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Abuse of Governmental Power Conversations

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Under the terms of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974, the National Archives and Records Administration is required "to provide the public with the full truth, at the earliest reasonable date, of the abuses of governmental powers popularly identified under the generic term "Watergate".

In an effort to comply with this mandate, the then-Nixon Presidential Materials Staff released the Abuse of Governmental Power (AOGP) tapes in October 1996.

Available AOGP Conversations

AOGP Finding Aids

There are no transcripts for these conversations.

Researchers can

  1. View the Tape Subject Logs

  2. Use the AOGP Conversation List

About the Tapes

  • The AOGP segments are defined by 10 statutory categories.

  • There are approximately 204 hours of excerpted conversations from the Nixon White House Taped Conversation relating to "Abuses of Governmental Power".

  • The individual segments range from a few seconds to over an hour in length.

  • There were 3 tape releases.

  • This group of tapes does not include those tapes and conversations acquired by the Watergate Special Prosecution Force for use in its investigations.

Listen Online to the Tapes
White House Tape Collections
Tape Release Schedule

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