The Brian L. Ohleyer Internship Program

I began the Brian L. Ohleyer Internship Program in the spring of 1996, in memory of a young man killed in a tragic automobile accident. To keep Brian's spirit alive, I have dedicated my internship program to his memory, because he was a model of what a young person should be, full of life and expectation.

Brian was a light in every life that he touched, in every community he was a part of, in every school that he went to and in every job he had. And he brought light to my life. He was my friend. He embodied all the qualities I hope are instilled in every Brian Ohleyer intern.

Barbara Boxer, US Senator, California

The application consists of five parts:

  • Intern Application Form / Questionnaire
  • Cover Letter
  • Resume
  • Writing Sample
  • Two letters of recommendation (submitted directly by recommenders)

For more detailed information, and to submit your application materials, please use our Online Application System.

Session Application Deadlines
Winter (January - March / May)
Spring (March / April - May / June)
Summer (May / June - August)
Fall (August / September - December)
November 1st
February 1st
March 1st
July 1st

If you have additional questions, please send an E-mail to with INTERNSHIP-DC in the subject line.