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Environmental Restoration Environmental Restoration

The Environmental Restoration Program (ERP) is the program that manages the environmental cleanup of all Air Force bases. Past industrial activities have resulted in contamination of the soil and water at Travis AFB. The base is committed to restoring the soil and water to a condition that is protective of human health and the environment as quickly as possible. The base ERP staff, with input from three federal and State of California regulatory agencies and the community, manages the cleanup effort. The links in the right sidebar provide access to information on our progress as well as connections to the primary environmental regulatory agencies that are involved with the ERP.
tabEnvironmental Participation 
The public is encouraged to participate in the Travis AFB Environmental Restoration Program (ERP). Current information on the program can be found by navigating throughout this website. To receive up-to-date information on progress of the ERP, you can get on the mailing list for the Guardian; the Travis AFB Environmental Restoration newsletter that is mailed each quarter to interested community members. We also send out an electronic version of the newsletter (the E-Guardian) for those with Internet access who want to save paper and get the newsletter sooner. Tell us you want to be added to the mailing list of either the paper or electronic version by emailing us

One of the best ways to participate is to attend the quarterly Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meetings and make your opinions known. Below are several important links which will give you more information on the RAB and how to contact the RAB members, as well as a calendar of when public meetings are held.

Your participation in the Travis AFB environmental cleanup program is WELCOMED!

RAB - click here for details on this important public Board

Events - click here for a listing of current news and upcoming opportunities for your participation
tabAir Installation Compatible Use Zone Study 
Travis AFB releases its 2009 Air Installation Compatibility Use Zone (AICUZ) Study.
tabDraft Environmental Assessment 
Travis AFB announces the draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), Travis Air Force Base C-17 Use of Instrument Routes 264, 275, 280, 281, and 282 in Central Nevada, has been released for public review and comment.

Presently, Travis AFB C-17 aircrews fly training exercises along Military Training Routes (MTRs) belonging to other Department of Defense agencies. This requires coordination and authorization from those agencies before Travis aircrews can use their MTRs. Recently, Travis AFB acquired its own MTRs over central Nevada and plans to begin conducting low level C-17 and other navigation training there.

Because the proposed action will impact federally listed species habitat, an Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact are required. In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act 42 U.S.C. ยง4321 et seq, the Council of Environmental Quality regulations, 40 CFR 1500-1508 and the U.S. Air Force regulations, 32 CFR 989, the draft EA and FONSI are being made available to the public for a 30-day review and comment period.

Interested community members may submit written comments to Mr. Chris Krettecos at 411 Airman Drive, Travis AFB, CA 94535 or fax comments to 707- 424-5105. Comments must be received by 4 June 2012. Mr. Krettecos may be reached at 707-424-7517.

Copies of the draft EA are available at the Vacaville Public Library Cultural Center, the Fairfield Civic Center Library, Suisun City Library and the Mitchell Memorial Library for public review. A link to an electronic copy of the draft EA is provided below.

Draft EA and FONSI for C-17 Military Training Routes (PDF file - 6.7 Megabytes)
tabEnvironmental Restoration Schedule 

Next Restoration Advisory Board Meeting:
April 18, 2013
The public comment period for the proposed groundwater remedies that are described in the Travis AFB Groundwater Proposed Plan is over.
You can obtain a copy of the Groundwater Proposed Plan here.
You can obtain a copy of the Proposed Plan public meeting minutes here.
You can also review documents that support final groundwater remedy selection in the Library webpage.

tabEnvironmental Drinking Water Report 
This is the 2011 annual report on the quality of water delivered by Travis AFB. Under the "Consumer Confidence Reporting Rule" of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), community water systems are required to report this water quality information to the consuming public. Presented in this report is information on the source of our drinking water, its constituents and the health risks associated with any contaminants.
tabJet Fuel Leak Investigation and Cleanup 
In February 2009, a petroleum leak was discovered along a pipeline that provides jet fuel to Travis AFB. Officials identified the source of the leak, shut down the pipeline temporarily, and began fuel recovery operations. Click here to download a fact sheet describing the initial response in more detail.

In March 2010, Travis began collecting and analyzing soil and groundwater samples to determine the nature and extent of the petroleum contamination.  This site investigation showed more data is needed to identify the most appropriate cleanup technologies. Click here to download a fact sheet describing the site investigation in more detail.

In October 2010, Travis conducted an excavation of the fuel-contaminated soil along the pipeline.  Once complete, the excavation void was10 feet wide by 60 feet long by 12 feet deep.  All contaminated soil was transported by truck to an appropriate landfill, and the void was backfilled with clean soil.  The objective of this excavation project was to remove as much of the petroleum contamination as possible.

The next step of the fuel cleanup is to delineate the extent of the fuel contamination and to select the best cleanup technology. For more information, please contact Ms. Merrie Schilter-Lowe, 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs Office at 707-424-0132; or Mr. Josuwa Bernardo, Solano County Department of Resource Management at 707-784-6765.
tabHazardous Waste Management 
Travis Air Force Base manages the proper handling of hazardous waste through a Hazardous Waste Storage Facility (HWSF).  The  HWSF operates under the provisions of a State of California Part-B Permit. The base recently updated the contingency plan that is associated with the Part-B Permit to reflect organizational changes in the Travis AFB community.  A copy of the contingency plan can be downloaded here.
tabEnvironmental Management System 
Travis Air Force Base (AFB) is committed to excellence in all aspects of environmental stewardship activities using the Air Force Environmental Management System (EMS). This commitment and use of EMS applies to all activities, products and services associated with Travis AFB, partner units and contractors. Travis AFB is committed to compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations, and policy; reducing risks to the mission; preventing pollution and continuously improving environmental performance. The Travis AFB goal is 100 percent compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local environmental requirements while sustaining our mission. Travis AFB will promote environmental quality throughout the mission by integrating and maintaining an effective EMS; protecting human health and the environment; incorporating environmental commitments to applicable policies and programs; encouraging an environmental culture across all levels of management; enhancing relations with regulatory agencies; partnering with all stakeholders to promote resource conservation and achieving continual improvement to environmental performance.

The attached policy letter and slide presentation are made available as general awareness for all personnel who provide products, services or activities on Travis AFB. Questions regarding EMS should be directed to the EMS coordinator, at 707-424-8225.

Travis AFB EMS Policy Statement (290 Kilobytes)
EMS General Awareness Training (2 Megabytes)

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tabContact Environmental
Phone: (707) 424-3739
tabEnvironmental Links
tabEnvironmental Feedback
If you would like to provide feedback on this website, its contents, or on any matter concerning the Travis AFB Environmental Cleanup Program, please email the base Environmental Coordinator at

If you would like to receive copies of the quarterly restoration program newsletter, The Guardian, please include your name and address in your message.

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