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The Fisheries Sampling Branch manages the Northeast Fishery Observer Program (NEFOP) and the At-Sea Monitoring Program (ASM) which collects, processes and manages data and biological samples obtained during commercial fishing trips.

These data are collected by trained fishery observers for scientific and fisheries management purposes.

Observed trips are required under many of the region's fishery management plans, and for some fisheries by other federal laws and authorities such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, and the Sustainable Fisheries Act.


Fisheries Observers Make a Difference!

If you are interested in becoming an observer, certain qualifications must be met, and you must go through training.

Observers are hired as federal contractors through one of the approved providers; please contact them directly for employment opportunities.

Also, be sure to check out our FAQ & Photos page.

Learn more about the Northeast Fisheries Observer Program >>

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(File Modified Jan. 22 2013)