United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Technical References

Technical reference concerning the pressurized-water reactor sump performance issue.

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NUREG Series Publications

Document Number Description
NUREG/CR-6988 Final Report - Evaluation of Chemical Effects Phenomena in Post-LOCA Coolant
NUREG/CR-6917 Experimental Measurements of Pressure Drop Across Sump Screen Debris Beds in Support of Generic Safety Issue 191
NUREG/CR-6916 Hydraulic Transport of Coating Debris
NUREG/CR-6914 Integrated Chemical Effects Test Project
NUREG/CR-6915 Aluminum Chemistry in a Prototypical Post-Loss-of-Coolant-Accident, Pressurized-Water-Reactor Containment Environment
NUREG/CR-6913 Chemical Effects Head-Loss Research in Support of Generic Safety Issue 191
NUREG/CR-6912 GSI-191 PWR Sump Screen Blockage Chemical Effects Tests: Thermodynamic Simulations
NUREG/CR-6902 Effects of Insulation Debris on Throttle-Valve Flow Performance, A Subtask of GSI-191
NUREG/CR-6885 Screen Penetration Test Report
NUREG/CR-6877 Characterization and Head-Loss Testing of Latent Debris from Pressurized-Water-Reactor Containment Buildings
NUREG/CR-6874 GSI-191: Experimental Studies of Loss-of-Coolant-Accident-Generated Debris Accumulation and Head Loss with Emphasis on the Effects of Calcium Silicate Insulation
NUREG/CR-6873 Corrosion Rate Measurements and Chemical Speciation of Corrosion Products Using Thermodynamic Modeling of Debris Components
NUREG/CR-6868 Small-Scale Experiments: Effects of Chemical Reactions on Debris-Bed Head Loss
NUREG/CR-6808 Knowledge Base for the Effect of Debris on Pressurized Water Reactor Emergency Core Cooling Sump Performance, USNRC, February 2003
NUREG/CR-6773 Integrated Debris-Transport Tests in Water Using Simulated Containment Floor Geometries
NUREG/CR-6772 Separate-Effects Characterization of Debris Transport in Water
NUREG/CR-6771 GSI-191: The Impact of Debris Induced Loss of ECCS Recirculation on PWR Core Damage Frequency
Technical Assessment: Parametric Evaluations for Pressurized Water Reactor Recirculation Sump Performance (Report LA-UR-01-4083, Rev. 1 by LANL), Volumes 1-4, USNRC, August 2002
Instructions for obtaining
Correlation Software
Instructions for obtaining "NUREG/CR-6224 Correlation and Deaeration Software Package" from the NRC Public Document Room. The software package has been developed for NRC staff to perform confirmatory analysis in computing head loss and air bubble generation across debris-covered PWR sump screens. If licensees desire to use it for design purposes, the software package needs to be independently qualified and verified in accordance with NRC quality assurance requirements.
NUREG/CR-6224 Parametric Study of the Potential for BWR ECCS Strainer Blockage Due to LOCA Generated Debris
NUREG-1918 Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table Evaluation of Chemical Effects Associated with Generic Safety Issue 191
NUREG-1862 Development of a Pressure Drop Calculation Method for Debris-Covered Sump Screens in Support of Generic Safety Issue 191
NUREG-1861 Peer Review of GSI-191 Chemical Effects Research Program
Revision 2
The United State of America 4th National Report for the Convention on Nuclear Safety

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Test Reports

Date Description

Technical Letter Report on Evaluation of WCAP Aluminum Hydroxide Surrogate Stability at Elevated pH


ANL Report on "Aluminum Solubility in Boron Containing Solutions as a Function of pH and Temperature"


Technical Letter Report on Evaluation of Head Loss by Products of Aluminum Alloy Corrosion


Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization  2007 PWR Sump Screen Chemical Effect Test


Technical Letter Report on WCAP-16530-NP, Evaluation of Post- Accident Chemical Effects in Containment Sump Fluids to Support GSI-191


Technical Letter Report on Evaluation of Long-Term Aluminum Solubility in Borated Water Following a LOCA


WCAP-16530-NP, Evaluation of Post Accident Chemical Effects in Containment Sump Fluids to Support GSI-191

02/15/07 Technical Letter Report on Follow-on Studies in Chemical Effects Head-Loss research: Studies on WCAP Surrogates and Sodium Tetraborate Solutions, Argonne National Laboratory

Letter Report on Supplemental Leaching Tests of Insulation and Concrete for GSI-191 Chemical Effects Program, Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analysis


Technical Letter report Survey on Leaching of Coatings Used in Nuclear Power Plants, Argonne National Laboratory

01/20/06 Additional Results of Chemical Effects Tests in a Simulated PWR Sump Pool Environment
09/16/05 Chemical Effects/Head Loss Testing Quick Look Report, Test 1 and 2
07/15/05 Integrated Chemical Effects Testing Results and Implications to Date
05/19/05 Archival Materials from the Integrated Chemical Effects Testing (ICET) Program
04/11/05 Technical Report on Characterization and Head-Loss Testing of Latent Debris from PWR Containment Buildings
04/11/05 Screen Penetration Test Report
03/30/05 Test Plan: Characterization of Chemical and Corrosion Effects Potentially Occurring Inside a PWR Containment Following a LOCA

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Trip Reports

Date Description
12/16/11 Trip report for November 14–15, 2011, pre-licensing meeting between NRC and South Texas Project regarding its risk-informed approach to resolve Generic Safety Issue 191
08/19/10 Staff Observations of Testing for GSI–191 During a July 12 to July 15, 2010, Trip to the Alden Test Facility for Performance Contracting, Inc., Strainers
12/01/09 Staff Observations of Generic Safety Issue -191 Related Fuel Blockage Testing of Upper Plenum Injection Reactor Designs at Westinghouse Technology Center.
09/24/09 Staff Observations of Testing for Generic Safety Issue 191 During July 22 to July 24, 2009 Trip to the Alion Hydraulics Laboratory
04/07/09 Staff Observations of Generic Safety Issue (GSI)-191-Related Fuel Blockage Testing of Upper Plenum Injection Reactor Designs at Westinghouse Technology Center.
04/06/09 Staff Observation of Generic Safety Issue (GSI)-191- Related AREVA Fuel Blockage at Continuum Dynamics INC.

Staff Observations of In-Vessel Test at Westinghouse


Staff Observations of Testing For Generic Safety Issue 191 During a July 29 to July 31, 2008 Trip to The Alden Test Facility For PCI Strainer Tests

05/13/08 April 2008 Meeting with Japanese Nuclear Energy Safety Organization Regarding Emergency Sump/strainer Performance

Staff Observations of Fort Calhoun Station Strainer Testing for Generic Safety Issue 191 during February 18-19, 2008, Trip to Continuum Dynamics, Incorporated


Staff Observations from January 2008 Trip to the PCI/Alden Test Facility to Observe Head Loss Testing for Wolf Creek and Callaway Plants


Trip Report for In-Vessel Tests at Continuum Dynamics Incorporated


Staff Observations of Testing for Generic Safety Issue 191 During February 12 and February 13 Trip to the Alden Test Facility for PCI Strainer Tests

11/08/07 Staff Observations Of Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2, Strainer Testing For Generic Safety Issue 191 During August 13–14, 2007, Trip To Fauske And Associates
03/08/07 Staff Observations of Testing for Generic Safety Issue 191, Trip to the ALION Hydraulics Laboratory
03/08/07 Trip Report Regarding Staff Observations from Trip to Fauske & Associates
12/14/06 Staff Observations of Diablo Canyon Power Plant Strainer Testing for Generic Safety Issue 191 During December 14-15, 2006, Trip to Continuum Dynamics, INC.
09/17/06 Trip Report Regarding Staff Observations of Sump Strainer Testing Performed by Control Components, Incorporated (CCI)
08/17/06 Trip Report Regarding Staff Observations of Testing for Generic Safety Issue 191 at Alion Hydraulics Laboratory
06/26/06 Foreign travel trip report regarding NRC staff observation of sump strainer head loss testing performed by Atomic Energy of Canada
05/12/06 Trip Report Regarding Staff Observations of Strainer Installation During May 12, 2006, Trip to Indian Point 2
04/28/06 Trip Report Regarding Staff Observations of Flume Testing at ALION Hydraulics Laboratory
04/27/06 Trip Report Regarding Staff Observations of Testing for Generic Safety Issue 191 to Fauske & Associates
03/08/06 Trip Report Regarding Staff Observations of Flume Testing of a Prototype Portion of the Proposed Replacement Suction Screen Design for the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station
02/24/06 Trip Report on Staff Observations of Alion Hydraulics Laboratory Plant-Specific Testing
01/18/06 Trip Report Regarding Staff Observations of Scaled Flume Testing of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Proposed Replacement Suction Strainer Design
08/29/05 Trip to Continuum Dynamics Inc., to Observe Testing of Fort Calhoun Station Strainers
07/28/05 Trip Report Regarding Staff Observations of Testing Performed on Diablo Canyon Plant-Specific Sump Strainer Design
03/17/05 Trip to Alden Research Laboratory Inc., to Observe Test Facilities and Testing of Performance Contracting, Inc.(PCI) Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) Suction Strainer
01/05/05 Trip Report Regarding Staff Observations of Testing for GE Nuclear Energy Active Suction Strainer

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Audit Reports

Date Description

Palisades Plant - Report on Results of Staff Audit of Chemical Effects Related Actions to Address Generic Letter 2004-02


North Anna Nuclear Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 - Report on Results of the NRC Staff's Audit of Chemical Effects - Related Actions to Address Generic Letter 2004-02.

12/03/07 Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 - Staff Audit of Corrective Actions to Address Generic Letter 2004-02
10/01/07 Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Audit Report Analyses Required for the Response to Generic Letter 2004-02
07/16/07 North Anna Power Station; Audit Report Analyses Required for the Response to Generic Letter 2004-02 and GSI-191 Resolution
06/26/07 Waterford Unit 3; Audit Report Analyses Required for the Response to Generic Letter 2004-02 and GSI-191 Resolution
05/29/07 Oconee Nuclear Station; Audit Report Analyses Required for the Response to Generic Letter 2004-02 and GSI-191 Resolution
05/16/07 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 and 3; Audit Report Analyses Required for the Response to Generic Letter 2004-02
05/02/07 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating, Audit Report Analyses Required for the Response to Generic Letter 2004-02
04/24/07 Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 2; Audit Report Analyses Required for the Response to Generic Letter 2004-02
02/07/07 Watts Bar Unit 1; Audit Report Analyses Required for the Response to Generic Letter 2004-02 and GSI-191 Resolution
01/26/06 Fort Calhoun; Pilot Plant Audit Report Analyses Required for the Response to Generic Letter 2004-02 and GSI-191 Resolution
06/29/05 Crystal River Unit 3; Pilot Plant Audit Report Analyses Required for the Response to Generic Letter 2004-02 and GSI-191 Resolution

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GSI-191 Phone Call Interactions

Date Description
03/10/09 Summary of Telecom on February 20, 2009, between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Westinghouse
01/15/09 Summary of Telecom on December 16, 2008, between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Westinghouse and the Nuclear Energy Institute on Licensees Crediting Reduced Zones of Influence Based on Westinghouse Test Reports
4/10/08 Summary of Teleconference with Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation, Ameren Union Electric Company for Callaway Plant, and Performance Contracting, Inc. re: Containment Sump Head Loss Testing.
03/31/08 Phone Call Summary with Alion on October 31, 2007, and November 29, 2007, to discuss sump strainer head loss test specification.

Phone Call Summary with Alion on October 31, 2007, and November 29, 2007, to discuss sump strainer head loss test specification.


Summary of Phone Call with Licensees Concerning Sump Strainer Head Loss Testing.

02/20/08 Summary of Phone Calls with Performance Contracting, Inc. (PCI)/AREVA/Alden to Discuss Head Loss Test Protocol, Held May to Sept. 2007.
02/01/08 Phone Call with PCI - Alion Regarding Sump Strainer Head Loss Testing.
10/30/07 Summary of Phone Call with Alion to Discuss Sump Strainer Head Loss Test Specification.

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NRC/PWROG Correspondence in Regard to Topical Report Issues

NRC Correspondence PWROG Correspondence Description

Enclosure I
Enclosure II

03/05/10 Request for Additional Information Regarding Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group Bases for Licensee Debris Generation Assumptions for GSI-191, (PA-SEE-0639 Revision 1).
01/08/10 02/09/10 Request for Additional Information Regarding PWROG Topical Report WCAP-16793-NP.
01/08/10 02/09/10 Response to NRC Request for Additional Information on WCAP-17057-P, Rev 0, "GSI-191 Fuel Assembly Test Report for PWROG".
01/08/10 02/09/10 PWROG Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding PWROG Topical Report 51-9102685-000, Revision 0, "GSI-191 FA Test Report for PWROG," (PA-SEE-0479).

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Date Description

NRC Conclusions Regarding Erosion Testing of Submerged Nukon Low-Density Fiberglass Insulation in Support of Generic Safety Issue 191 Strainer Performance Analyses.


NRC Conclusions Regarding Pressurized Water Regarding Licensee Debris Generation Assumptions for GSI-191

01/21/10 Basis for Excluding Chemical-Effects Phenomenon from WCAP-16406-P Ex-Vessel Downstream Evaluations.

Revised Guidance for Licensee Responses to Generic Letter 2004-02


GSI-191 Chemical Effects – Argonne National Laboratory Technical Letter Report

09/27/07 Letter forwarding Draft Guidance for Review of Licensee responses to GL 2004-02 to NEI
05/16/07 Temporary Instruction 2515/166 Revision 1 "Pressurized Water Reactor Containment Sump Blockage"
01/04/07 Alternative Approach for Responding to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Request for Additional Information Letters Regarding Generic Letter 2004-02
12/05/06 Audit Plan for Verifying the Adequacy of Licensee Responses to Generic Letter 2004-02
11/16/06 Briefing on Resolution of GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on PWR Sump Performance
03/24/06 WCAP-16530-NP, Evaluation of Post Accident Chemical Effects in Containment Sump Fluids to Support GSI-191
10/13/05 Draft NRC Staff Review Guidance for Evaluation of Downstream Effects of Debris Ingress into the PWR RCS on Long Term Core Cooling following a Loca
08/25/05 Trip Report Regarding Staff Obsevations of Testing Performed on Diablo Canyon Plat-Specific Sump Strainer Design
06/30/05 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Responses to Industry Questions on Generic Letter 2004-02 (Questions and Answers)
03/17/05 Trip to Alden Research Laboratory Inc., to Observe Test Facilities and Testing of Performance Contracting, Inc. (PCI) Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR) Suction Strainer
04/04 Shaffer, C.J., et. al., "GSI-191: Experimental Studies of Loss-of-Coolant-Accident-Generated Debris Accumulation and Head Loss with Emphasis on the Effects of Calcium Silicate Insulation".
04/04 "PWR Containment Sump Evaluation Methodology - Baseline
Evaluation," by Nuclear Energy Institute
11/03 Johns, R.C., et. al., "Small Scale Experiments: Effects of Chemical Reactions on Debris-Bed Head Loss,"
02/03 "The Impact of Recovery From Debris-Induced Loss of ECCS Recirculation on PWR Core Damage Frequency," Technical Letter Report LA-UR-02-7562 (by LANL)
01/02 "GSI-191: Thermal Hydraulic Response of PWR Reactor Coolant System and Containments to Selected Accident Sequences," Technical Letter Report LA-UR-01-5561 (by LANL, rev. 1).
12/01 "GSI-191: Separate-Effects Characterization of Debris Transport in Water," Technical Letter Report LA-UR-01-6882 (by LANL)
11/01 "Development of Debris Generation Quantities in Support of the Parametric Evaluation," Technical Letter Report LA-UR-01-6640 by LANL)
10/01 "GSI-191: Development of Debris Transport Fractions in Support of the Parametric Evaluation," Technical Letter Report LA-UR-01-5965 (by LANL)
09/28/01 RES Proposed Recommendation for Resolution of GSI-191-“Assessment of Debris Accumulation on PWR Sump Performance Attachments to this Memorandum under ML012750414:
  1. Technical Assessment Summary for GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on PWR Sump Performance.
  2. Rao, D., et. al., GSI-191: Parametric Evaluations for Pressurized Water Reactor Recirculation Sump Performance, LA-UR-01-4083, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, August 2001.
  3. Buslik, A., Risk Considerations and Benefits Associated with GSI-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on PWR Sump Performance,. U.S. NRC, August 8, 2001.
  4. Feld, S., Cost Analysis for GSI-191, .Assessment of Debris Accumulation on PWR Sump Performance,. U.S. NRC, August 14, 2001.
  5. Marion, A. (NEI), Letter to Mayfield, M. (NRC), Comments on NRC Contractor Draft Report, LA-UR-XXX, GSI-191: Parametric Evaluations for Pressurized Water Reactor Recirculation Sump Performance, August 31, 2001.
  6. RES responses to NEI comments.
  7. Apostolakis, G. (ACRS), Memo to Travers, W. (EDO), Generic Safety Issue-191 Assessment of Debris Accumulation on PWR Sump Pump Performance, September 14, 2001.
08/01 "GSI-191: Summary and Analysis of US Pressurized Water Reactor Industry Survey Responses and Responses to GL 97-04," Technical Letter Report LA-UR-01-1800 (by LANL)
04/18/01 "Jet Impact Test - Preliminary Results and Their Application," OPGN Engineering Report, File N-REP-34320-10000.
12/14/99 "Pressurized Water Reactor Debris Transport in Dry Ambient Containments - Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables," LA-UR-99-3371
12/14/99 "Pressurized Water Reactor Debris Transport in Dry Ambient Containments - Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables," LA-UR-99-5111
08/28/98 Safety Evaluation by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Related to NRC Bulletin 96-03, Boiling Water Reactor Owners Group Topical Report NEDO-32686-A, "Utility Resolution Guidance for ECCS Suction Strainer Blockage".

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012