Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Response to the National Rifle Association Press Conference

Dec 21, 2012

December 21, 2012
Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Response to the National Rifle Association Press Conference

Excerpt: Gun violence is not a game, yet the NRA’s proposal treats this issue with a disgraceful lack of sincerity.

WASHINGTON, D.C--Today, Congressman Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY) a senior member of the House Financial Services and Foreign Affairs Committee’s released the following response to the National Rifle Association press conference addressing the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School:

 “The suggestion made today by the National Rifle Association to place armed guards at every school in America would be laughable, if it were not so dangerous.  Gun violence is not a game, yet the NRA’s proposal treats this issue with a disgraceful lack of sincerity.  It is the definition of idiocy to suggest that the answer to gun violence in schools is to have more guns in schools.  The solution is clear: we need to restore the ban on assault weapons, while prohibiting access to high-capacity ammunition magazines.  We have had too many reminders that lives are at stake; we do not need anymore.  The time has come for the NRA to leave the games behind and embrace serious proposals.”[End]