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Awards to RSA Grantees

CFDA Number Program Number of Awards FY-2013 Total Awarded FY-2012 Total Awarded FY-2013
84.126A Basic Vocational Rehabilitation Services 80 $2,975,913,450 $1,503,976,088
84.132A Centers for Independent Living (CIL) 0 $77,707,501
84.161A Client Assistance Program (CAP) 57 $12,239,823 $12,151,735
84.169A Independent Living State Grants Program 77 $23,125,180 $23,125,180
84.177 Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind 56 $33,672,497 $33,678,397
84.187 Supported Employment Services for Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities (SE) 80 $28,777,277 $28,777,277
84.224A State Grants for Assistive Technology (SGAT) 56 $25,560,599 $25,560,599
84.240 Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) 57 $17,706,302 $17,706,302
84.264 Technical Assistance and Continuing Education 0 $6,131,586
84.265 Rehabilitation Training - State VR In Service Training 0 $5,327,213
84.343 Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology (PAAT) 57 $4,282,890 $4,282,890


Grants & Funding

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), through its many programs and projects, provides an array of discretionary grants and other funding opportunities to serve individuals with disabilities and their families. Please find out more about those opportunities below.

Click on Discretionary Grant Applications to learn more about discretionary grant funding opportunities available from RSA.

RSA awards grants to colleges and universities for providing scholarship assistance to students.

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) supports formula grants to states for vocational rehabilitation services and a variety of smaller demonstration, training and service programs. The purpose of these programs is to develop and implement comprehensive and coordinated programs of vocational rehabilitation and independent living for individuals with disabilities. Current and past program budgets, as well as state-by-state distributions for formula grant awards for all Department of Education programs are available.

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