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Programs and Resources

Headquarters Marine Corps

Budget and Execution (RBE)


The mission of RBE is to optimize the allocation of limited financial resources in support of Marine Corps operations and acquisition programs by formulating the Marine Corps Program Objective Memorandum (POM) and coordinating its submission, approval, and translation into the Marine Corps budget estimate submission and President's Budget. As part of this mission, RBE coordinates service programmatic issues with the Chief of Naval Operations staff in order to articulate Marine Corps needs and positions in those shipbuilding, aviation, and expeditionary programs of high interest to the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC). RBE also provides quality control over programmatic and financial data for use by Congressional Liaisons and other external agencies. When the budget is enacted, RBE is responsible for allocating resources to the major commands, monitoring execution and realigning resources as necessary.


  • Budget & Congressional Coordination (RFC)
  • Budget Execution (RFE)
  • Investment (RFI)
  • Manning (RFM)
  • Operations & Maintenance (RFO)