Improving Literacy Through School Libraries

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 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Applicant Information


Deadline to submit full application: March 28, 2011

Deadline to request a waiver for electronic submission: March 14, 2011

Current Application

FY 2011

  • LSL FY 2011 Application (January 27, 2011) download icon PDF (535K)

  • Forms can be found at

  • The applicant eligibility form is available on the eligibility page

  • Applications are available at:

  • For printed applications contact: Education Publications Center (ED Pubs),
    P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398,
    Telephone (toll free): 1-877-433-7827, fax (301) 470-1244.
    If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) you may call (toll free) 1-877-576-7734.
    Web site:
  • According to the instructions found in the Federal Register notice, only those requesting and qualifying for an Exception to the electronic submission requirement may submit an application via mail, commercial carrier or by hand delivery. Instructions for submitting paper applications are in the Notice Inviting Applicants.

Federal Register Notices

Applicants for this program competition must use the government-wide website,, to apply. We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with and strongly recommend that you register early and submit early.

Register Early: registration may take five or more days to complete. You must be fully registered to submit an application. Please follow the detailed Step-by-Step instructions on the Get Started page (

Submit Early: Do not wait until the last day to submit your application! To submit successfully, you must enter the DUNS number in the application that your organization used when it registered with the CCR.

You will want to ensure your application is submitted (i.e. has a date/time stamp from before 4:30 pm on the deadline date) AND that the application is processed and validated successfully. processing times may vary, so you need to allow at least 3 days for any unanticipated problems with your submission. If rejects your application, you will need to resubmit before the deadline date and time.

Reviewers Needed for FY 2011 Competition

The Improving Literacy through School Libraries program is seeking reviewers for the FY 2011 discretionary grant competition. If interested, download and follow the instructions listed in the Call for Peer Reviewers Deadline: February 4, 2011.

CALL for PEER REVIEWERS LSL 2011 download files MS WORD (200K)


The Department will conduct a series of two (2) technical assistance webinars, one for novice and one for experienced applicants. In conjunction with our logistics coordinators, Synergy Enterprises Incorporated, prospective applicants will be able to learn about the applicant process as well as the process of submitting their applications through The webinar for novice applicants will be held February 14, 2011 and the webinar for experienced applicants will be held February 22, 2011.

In order to participate in the webinar, send an email to indicating your interest. Please include "Novice Applicant Webinar Registration" in the subject line if you want to attend the session for novice applicants, or include "Experienced Applicant Webinar Registration" in the subject line if you want to attend the session for experienced applicants.

Webinars will be archived and made available on the following on the LSL website at

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Last Modified: 02/07/2011