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  • RNA polyadenylation


The enzymatic addition of a sequence of adenylyl residues at the 3' end of an RNA molecule.

Definition from: Gene Ontology via Unified Medical Language SystemThis link leads to a site outside Genetics Home Reference. at the National Library of Medicine

The addition of a tail of polyadenylic acid (poly A) to the 3' end of mRNA. Polyadenylation involves recognizing the processing site signal, (AAUAAA), and cleaving of the mRNA to create a 3' OH terminal end to which poly A polymerase adds 60-200 adenylate residues. The 3' end processing of some messenger RNAs, such as histone mRNA, is carried out by a different process that does not include the addition of poly A as described here.

Definition from: MeSH via Unified Medical Language SystemThis link leads to a site outside Genetics Home Reference. at the National Library of Medicine

See also Understanding Medical Terminology.

Published: March 4, 2013