the course.

Students must maintain their Physical Fitness readiness while enrolled in the program.  They attend physical training (PT) sessions three times a week.  If a student arrives at Phase II and has not passed an Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), he/she must attend PT five times a week and must pass the APFT to be eligible to graduate.

Failure to meet academic or APFT requirements prohibits a student from graduating from the course.

BG (R) Anna Mae Hays Clinical Nurse Transition Program (CNTP)

About the Clinical Nurse Transition Program at DDEAMC...

Purpose of CNTP

This program provides a discipline-specific structured clinical nurse transition program framework for new graduate Registered Nurses (RNs) entering the military health care system. New graduate RNs include Army Nurse (AN) Corps Officers and civilian employees. The current program is mandatory for all new graduate AN officers only. The program will provide evidence that the new graduate nurse has completed a nursing preceptorship program in anticipation of the State Boards of Nursing requirement for license renewal.

Program Structure

The program is structured to be a minimum of 24 weeks with the CNTP RN completing a total of 960 clinical hours of direct patient care and learning experiences (936 clinical hours of direct patient care and 24 hours of learning experiences). The program may be extended up to 25 6/7 weeks.

Program Goals

  • Provide an environment in which to successfully transition new graduate RNs to independently function as capable staff RNs.
  • Produce a capable, confident RN who demonstrates clinical leadership skills at the point of patient care.
  • Support and enhance the development of the Triad of Nurse Leaders.
  • Improve patient outcomes based on improvement in nurse sensitive indicators.

Program Objectives

At the completion of the BG (R) Anna Mae Hays Clinical Nurse Transition Program (CNTP), the new graduate RN will:

  • Provide safe, quality care for medical-surgical patients of varying acuity.
  • Document and practice in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, local policy, and scope of practice.
  • Demonstrate effective decision-making skills related to clinical judgment and performance.
  • Incorporate research into nursing practice and conduct an evidence-based initiative emphasizing basic nursing care, using the Iowa Model of Evidenced-Based Practice.
  • Demonstrate clinical leadership skills at the point of patient care to include appropriate delegation of nursing care to LPNs and Nursing Assistants.
  • Demonstrate professionalism and officership.

Special Forces Medical Sergeant’s Course - Clinical Rotation Training (SOCT)

About the Special Forces Medical Sergeant’s Course - Clinical Rotation Training (SOCT) at DDEAMC...


The primary objective of SOCT is to evaluate the Special Operations Medical Sergeant student’s ability to apply patient assessment/management/care skills in various clinical settings.   The overall objective is to provide the SFMS student an environment in which he may apply his practical skills; the desired result is a confident, proficient and competent Special Operations Medical Sergeant.

Training Goals (Clinical Training Hours)

Each clinical training rotation is different and there is not one training schedule template that fits all locations. The guidelines below list the training goals:



56 Hours

















Care Clinics









240 Hours