Table 23

Offense Analysis
Number and Percent Change, 2007-2008
[13,845 agencies; 2008 estimated population 262,132,235]
Classification   Number of offenses 2008 Percent change from 2007 Percent distribution1 Average value
Murder 13,180 -5.4 -
Forcible rape 75,068 -1.8 -
Robbery: Total 358,847 -1.6 100.0 $1,315
Robbery by location: Street/highway 154,561 -0.5 43.1 1,032
Commercial house 49,517 -2.1 13.8 1,651
Gas or service station 9,278 -4.8 2.6 1,007
Convenience store 19,735 -5.5 5.5 712
Residence 58,424 +2.5 16.3 1,589
Bank 7,278 -5.1 2.0 4,854
Miscellaneous 60,054 -5.3 16.7 1,317
Burglary: Total 1,924,025 +1.5 100.0 2,079
Burglary by location: Residence (dwelling): 1,353,258 +5.1 70.3 2,060
    Residence Night 378,370 +0.9 19.7 1,610
    Residence Day 697,153 +6.4 36.2 2,170
    Residence Unknown 277,735 +8.0 14.4 2,396
Nonresidence (store, office, etc.): 570,767 -6.0 29.7 2,123
    Nonresidence Night 238,891 -6.1 12.4 1,747
    Nonresidence Day 192,760 -7.1 10.0 2,087
    Nonresidence Unknown 139,116 -4.5 7.2 2,819
Larceny-theft (except motor vehicle theft): Total 5,602,099 +0.7 100.0 925
Larceny-theft by type: Pocket-picking 23,085 -10.7 0.4 563
Purse-snatching 28,336 +9.2 0.5 427
Shoplifting 908,127 * 16.2 196
From motor vehicles (except accessories) 1,458,529 +6.2 26.0 724
Motor vehicle accessories 546,893 -0.2 9.8 532
Bicycles 188,698 -5.3 3.4 289
From buildings 640,870 -16.7 11.4 1,540
From coin-operated machines 22,880 -4.8 0.4 354
All others 1,784,681 -0.4 31.9 1,448
Larceny-theft by value: Over $200 2,522,679 +2.4 45.0 1,987
$50 to $200 1,246,102 -0.8 22.2 109
Under $50 1,833,318 -3.8 32.7 18
Motor vehicle theft 825,527 -13.5 - 6,751

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