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What is the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program?Learn More
The Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) provides reimbursement to participating employment-based plans for a portion of the costs of health benefits for early retirees and early retirees' spouses, surviving spouses, and dependents. The program was authorized in the Affordable Care Act.

News and Announcements Link to RSS Page

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ERRP Focus

November 16, 2012

Guidelines for Submitting Sensitive Information to the ERRP Center

Information regarding submission of protected health information (PHI) and/or personally identifiable information (PII)

June 22, 2012

Keep Banking Information Current with ERRP

Reminder to keep banking information up-to-date.

December 23, 2011

Reporting Bundled Claims: Bundled Claim Date Range

Reminder about reporting the bundled claim date range on the Claim List.

November 11, 2011

Claim List Total Number of Unique Retirees

Reminder about which individuals should be included the Claim List Total Number of Unique Retirees.

November 11, 2011

Early Retiree List vs. Claim List Data

What fields in the Claim List must match fields within the Early Retiree List (ERL) to ensure claim data can be substantiated?

November 11, 2011

Reporting Claim Adjustments

Review ERRP Center requirements for reporting adjusted claims.

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Training Presentations and Videos

November 2, 2011

ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List:

Lesson 1: Review Claim List Response File (SWF 17 MB)

Lesson 2: Common Claim List Errors
(SWF 13 MB)

Lesson 3: Report Bundled Claims (SWF 9 MB)

Lesson 4: Information Located on ERRP Public Website (SWF 5 MB)

July 18, 2011

ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List:
Dos and Don'ts

Training Module (SWF 34 MB)

Webinar PowerPoint (PDF 449 KB)

April 1, 2011

ERRP Reimbursement Training: Claim List

Lesson 1: Claim List Requirement (SWF 9 MB)

Lesson 2: Identifying and Submitting Claims
(SWF 5 MB)

Lesson 3: Claim List Layouts(SWF 6 MB)

Lesson 4: Claim List Processing (SWF 6 MB)

November 16, 2010

ERRP Early Retiree List Training

Lesson 1: Describing ERRP Process Overview (SWF 7 MB)

Lesson 2: Identifying Early Retirees (SWF 6 MB)

Lesson 3: Identifying Eligible Claims (SWF 4 MB)

Lesson 4: Examining Data Aggregator (SWF 2 MB)

Lesson 5: Formatting Early Retiree List (SWF 6 MB)

Lesson 6: Submitting Early Retiree List (SWF 5 MB)

Lesson 7: Reviewing the Early Retiree List Response File (SWF 8 MB)

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Recent Changes Link to RSS Page

Recent changes to

December 3, 2012

New Common Questions Announcement Posted

New Common Questions about reporting and correcting data inaccuracies, use of reimbursement, and sending the ERRP form notice to plan participants.

November 30, 2012

Common Questions Updated

Use of Reimbursement: 800-14 through 800-17 added

Miscellaneous: 500-17 through 500-19 added

November 16, 2012

ERRP Focus Updated

Guidelines for Submitting Sensitive Information to the ERRP Center

June 22, 2012

ERRP Center Hours of Operation Announcement Posted

New ERRP Center hours of operation effective June 28, 2012

April 26, 2012

Secure Website Availability Announcement Posted

Important information regarding ERRP Secure Website availability

March 30, 2012

ERRP Deadline Extension Announcement Posted

Important announcement regarding the deadline for Plan Sponsors to submit an error-free Claim List that passes the automated edits implemented in October 2011, and an associated reimbursement request to substantiate ERRP reimbursement(s) received

March 16, 2012

Use of ERRP Funds Announcement

Important notice announcing deadline for using ERRP funds

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