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Jayson Beckman


Jayson Beckman is an agricultural economist with the Production Economics and Technology Branch in the Resource and Rural Economics Division. He is engaged in a variety of research projects related to energy and production economics, specifically with respect to price volatility. He has also conducted research on biofuels and the feed decisions of livestock producers.

Jayson received a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics in 2008 from Purdue University. He received an M.S. (2005) and B.S. (2003) from the University of Arkansas.

Selected Publications:

Beckman, J.F. and T.H. Hertel. (2009). "Why Previous Estimates of the Cost of Climate Mitigation are Likely Too Low." GTAP Working Paper No. 54, Purdue University.

Beckman, J.F. and R. Keeney. (2009). "Feed Demands and Co-product Substitution in the Biofuels Era." Under Review, Agribusiness: an International Journal.

Keeney, R. and Beckman, J.F. (2009). "WTO Negotiations on Agriculture and the Distributional Impacts for U.S. Rice Farm Households." Food Policy, 34(1), 70-80.

Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

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