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Legislative Corner

  • Submitted on 25 August 2011

    On September 6, 2011, Congress will return from its annual August Recess with a full list of tasks to complete before the First Session adjourns for the year. Some of the more pressing items to take up will be spending bills for Fiscal Year 2012 and recommendations from the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (commonly known as the Super Committee).

    Each year, Congress must pass regular appropriations measures, by October 1, in order to keep the government funded. If the regular appropriation acts are not completed by October 1, then Congress must pass a continuing resolution, providing stop-gapfunding. In some years Congress may include several in an omnibus appropriations measure, or a continuing appropriations bill providing funding for the full fiscal year.

  • Submitted on 27 July 2011

    During the First Session of the 112th Congress, Members introduced various bills designed to help spur job creation, particularly in emerging industries such as technology and green energy. Below are some examples of legislation and their sponsors introduced to date:

  • Submitted on 29 June 2011

    On May 31st, 2011, President Barak Obama officially nominated Mr. John Bryson to succeed Gary Locke as Secretary of Commerce.  John Bryson was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Edison International, the parent company of Southern California Edison and Edison Mission Group, from 1990 to 2008. He is a director of The Boeing Company, The Walt Disney Company and Coda Automotive, Inc. and is a senior advisor to KKR among his many other roles in the private sector.

  • Submitted on 26 May 2011

    Recently, a number of state and local governments have begun taking a close look at their existing Minority and Women-owned contracting programs. A number of intergovernmental groups, such as the National Black Caucus of State Legislators, have advocated for additional assistance to minority-owned firms. The State of Maryland and the City of New York are two particular examples of this increased focus.

    On May 10, 2011, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley (D) signed Senate Bill 120 into law which aims to change the way the state contracts with minority-owned businesses.

  • Submitted on 24 February 2011

    Winning the FutureThe President’s Fiscal Year 2012 budget proposal requests $32.3 million, a increase of $822,000, for MBDA to expand its services and assistance to our nation’s 5.8 million minority businesses.  Currently, MBDA funds 46 minority business centers located in 26 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.  These Centers receive partial funding to provide services to minority-owned firms through a grant program administered by MBDA.  The modest increase requested in the FY 2012 budget proposal would allow MBDA to fund two additional minority business centers and push the Administration’s travel and tourism initiative in concert with Native American tribes. Read MBDA Press Release and President's Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Request.

    Over the last decade, the number of minority-owned businesses has grown significantly faster than non-minority owned businesses and they are more likely to create jobs during an economic downturn and generate sales from exports.  Minority-owned firms present a unique competitive advantage with the potential to have a tremendous impact to our national economy.  To win the future for America and our communities, we must unleash the ambition and innovation of our entrepreneurs.  MBDA supports the businesses who are leading us out of the recession and the Administration recognizes the results of its programs as one of the best ways to reduce our deficits and debt.

  • Submitted on 31 January 2011

    With the election of 104 new Representatives and Senators, the 112th Congress will be marked with changes in both the House of Representatives and Senate following the November elections.

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