Governing Democratically and Justly

USAID’s extensive support helped ensure that fair and free parliamentary elections took place in Kyrgyzstan in November 2010 following the unrest earlier that year.  USAID trained nearly 30,000 election officials, and voter education programs and information reached 756,000 citizens.  While many doubted that the government had the political will to adhere to democratic principles, intensive technical assistance to the Central Election Commission and effective donor coordination resulted in the recognition of the elections as fair and their acceptance by the local and international community.  Since the elections, Kyrgyzstan has emerged as Central Asia’s first parliamentary democracy.  USAID is capitalizing on this important development by providing expert advice and capacity building to Kyrgyzstan’s new parliament through the Parliamentary Strengthening Project, which helps make the parliament an effective and democratic institution and a model for Central Asia.

USAID will increase outreach to civil society organizations to strengthen their capacity for providing input into national-level decision making.  USAID’s local government programs will help district and municipal governments improve their working relationships with business and community groups, to strengthen their ability to respond to citizen concerns and seize upon economic opportunities.


Project Name Duration Overview Partners USAID Contact
Promoting Democracy through Independent Trade Unionism Project 10/2011 - 03/2012

Building local capacity of unions and promoting fundamental workers’ rights by conducting a comprehensive assessment of the role of Trade Unions in Kyrgyzstan 

American Center for International Labor Solidarity Erkin Konurbaev
Public Television and Online Media Support Project 02/2012 - 01/2015

Supporting the Kyrgyzstani media’s ability to deliver accurate and impartial news and information to promote stability and reconciliation by:

  • Increasing  the capacity of Kyrgyz...
Internews Network Maria Stefurak
Strengthening Human Rights in Kyrgyzstan 03/2010 - 02/2012


Advancing systematic human rights reform, analysis, outreach and human rights by:

  • Creating avenues for dialogue between the government and civil society on human rights...
Freedom House Lira Djumadylova (AOTR) and Dinah Zeltser-Winant
Support to National Budget Transparency in the Kyrgyz Republic 05/2012 - 05/2014

The project will be implemented in three substantive components:

  • Support to design and implementation of anti-corruption strategy.
  • Transparency of budget process and quality of...
UNDP Almaz Asipjanov
Support to the Kyrgyzstani Legal Defense Community 05/2012 - 05/2015


This program will advance critical reforms in the area of criminal legal defense build public confidence in

the legal system and promote stability in Kyrgyzstan, by: 

American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) Dinah Zeltser-Winant
USAID-IDLO Kyrgyzstan Judicial Strengthening Program 09/2011 - 09/2016

Provide targeted assistance to the judicial system by:                       ...

International Development Law Organization (IDLO) Lira Djumadylova, AOTR
Youth Theater for Peace 05/2010 - 02/2014


Mitigating potential conflict through theater for youth.Participantsdevelop plays based on real situations in their communities which address:

  • Living peacefully in a multi-...
International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) Mahabbat Alymkulova
Last Updated: 02-24-2013