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Programs and Resources

Headquarters Marine Corps

Government Travel Charge Card Program (GTCCP)

This page contains information regarding the Marine Corps Government Travel Charge Card Program (GTCCP). This program is managed by the Deputy Commandant for Programs & Resources, Fiscal Division, Finance Branch (P&R-RFF) Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. We welcome any comments or suggestions you may have and invite you to contact us by using the "Contact Us" link on the menu.

Citi End-of-Month Report
Click here for the End-of-month report.
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1. Why do we use the GTCC?

Answer: The Travel and Transportation Act of 1998 mandated that all Frequent Travelers use the GTCC. The Department of Defense (DoD) defines a frequent traveler as anyone who travels three or more times in a year.

2. Is my credit score affected by the GTCC?

Answer: When you apply and agree to a credit check, your credit is screened. This screening has the same affect as a pre-approved credit offer, which means it is known as a soft hit and does not affect your credit rating. Per the GSA contract, BoA can not report any information to the credit bureaus unless you have a past due balance that is 210 days old. If you reach the 210 day point your account will be charged-off and turned over to a third party collection agency. This will be the first time BoA will report information to the credit bureaus regarding your credit. This is known as a charge-off and will negatively affect your credit rating.

3. What is the minimum credit score required to get a Restricted and a Standard GTCC?

Answer: An individual must meet the minimum score of 500 to receive a Restricted card. An individual must meet the minimum score of 660 to receive a Standard card.

4. Will BoA or Citi contact me requesting personal information?

Answer: NO! Anyone attempting to obtain personal information should be directed to your APC, then up the Hierarchy Level chain to Component Program Managers (CPM).

5. If I am a Restricted cardholder, can I change my status to a Standard cardholder?

Answer: Yes, but you must apply for an account upgrade. To apply for an account upgrade, the cardholder must have access to BoA’s Electronic Account Government Ledger System (EAGLS) and apply for the account upgrade online. By submitting this application, the cardholder is agreeing to a credit check and must meet a minimum credit score of 660 for the account upgrade to be approved. Your APC can assist with getting an EAGLS account.

6. What are the established credit limits on the GTCC?

Answer: Standard Accounts Restricted Accounts
Credit Line $7,500 $4,000
Retail $250 $100
ATM/Cash $650 (monthly) $350 (monthly)
These are merely guidelines and can be adjusted to accomplish any mission. For credit limit increases please see your APC. APCs will verify the need for the increase and take the appropriate action via chain of command.

7. What are the incremental increases that an APC can approve?


Standard Accounts

Credit Line $10,000 / $15,000/  $25,000 / Over $25,000
Retail $500 / $1,000/  $2,000 / Over $2,000
ATM/Cash $5,000 / $10,000 / $25,000 / Over $25,000

Restricted Accounts

HL4-HL8 / HL3 / CPM / DTMO
Credit Line $4,000 / $7,500 / $20,000 / Over $20,000
Retail $200 / $500 / $1,000 / Over $1,000
ATM/Cash $2,015 / $4,015 / $10,015 / Over $10,015

8. What is Split Disbursement?

Answer: Split disbursement is a procedure that occurs upon settlement of a travel claim. This procedure sends funds electronically to an individual’s personal bank and to the individual’s GTCC. Items that are automatically split disbursed to the GTCC are transportation costs, lodging costs, and rental car costs.

9. What is the requirement to use use split disbursement?

Answer: The DoDFMR Vol 9 Ch. 3 mandates that the traveler will split disburse ALL outstanding charges against the GTCC. It further mandates that the authorizing official (AO) will verify that the traveler has properly designated the appropriate amount for split disbursement, if the traveler did not properly designate split disbursement; the AO is required to return the travel claim to the traveler for correction.

10. How can split disbursement benefit the traveler and the command?

Answer: If the traveler submits the travel claim in a timely manner and properly split disburses the balance on his or her GTCC there is no chance of becoming delinquent. Commands that enforce the split disbursement requirement have a minimum number of card delinquencies.

11. When will my BoA GTCC expire?

Answer The BoA GTCCs will expire on the expiration date listed on the card or at 2359 EST on 29 November 2008, whichever date is earlier. The BoA GTCC will continue to renew if it expires prior to 29 November 2008. All cardholders must know Citi is the new vendor. Due to the volume of cards that Citi has to deliver, cards will be sent out in phases, beginning 13 August and ending 19 September 2008. The Citi card will not be available for use until 0001 EST on 30 November 2008.

12. How and when will I receive my new Citi GTCC?

Answer: Current cardholders will transfer from BoA to Citi without completing a new application. The only requirement for current cardholders is keep all of their point of contact (POC) information up-to-date within BoA’s EAGLS website from now until the end of the BoA contract, 29 November 2008. Cardholders who have an EAGLS account may update their own information through this website. Cardholders who do not have an EAGLS account must contact their APC to update their POC information. Citi will mail out new GTCCs based on the cardholder’s address contained with BoA’s EAGLS website. All of the POC information, i.e. home address, home/work phone numbers and .mil e-mail address must be updated in EAGLS prior to 30 April 2008. BoA will transfer a Master File to Citi in May. This Master File will contain all of the POC information from EAGLS. There will be addendum files sent from BoA to Citi after the initial Master File. This is why it is imperative that we continue to update all POC information contained in EAGLS. The information that is contained within Citi’s system will continue to update based on the information contained within EAGLS. Delivery of the new Citi GTCC’s will begin on 13 August and conclude on 19 September 2008. Keeping the POC information up-to-date will ensure the Citi’s GTCC is delivered to the cardholder. Citi GTCCs with incorrect or forwarding addresses will be returned to Citi. Citi does not allow the U.S. Postal Service to forward cards.

13. What if I PCS this summer and my address changes?

Answer: If you are PCS’ing this year and know your new address, please update EAGLS with your new address. If you do not know your new address, notify your new APC upon checking into your new unit ASAP and request an update to EAGLS. The APC is the cardholder's link to getting assistance with the GTCCP.

14. When I receive my new Citi GTCC what action will I be required to take?

Answer: The Citi GTCC will come with a strip across the top of it stating: PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT OF THIS CARD IMMEDIATELY. Confirm receipt online at U.S. and Territories call toll free 1-888-514-2922. Countries outside the U.S. call collect 706-494-5028. YOUR NEW CARD WILL BE EFFECTIVE AND READY FOR USE ON NOVEMBER 30, 2008 AT 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time. This will allow the APC to track who has received their cards. One of these two options must be done, upon receipt of the new Citi GTCC.

15. When should I expect to receive my Citi GTCC?

Answer: Due to the volume of cards that Citi has to deliver, cards will be sent out in phases, beginning 13 August and ending 19 September 2008. Current cardholders who have not received a new Citi GTCC by 1 October 2008 should immediately contact their APC for assistance in receiving a Citi GTCC.

16. When should I expect to receive the pin number for my Citi GTCC?

Answer: Cardholders will be able to personalize their pin number by call Citi beginning on 1 November 2008. The telephone number will be provided once it is made available.

17. When can I start to use the new Citi GTCC?

Answer: The Citi GTCC will be available for use on official travel starting at 0001 EST on 30 November 2008.

18. What if I am on official travel during the transition period, what do I need to do?

Answer: If you are traveling over 29-30 November 2008, you will need to have both cards with you during this period. All arrangements made prior to 29 November, i.e. airline, lodging and rental car charges that were authorized prior to 2359 EST on the 29th will charge to the BoA GTCC. For all charges made after 0001 EST you will be required to use the Citi GTCC.

19. How will I be able to use split disbursement during this period?

Answer: Prior to the transition date a second module within DTS which will house both GTCCs from BoA and Citi. However, DFAS can only split disburse to one bank at a time. A MARADMIN will be issued in the near future concerning the dates surrounding split disbursements. It will be important to monitor which card was used in order to properly split disburse the payments.

20. What is a credit balance?

Answer: A credit balance occurs when the cardholder has a positive balance on his or her account. The bank owes the cardholder money, vice the cardholder owing the bank money.

21. Will my credit balance with BoA transfer to Citi?

Answer: No balances will transfer to Citi, this is true for both balance due and credit balances.

22. How can I get my credit balance from BoA?

Answer: Cardholders can contact BoA at anytime by dialing the number on the back of their GTCC to request a credit balance refund. This procedure normally takes eight to ten working days. The telephone number is 1-800-472-1424.

23. What happens if I do not contact BoA to collect my credit balance?

Answer: Credit Balances not claimed prior to 29 Nov 2008 will be mailed out to the address listed in EAGLS. If this address is incorrect, the Post Office will not forward a check, the check will be returned to BoA. BoA will then issue a check to the state treasury of the last state in which the cardholder resided. This is why it is very important to keep your POC information updated throughout the transition.

24. I’m an APC, if I have accounts in my hierarchy where the cardholder has separated (discharged or retired) what should I do?

Answer: All accounts that are not needed must be closed. Only open accounts will transfer to Citi. We do not want a new Citi GTCC to be issued on individuals who have separated. The only exception to this is if these individuals will continue to be employed by the government.

25. What is the proper procedure for requesting refunds from airlines for unused tickets?

Answer: The traveler must immediately contact their commercial travel office (CTO) and request assistance in obtaining a refund. All CTO’s have been directed to assist cardholders in receiving an airline ticket refund. If you feel you are not getting support from your CTO then contact your Traffic Management Office (TMO) for assistance.

26. How long does the airline credit refund take?

Answer: The refund process varies, but the key is for the traveler not to delay in contacting the CTO. In most cases refunds are taking around ten working days.

27. If my flight is cancelled or a leg changes while traveling after the airline ticket has been purchased with my GTCC, do I need to adjust the amount of my airline ticket claimed in DTS?

Answer: Yes, the amount claimed within DTS must reflect the amount of the expected refund. For an example: If the total of the trip cost $1,000 and the portion being refunded is $500, then the amount claimed for the airline ticket needs to be adjusted to $500. If this is not adjusted then the traveler will be overpaid and will be required to repay the overdue amount.

28. I’m scheduled to travel and my card has not been activated, what do I do?

Answer: Contact your APC. APCs have always had to activate an individual’s GTCC prior to the commencement of travel. With the implementation of the IBA policy, the APC should activate the card a few days earlier than in the past. CTOs have been instructed to purchase tickets 3-5 working days prior to the commencement of travel, therefore the APCs MUST activate the GTCC 8 working days prior to the commencement of travel. For example, if TAD period commences on 15 April 2008, the GTCC must be activated on 4 April 2008.

29. Can my unit receive an exemption or exception to the policy on mandatory usage of the IBA?

Answer: The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (OUSD-Comptroller) mandated that ALL transportation costs for frequent travelers will be purchased with the individual GTCC. TMO/CTO has been directed NOT to use a centrally billed account (CBA) for any transportation costs for a frequent traveler. There are exceptions for group travel of 10 or more travelers and unit movements. A frequent traveler is anyone who travels three or more times in a year.

30. Can APCs leave GTCCs active all the time?

Answer: Commands not meeting the mandated metrics (less than 1% for accounts delinquent and less than 2% for dollars delinquent). You must DEACTIVATE ALL CARDS when not in an official travel status. Exceptions to this policy must be authorized by HQMC-RFF. Regardless of meeting goals; ALL restricted cardholders and at risk travelers must be deactivated when not in a travel status. For commands meeting the mandated metrics; you may allow selected cardholders to remain activated between periods of travel at the commander’s discretion.

31. Should commands have non-frequent travelers apply for a GTCC to pay for their transportation costs?

Answer: NO! Neither MARADMINs 600/07 or 629/07 directs a Non-Frequent Traveler to obtain a GTCC. The MARADMINs authorize use of the CBA for non-frequent travelers’ transportation costs.