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Programs and Resources

Headquarters Marine Corps

Assistant Deputy Commandant Resources, SES Cecile M. McDermott

Mrs. Ann-Cecile M. McDermott is the Assistant Deputy Commandant for Programs and Resources for financial matters and the Fiscal Director of the Marine Corps.  She is responsible to the Commandant, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, and the Deputy Commandant for Programs and Resources for formulating fiscal principles and policies; to prescribe procedures and systems which will exercise effective control over financial operations of the Marine Corps in the functional areas of budget, accounting and finance, and audit and review.  Mrs. McDermott also assists, advises, and acts for the Commandant in all matters on appropriated and non-appropriated funds.  Prior to assuming her current position, Mrs. McDermott was the Deputy Commander, Resource Management for Marine Corps Systems Command.  In this capacity, she was responsible for the command’s financial management, comptroller activities, and human resource management.  She also served as the Competency Director for the financial management, workforce management, operations/office management, international programs, and corporate operations communities.

Mrs. McDermott came to the Marine Corps from the Air Force, where she was the Director, Financial Management and Comptroller for Aeronautical Systems Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.  In this role, she provided advice and counsel to the Air Force Program Executive Officer for Aircraft, his five acquisition Wing Commanders and staff for all financial and cost matters related to over 300 USAF, Joint and International acquisition programs, projects and activities and Center operations.  She was also responsible for career development and training for the 330 financial managers at the Center.  Previously, Mrs. McDermott served as the Director for Budget Investment, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Budget) for the U.S. Air Force.  Her responsibilities included the planning, direction and oversight of budget formulation and financial execution of all Air Force research, development, test and evaluation; procurement; military construction; family housing; and Base Realignment and Closure appropriations. She also supervised financial policy development for Air Force security assistance programs.

Mrs. McDermott’s previous assignments include several positions of increasing responsibility in acquisition and financial management.  She has served with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, working for the Director of Global Power Programs as Chief of the Program Integration Division and for the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management Policy and Program Integration as Deputy Chief of the Program Integration Division and Chief of the Budget Execution and Financial Management Branch.  In addition, she has worked in the Air Force Audit Agency and Certified Public Accounting firms. She was appointed to the Senior Executive Service in June, 2002 and has 25 years of civilian service. 

Mrs. McDermott received her Bachelor of Science degree in business/accounting from the University of Southern California and her Master of Science degree in national resource strategy from the National Defense University. She is a Certified Public Accountant, and she holds Acquisition Professional Certifications of Level III in Financial Management and Level II in Program Management. She is a distinguished graduate from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces and a graduate of the Federal Executive Institute and MIT Seminar XXI.

Mrs. McDermott's honors and awards include a Presidential Rank Award of Meritorious Executive (2007); two Air Force Medals for Meritorious Civilian Service (2005 and 2009); the Air Force Association Outstanding Civilian Senior Manager of the Year (2000); the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense, Comptroller, Financial Management Process Improvement Team Award (1997); and the Air Force Audit Agency Outstanding Program Manager of the Year (1994).

Mrs. McDermott is a member of the following professional organizations: American Society of Military Comptrollers, Marine Corps Association, and Air Force Association. She is currently serving as the National Vice President (Marine Corps) for the American Society of Military Comptrollers.