New Search Function Makes Finding NASA eClips™ Videos Easier
Posted on Oct 18, 2010 05:15:01 PM | Matthew Antoun | 0 Comments    |

Written by Frank Pietrucha

NASA eClips Logo

Your NASA eClips™ team is making it easier for you to sort through our rapidly growing collection of videos. Since NASA releases new segments through out the school year, our offerings have grown to a formidable size – now up to about 230. To help educators navigate their way through the entire series, the NASA eClips™ team has launched a new search function making easier for you to find the perfect segment to shape or supplement your lesson plans.

It's all very easy. Go to the NASA eClips™ site and click on "search." You can type in the specific topic you want to explore with your students then check off the appropriate grade level. For example, if your lesson plan is about Mars, type "Mars" into the search box. Then indicate the targeted age range you are teaching. NASA eClips™ offers segments for grades K-5, 6-8, 7-12 and our NASA 360 series for the general public. Within seconds, you will discover any number of videos suitable for classroom use.

Have you tried our new search feature yet? If so, the NASA eClips™ team would like to hear from you.

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