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Thompson Statement on President’s State of the Union Address

Feb 13, 2013 Press Release

U.S. Representative Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson, R-Howard, issued the following statement on the President’s State of the Union Address. “With the unemployment rate hovering at close to the same rate it was in February of 2009 and the economy...

Thompson Attends Groundhog Day, Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Early Spring

Feb 2, 2013 Press Release

U.S. Representative Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson today joined thousands from across the state and country at Gobbler’s Knob, Punxsutawney, Pa., to witness Punxsutawney Phil make his 127th prediction...

Key Issues


Energy thumbnail image

Affordable energy is vital to our economy and national security. High energy costs slow job growth, increase the costs to industries and of products, and squeezes household budgets.


Education thumbnail image

Education serves an important role in both our lives and in our society. Working to ensure access to high quality and affordable education for more students, including those in our rural communities, has been a fundamental priority of mine in Congress...

Recent Hot Topics and Current Legislative Developments

View my positions on the most recent legislative developments and current issues by clicking below. Additionally, I encourage you to also join me online through facebook and twitter to communicate and stay up-to-date on future developments...
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Editorial: Averting the real fiscal cliff

" 2020, the interest alone paid on the debt by American taxpayers will cost $1 trillion per year, money that could otherwise be used to educate our kids, invest in research, or put aside for those most in need...Most would agree that borrowing on the backs of our children to pay for promises our government cannot honestly keep must end. In order for the nation to change its course..."
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Editorial: EPA's war on consumers, affordable electricity and jobs

While most agree that the coal industry has faced challenges, especially under current economic conditions, the argument that people are shutting down coal power plants because gas is cheaper just doesn’t hold water. Why? Coal is by far the cheapest source of electricity. So if cost isn’t the reason, what is?...
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Thompson bill would speed disability payments to wounded troops

A bipartisan bill promises to speed disability payments to troops wounded in Afghanistan…Inspired by chats with wounded troops at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., Rep. Glenn "GT" Thompson, R-Centre County, has proposed HR 6445, the Recovering Service Members Disability Benefits Act…
Thompson bill would speed disability payments to wounded troops feature image

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