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Wells ("Agent Wells") were on duty in the Austin, Texas, area in a mobile automatic direction  d(#.finding (MADF) vehicle. Agents Perry and Wells detected a radio signal on the frequency 88.5 MHz in  d(#>the area of north Austin. Further monitoring led Agents Perry and Wells to determine that the signal  d(#originated from a vertical beam antenna mounted on a tower on the rear of the residence located at 607  d(#Osage Drive, Leander, Texas, over fifteen miles from the location Agents Perry and Wells first detected  d(#the signal. Because the radio station utilized an external antenna over fifty feet in height and the signal  d(#could be received over fifteen miles away, Agents Perry and Wells concluded that the radio transmitting equipment exceeded the lower power limits set forth in Part 15 of the rules, 47 C.F.R. 15.239(b).  v @3. At approximately 12:47 p.m., Agents Perry and Wells approached the residence identified  d(#above. Leander Police Officer Tim Meaner was on hand to assist if necessary. Keith Perry identified  d(#himself as owner of the residence. Mr. Keith Perry admitted the operation of radio transmitting equipment  d(#Lat the residence, but refused entry into the residence. After a lengthy conversation, Keith Perry directed  d(#Agents Loyd Perry and Wells to a window at the east side of the residence where the agents were allowed to view the transmitting equipment. "(,))ZZ0*"Ԍ v 4. Agents Perry and Wells observed a satellite dish mounted on the exterior of the house and  d(#audio cables from an unknown source, feeding into a small transmitter. Keith Perry stated that the cables  d(#.provided audio from a satellite source received by the satellite dish on the residence. The transmitter, in  d(#turn, fed into another small transmitter, with cables leading to the vertical beam antenna located on a tower  d(#?approximately sixty feet high, mounted at the rear of the residence. Agent Perry conducted radio  d(#Kfrequency power measurements at the output of the transmitter, using an inline wattmeter. Forward power  d(#was measured at 30 watts, reflected power at 2 1/2 watts. Agents Perry and Wells concluded that the use  d(#Lof that amount of power and the use of an external antenna exceeded the limits set forth in Part 15 of the rules, 47 C.F.R. 15.239(b). ` `  v 5. Keith Perry stated that he began operating the station in February 1997. He voluntarily  d(#disconnected the power to the transmitter during the inspection. Upon their return to the MADF vehicle,  d(# Agents Perry and Wells confirmed that the signal earlier detected was no longer present on the unit's receiving equipment.   S - v  6. On June 25, 1997, Agent Perry sent a letter under his signature by certified mail to Keith  S -Perry.   yO- d(#ԍ The June 25, 1997, letter mistakenly asserted that Keith Perry had transmitted on 87.9 MHz. By letter dated September 26, 1997, Agent Perry corrected the frequency referenced to reflect transmission on 88.5 MHz.  In pertinent part, the letter stated:   %XRadio transmitting equipment (other than certain low powered devices operated in  4accordance with Part 15 of the Rules) may be operated only upon issuance by this  Commission of a station license covering such equipment. Unlicensed operation is a  violation of Section 301 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 301, and may subject the operator to  S- substantial monetary fines, in rem forfeiture action, and criminal sanctions including  Rimprisonment. See 47 U.S.C.  401, 501, 503, 510. Because unlicensed operation  creates a danger of interference to important radio communications services and may  subject the operator to severe penalties, we emphasize the importance of complying  S- |strictly with these legal requirements. Operation of radio transmitting equipment  S- \without proper authority granted by the Commission should cease immediately. (emphasis in the original).   v {7. The letter informed Keith Perry that he need not reply but, if desired, he could submit relevant  d(#-information to the Commission's Houston Field Office. On July 24, 1997, Keith Perry submitted a written  d(#response to the warning letter. Keith Perry argued that: the FCC has no power to regulate FM broadcast  d(#=stations operating with transmitter power of less than 100 watts; Agents Perry and Wells trespassed on  d(#his property and illegally parked their vehicle in front of his home; the FCC has no authority to inspect  d(#unlicensed stations; Agent Perry had no authority to operate the transmitter while conducting his tests; the  d(#agents slandered Keith Perry to the Leander Police Department; and insufficient postage was placed on the warning letter.   v 8. On August 29, 1997, Agent Perry was on duty in Austin, Texas, in a MADF vehicle. Agent  d(#yPerry detected a radio signal on the frequency 95.9 MHz in the area of north Austin. Further monitoring  d(#led Agent Perry to conclude that the signal originated from a vertical beam antenna mounted on a tower  d(#on the rear of the residence located at 607 Osage Drive, Leander, Texas. No contact was made with Keith"s# ,-(-(ZZ$"  d(#Perry at that time. On March 20, 1997, using direction finding techniques, Agent Perry confirmed that Keith Perry was continuing to operate.  S-9. Discussion. Section 301 of the Act, 47 U.S.C.  301, provides in pertinent part:    &X` ` It is the purpose of this Act, among other things, to maintain the control of the  United States over all the channels of radio transmission . . . . No person shall use or  3operate any apparatus for the transmission of energy or communications or signals by  radio (a) from one place in any State . . . to another place in the same State . . . except  under and in accordance with this Act and with a license in that behalf granted under the provisions of this Act.    d(#[Anyone transmitting radio transmissions in the United States must have authority from the Commission  S - d(#]to do so. See U.S. v. Medina, 718 F. Supp. 928 (S.D. Fla. 1989); U.S. v. Weiner, 701 F.Supp. 15  S - d(#j(D.Mass. 1988), aff'd, 887 F.2d 259 (1st Cir. 1989); Stephen Paul Dunifer, 11 FCC Rcd 718, 72021,   S - d(#79 (1995) (regarding Commission's licensing requirement); and X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: