Frequently Asked Questions

How much carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced per kilowatt-hour when generating electricity with fossil fuels?

You can calculate the amount of CO2 produced per kWh for specific fuels and specific types of generators by multiplying the CO2 emissions factor for the fuel (in pounds of CO2 per million Btu) by the heat rate of a generator (in millions of Btu per kWh generated).

For example, here are the number of pounds of CO2 produced by a steam-electric generator for different fuels using that formula and the average heat rates for steam-electric generators in 2010:

Fuel Lbs of CO2/Million Btu Heat Rate (10^6 Btu/kWh) Lbs CO2/kWh
  Bituminous 205.573 0.010142 2.02
  Sub-bituminous 212.700 0.010142 2.10
  Lignite 215.400 0.010142 2.12
Natural gas 117.080 0.010416 1.12
Distillate Oil (No. 2) 161.386 0.010249 1.57
Residual Oil (No. 6) 173.906 0.010249 1.70

Last updated: February 22, 2012

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