U.S. States

  • Last updated in January 2011.

  • Last updated in January 2011.

  • Last updated in January 2011.

  • Last updated in January 2011.

  • Last updated in November 2009.

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U.S. Territories:  American Samoa  |  Guam  |  Northern Mariana Islands  |  Puerto Rico  |  U.S. Virgin Islands

State Energy Highlights

  • Crude Oil Production: Texas leads the Nation in crude oil production and accounts for about one-quarter of U.S. total production. Federal offshore areas of the Gulf of Mexico and the West Coast together produce a similar share. Alaska, California, and North Dakota are also leading producers of crude oil.
  • Crude Oil Refining Capacity: Texas, Louisiana, and California together account for over half of the Nation's operating crude oil refining capacity, with Texas alone possessing over one-quarter of the Nation's capacity.
  • Natural Gas Reserves: Texas has vast proved reserves of natural gas – close to one-third of the Nation’s total and more than twice as much as Wyoming, the State with the next highest amount of proved reserves.
  • Coal Production: Wyoming leads the Nation in coal production; it typically produces more coal than the next five top coal producers – West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Montana – combined.
  • Renewable Energy Generation: Texas generates more electricity from wind energy sources than any other State, while Washington leads the Nation in hydroelectric power generation and has the overall lead in total net electricity generation from renewable resources.
  • Fuel Ethanol Production: Iowa leads the Nation in fuel ethanol production capacity. Together with Illinois and Nebraska, these North Central States account for about half of the Nation's total fuel ethanol production capacity.
  • Nuclear Power Generation: Illinois and Pennsylvania rely to a great extent on nuclear power for electricity generation and, together, they account for approximately one-fifth of the Nation's nuclear power generation.
Last updated in July 2012.
State Ranking 1.  Total Energy Production, 2010 (trillion Btu)
Total Energy Production (trillion Btu)


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as of September 20, 2012

New statistics for July 2012:

  • Civilian labor force

New statistics for June 2012:

  • Price of crude oil
  • Prices of city gate and residential natural gas
  • Price of coal delivered to the electric power sector
  • Prices of electricity sold to the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors
  • Production of crude oil
  • Total net electricity generation and net electricity generation by fuel
  • Stocks of motor gasoline and distillate fuel oil
  • Natural gas in underground storage
  • Fuel stocks at electric power producers
  • Consumption for electricity generation by fuel

New statistics for 2012:

  • Crude oil refinery capacity

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