School Bus Idle Reduction Strategies

No-idle zone sign

School bus idling can have negative health impacts and lead to increased emissions and excessive petroleum consumption.

As a general rule, bus engines should be turned off immediately after arriving at loading or unloading areas. The school bus should not be restarted until it is ready to depart, and idling time should be limited during early morning warm-ups to what the manufacturer recommends (generally no more than five minutes).

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed the National Idle-Reduction Campaign, part of the Clean School Bus USA Program, to reduce school bus idling. This campaign:

  • Provides an opportunity for bus drivers, transportation managers, school administrators, teachers, parents, and children to learn about air quality and diesel emissions.
  • Recognizes the positive contributions being made by school bus drivers.
  • Promotes idle reduction as an easy way to save money by saving fuel, reduce wear and tear on engines, protect drivers' health and the health of children, and improve air quality.

School Bus Idle Reduction Technologies

For school buses (and transit buses) that operate in cold climates, small on-board diesel cabin heaters and electrical block heaters can provide passenger compartment and engine warming capabilities far more efficiently than idling can. The EPA has more information available about these technologies.