The International Centre
for Diffraction Data


Our Mission and Vision

ICDD HeadquartersThe International Centre for Diffraction Data® (ICDD®) is a non-profit scientific organization dedicated to collecting, editing, publishing, and distributing powder diffraction data for the identification of crystalline materials. The membership of the ICDD consists of worldwide representation from academe, government, and industry.

Our Vision - To encourage the use of the PDF for phase identification of crystalline materials.

Our Mission - To be the world center for quality diffraction data meeting the needs of the technical community.  To promote the application of materials characterization methods in science and technology by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and information and through publication of X-ray diffraction data.

Our Members

Helping to bring together the X-ray Powder Diffraction Community

ICDD MembersOver 300 scientists from around the world comprise the active membership from which the organization draws its Board of Directors, committees, and subcommittees. Our members, who are volunteers, are actively engaged in developments in the field of X-ray powder diffraction and related disciplines.

Membership consists of scientists from various affiliations - educational, governmental, and industrial.

Learn more about ICDD Membership


The Latest from ICDD

Jeffrey Dann receives the 2008 McMurdie Award

Gerald G. Johnson, Jr. receives the 2008 Distinguished Fellow Award

James Cline receives the 2008 ICDD Fellow Award

2008 Election of Officers and Directors

Powder Diffraction - a quarterly journal devoted to the use of the powder method for materials characterization - See the September 2008 Issue and Supplement Issue Table of Contents and - The ICDD is introducing a new Student Subscription Rate for Powder Diffraction. The annual rate is $35.00.

The ICDD is pleased to present access to Volumes 40-48 of The Advances in X-ray Analysis- Proceedings of the Denver X-ray Conference in Adobe Acrobat PDF form.  Browse by title or search by keyword, including author name. Results indicate the title, author, and file size.

See more of the Latest ICDD News



Submit Your Dissertation and Get Published!

Need to get published? Working on a dissertation that contains a powder diffraction pattern? Why not submit your dissertation to the International Centre for Diffraction, publishers of the Powder Diffraction File to get your diffraction patterns published?

If you have single-phase X-ray powder diffraction pattern(s) in your dissertation and submit a copy of your dissertation ( to ICDD, we will review your pattern(s) ASAP. Once all pertinent data is obtained, we will process your entry through our four-tier editorial review system. If accepted by the ICDD Editorial Team, you will receive a PDF number as proof of publication.

So let us help you jump-start your career – contribute your powder patterns to the PDF!