Udaya Kalluri

Biosciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Telephone : (865)576-9495
Email : u6k@ornl.gov

Udaya C. Kalluri

Staff Scientist

  • Ph.D., Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, Michigan Technological University, 2003
  • M.S., Plant Sciences, University of Hyderabad, India, 1999
  • B.S., Microbiology, Botany, Chemistry, Osmania University, India, 1997

Research Interests:

  • Characterization and modeling of biological phenomenon across single cell to whole plant levels using nanotechnology, neutron sciences and computational sciences.
  • Plant imaging, analysis and modeling
  • Plant cell wall biosynthesis and remodeling
  • Genome-enabled study of carbon biosequestration genes
  • Molecular mechanism of auxin action and response

Recent Publications:

      • Poornima Sukumar P, Legue V, Vayssieres A, Martin F, Tuskan G, Kalluri U. “Involvement of Auxin Pathways in Modulating Root Architecture During Beneficial Plant-Microorganism Interactions”. Plant, Cell and Environment 2012 (impact factor: 5.2). Accepted.
      • Abraham P, Giannone R, Adams R, Kalluri U, Tuskan G, Hettich R. “Putting the Pieces Together: High-performance LC-MS/MS Provides Network-, Pathway-, and Protein-level Perspectives in Populus”. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics (impact factor: 7.4). 2012. Oct 16. [Epub ahead of print]
      • Jung S, Foston M, Kalluri U, Tuskan G and Ragauskas A. “3D Chemical Image using TOF-SIMS Revealing the Biopolymer Component Spatial and Lateral Distributions in Biomass”. Angewandte Chemie 2012 (impact factor: 13.5). 2012 Oct 25. doi: 10.1002/anie.201205243. [Epub ahead of print]
      • Guo J, Morrell-Falvey J, Labbé J, Muchero W, Kalluri U, Tuskan G, Chen J-G. “Highly Efficient Isolation of Populus Mesophyll Protoplasts and Its Application in Transient Expression Assays”. PLoS ONE 2012 e44908. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044908 (impact factor: 4.4).
      • Abraham P, Adams R, Giannone R, Kalluri U, Ranjan P, Erickson B, Shah M, Tuskan G, Hettich R. Defining the boundaries and characterizing the landscape of functional genome expression in vascular tissues of Populus using shotgun proteomics. J Proteome Res. 2012 Jan 1;11(1):449–60. Epub 2011 Nov 9.
      • Foston M, Hubbell C, Samuel R, Jung S, Fan H, Ding S-Y, Zeng Y, Jawdy S, Davis M, Sykes R, Gjersing E, Tuskan G, Kalluri U and Ragauskas A. Chemical, ultrastructural and supramolecular analysis of tension wood in Populus tremula x alba as a model substrate for reduced recalcitrance. Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 4962–4971 (Impact factor: 9.488)
      • Pu Y, Kosa M, Kalluri UC, Tuskan GA, Ragauskas AJ. Challenges of the utilization of wood polymers: how can they be overcome? Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2011 Sep;91(6):1525–36. Epub 2011 Jul 28.
      • Yang X, Ye CY, Bisaria A, Tuskan GA, Kalluri UC. .Identification of candidate genes in Arabidopsis and Populus cell wall biosynthesis using text-mining, co-expression network analysis and comparative genomics. Plant Sci. 2011 Dec;181(6):675–87. Epub 2011 Feb 17. (Impact: ~5.6)
      • Yang X, Tschaplinski T, Hurst G, Jawdy S, Abraham P, Lankford P, Adams R, Shah M, Hettich R, Lindquist E, Kalluri U, Gunter L, Pennacchio C & Tuskan G, “Discovery of small proteins using genomics, proteomics and computational approaches”. (2011) Genome Research. Mar 2. [Epub ahead of print]
      • Vincent C. Paquit, Shaun S. Gleason and Udaya C. Kalluri, “Monitoring plant growth using high resolution micro-CT images”, Proceedings of Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications IV (SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium), #7877-33, January 2011.
      • Gleason S. G., Paquit V.C., Bilheux H. Z., Willis K. J., Deleon A. M., McNutt W. M. and Kalluri U. C. “X-ray and Neutron Imaging for Plant Systems Biology Investigations”, IEEE Proceedings 2011. Accepted.
      • Jansson C, Wullschleger S, Kalluri U.C., and Tuskan G, “Phytosequestration: Carbon Biosequestration by Plants and the Prospects of Genetic Engineering” (2010) BioScience. 60(9):685-696.
      • Kalluri U.C and Keller M, “Bioenergy Research: A new paradigm in multidisciplinary research” (2010) Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 7(51):1391-1401.
      • The International Brachypodium Initiative. “Genome Sequencing and Analysis of the Model Grass Brachypodium distachyon”. Nature. 2010; 463(7282):763-768.
      • Tetard L., Passian A., Farahi R. H., Kalluri U. C., Davison B. H., Thundat T. Spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy of biomass. 2010. Ultramicroscopy. 2010; 110(6):701-7
      • Kalluri U.C., Hurst G, Lankford P, Ranjan P and Pelletier D, “Shotgun profiling of Populus developing xylem proteome”, Proteomics Journal. 9 (21): 4781 - 4880 (2009).
      • Yang X, Kalluri U. C., DiFazio S. P., Wullschleger S. D., Tschaplinski T. J., Cheng Z-M, and Tuskan G. A., “Populus genomics: State of the science” Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 2009. 28(5): 285 - 308 (2009).
      • Kalluri U.C., Melechko A and McKnight T, Invention 2211, DOE S-115,242, “Platform for Immobilization and Observation of Subcellular Processes”, elected to PFTT portfolio of UT-Batelle, LLC. 2009. [Invention Disclosure].
      • Ranjan P, Yin T, Zhang X, Kalluri U C, Yang X, Jawdy S, Tuskan G A “Bioinformatics-based identification of candidate genes from QTLs associated with cell wall traits in Populus”, BioEnergy Research 2009. Accepted
      • Kalluri U.C., Basu M.M., Jawdy S.S., and Tuskan G.A. “Auxin Signaling and Response Mechanisms and Roles in Plant Growth and Development”. In Joshi, C.P., and S.P. DiFazio (eds). Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Crop Plants: Poplar. Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire. 2009. In press
      • Yang, X., Kalluri, U. C., Jawdy, S., Gunter, L. E., Yin, T., Tschaplinski, T. J., Weston, D. J., Ranjan, P., and Tuskan, G. A., “The F-box gene family is expanded in herbaceous annual plants relative to woody perennial plants”, Plant Physiology.148 (3), 1189 (2008).
      • Kalluri, U. C., DiFazio, S. P., Brunner, A. M., and Tuskan, G. A., “Genome-wide analysis of Aux/IAA and ARF gene families in Populus trichocarpa”, BMC Plant Biology. 7 (2007).
      • Filichkin, S. A., Difazio, S. P., Brunner, A. M., Davis, J. M., Yang, Z. K., Kalluri, U. C., Arias, R. S., Etherington, E., Tuskan, G. A., and Strauss, S. H., “Efficiency of gene silencing in Arabidopsis: direct inverted repeats vs. transitive RNAi vectors“, Plant Biotechnology Journal. 5 (5), 615 (2007).
      • Tuskan, G. A., DiFazio, S., Jansson, S., ., Kalluri, U., … (~ co-authors) and Rokhsar, D. “The genome of black cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa (Torr. & Gray)”, Science. 313 (5793), 1596 (2006).
      • Kalluri, U. C., and Joshi, C. P., “Differential expression patterns of two cellulose synthase genes are associated with primary and secondary cell wall development in aspen trees”, Planta.220 (1), 47 (2004).
      • Joshi, C. P., Bhandari, S., Ranjan, P., Kalluri, U. C., Liang, X., Fujino, T., and Samuga, A., “Genomics of cellulose biosynthesis in poplars”, New Phytologist. 164 (1), 53 (2004).
      • Kalluri, U. C., and Joshi, C. P., “Isolation and characterization of a new, full-length cellulose synthase cDNA, PtrCesA5 from developing xylem of aspen trees”, Journal of Experimental Botany. 54 (390), 2187 (2003).

      Intellectual Property:

      • Invention 2211, DOE S–115,242, "Platform for Immobilization and Observation of Subcellular Processes”. Filed for U.S. patent, 2012.
      • Ten Invention Disclosures (ID #s 201102698–201102707, DOE S–124,257- S–124,266), “Genes 1- 10 impacting cell wall biosynthesis and biomass recalcitrance in Populus”, 2011.

      Awards and Activities

      • Significant Event Award, ORNL, 2010
      • Organizer, ORNL BESD-NScD cross-Directorate Science Networking Event, July 2010.
      • Plant Biology session participant, DOE ‎Knowledgebase Systems Development Workshop, June 2010.
      • ORNL Director's R&D best poster award, Dec 2009.
      • Session Chair, ‘Cell wall Architecture and Display’, Gordon Research Conference on Cellulosomes, Cellulases and Other Carbohydrate Modifying Enzymes, July 2009.
      • Mentor, Tennessee Governors Academy, 2009
      • YWCA Tribute to Women Honoree in Science and Technology Category, Aug 2008.
      • Session Chair, ‘Wood Nanobiotechnology’, International Conference on Nanotechnology for Forest Product Industry, June 2008.
      • Co-organizer, Workshop on ‘Identification, Curation and Analysis of candidate genes for the Transformation Pipeline’, DOE BioEnergy Science Center Annual Retreat, TN, Feb 2008.
      • ORNL Director's Award for Outstanding Team Accomplishment, 2007.
      • UT-Battelle Award for Best Scientific Research Team, 2007.
      • ORNL Significant Event Award, 2007.
      • Seminar Committee member, Biological and Environmental Sciences Directorate, ORNL, 2007-present.
      • Annotator, International Brachypodium genome project, 2009 and International Poplar Genome Consortium, 2005.
      • Finishing Fellowship, 2003 and Graduate Research Scholarship, Michigan Technological University (MTU) 1999-2002.
      • Member, ASPB and IUFRO.

      Research Proposals

      • DOE- Scientific Focus Area proposal on “Plant-Microbial Interfaces”, 10/09-10/12, ~$7.0 million (Co-PI). Pending.
      • Oak Ridge National Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program, “Enabling plant systems biology investigations for carbon cycling and biosequestration research”, 10/09-10/11, $740,000 (PI).
      • DOE-GTL Bioenergy Center “BioEnergy Science Center”, 10/08-10/12, $135 million (Co-PI on efforts totaling ~ $2.8 million per year).
      • DOE Terrestrial Ecosystems Program, “Genome- Enabled Discovery of Carbon Allocation Genes in Populus”, 10/06-9/09, $4,080,000 (Co-PI).
      • Oak Ridge National Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program, “Unraveling the regulatory and biosynthetic genes that control cellulose production in the model bioenergy crop, Populus”. 10/06-10/08, $610,000 (PI).
      • DOE/BER, “Functional Genomics Approach to Altering Crown Architecture in Populus”, 10/08-10/10, $1,040,000 (Co-PI).

