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How ORISE is Making a Difference

How ORISE is Making a Difference

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is helping improve our nation’s health by developing innovative health communication and training for industry professionals and the public.

From evidence-based communication and social marketing to specialized training and media analysis, ORISE is addressing a variety of health topics by partnering with government agencies to make a positive difference in human health. ORISE focuses its health communication and training efforts on consumer health, occupational health, school health and environmental health topics, including infectious diseases and biological threats.

A few examples of ORISE’s work to improve lives include:

Focus group

Message Testing for a Nuclear Detonation

To help prepare our nation for the possibility of a radiological emergency, ORAU supports The Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Work Group.

Nurse Triage Line Stakeholders Meeting graphic

Nurse Triage Lines Support

The CDC Influenza Coordination Unit recently won the 2012 Annual Public Health Policy Competition for a proposal to explore the use of nurse triage lines during an influenza pandemic.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation logo

Innovation Advisors Program

ORISE is supporting the recently-launched Innovation Advisors Program that advocates the measures of better health, better care, and lower costs through improvement across the country.

CHEMPACK Demo screenshot

CHEMPACK Mapping Application

ORISE designed and built a mapping application that helps CHEMPACK’s staff and their state and local partners keep track of the antidote cache sites and containers.

Virtual Community Reception Center

Virtual Community Reception Center

Following a mass casualty radiation emergency, public health professionals engage in population monitoring that is often conducted in community reception centers, or CRCs, but unfortunately, many public health departments are not yet prepared to conduct CRC operations.

Dr. Thomas Frieden

Radiation Emergency Preparedness Conference

ORISE was an integral partner in assisting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with hosting Bridging the Gaps: Public Health and Radiation Emergency Preparedness conference from March 21-24, 2011, in Atlanta.

Travelers’ Health Campaign Takes Critical Messages Worldwide

Travelers’ Health Campaign

ORISE maintained a key role in helping the CDC get the good-health message out to travelers throughout the United States and beyond through the award-winning Travelers’ Health flu prevention campaign.

ORISE Responds to H1N1 Outbreak, Provides Media Analysis, Reports and Materials

H1N1 Media Analysis

ORISE used its automated data-mining program Auto-INFORM (Auto Immunization News FOR Managers) to monitor news articles, blogs, Twitter and the Web for information related to the H1N1 virus.

Pandemic Flu Toolkit

Pandemic Flu Toolkit

For the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration, ORISE has developed training materials to prepare the international community to respond to an influenza pandemic.

Training Clinicians for Response to a Radiological or Nuclear Terrorism Attack

Radiological Terrorism Toolkits

ORISE assisted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by developing a training program to prepare clinicians to respond locally to mass casualties with potential radiological injuries.

Consumer Health Resource Information Service (CHRIS)

Consumer Health Resource Information Service (CHRIS)

CHRIS provides health information training for program coordinators, a guide for nationwide implementation and a tool kit with resources for tailoring and sustaining the program.