
USAID Newsletter – January and February 2011

USAID Central Asian Republics

Featuring the following articles: USAID Swears in New Mission Director for Central Asian Republics, Helping Businesses Find New Export Opportunities, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan Collaborate on Parliamentary Strengthening, Results of USAID Technical Assistance Highlighted by Kazakh Prime Minister and Roundtable on Registration Highlights USAID Efforts in Kazakhstan.

Success of Counseling Skill

USAID’s training has empowered Uzbek nurses to increase the cure rates of tuberculosis, a disease that has reached epidemic levels throughout Central Asia.

Research revealed that tuberculosis patients are often poorly informed about their disease and its treatment. “Within the first month of treatment, I began planning to drop treatment and go home,” says 38-year old electrician Ahmed, a patient at the Tashkent Tuberculosis Hospital.  Read more »

Breastfeeding Gains Way in a Village

In the near past, it was difficult for medical workers of Kobilov Village, Denau District to advise mothers with small children how to keep their children healthy. Medical staff did not have sufficient knowledge nor skills on proper feeding or prevention of the most common illnesses that caused high morbidity among children under 2 years old in the area. The situation changed when the village medical unit began cooperating with USAID and its grantee Project HOPE. Read more »

Practice Makes The Task Perfect

With continued registration of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1outbreaks and human fatalities in many neighboring countries, Uzbekistan’s quick reaction was to establish Emergency Response teams embedded at the Ministries of Health, Agricultural and Water Supply, and the Emergency Situations. For years, however, these teams lacked coordinated Read more »

Trellises Boost Grape Yields

USAID’s training in vineyard management techniques enabled a young Uzbek farmer to double his harvest and triple his revenues.

Tursunali Jorayev farms a three-hectare vineyard in Pop District, Namangan Province within the Ferghana Valley. Grapes are the main source of income for this 27-year old man, his wife, and their three daughters. Read more »

Farmers Prune “the American Style”

When Odiljon Rakhimberdiev entered a bet with his brother as to who will grow a larger fruit harvest, little did he know that he was paving a way to some real changes on his farm. Because of the bet and his limited knowledge of fruit production, he joined USAID’s AgLinks project that overhauled the way peaches and plums are pruned in their community. Read more »

Biosecurity Lessons Protect Production

“Biosecurity is the cheapest, most effective means of disease control available,” says veterinarian Evelina Em of Kibray District poultry production farm “Kibray Parranda”.  Recently, Em underwent a training course organized by USAID’s STOP AI project on the use of biosecurity principles and health management at poultry farms. Em is convinced that this training will help her farm to minimize animal health threats and the risk that highly pathogenic avian influenza becomes a human pandemic. Read more »

Credit Unions Fuel Entrepreneurship

For centuries, Uzbekistan has thrived on trade and entrepreneurship servicing the Great Silk Road that passed through the country.  To this day, thousands of small entrepreneurs earn their living by baking bread, making national sweets, tailoring, farming or trading. However, until recently, it was almost impossible to get small loans from the banking sector that was nearly entirely state-controlled, overregulated, and far from being customer-oriented. Read more »

Systematic Monitoring Raises Quality

Kasbi District enjoys an exemplary record on the introduction of World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended health management strategies not only in the Kashkadarya Region, but throughout the entire country, thanks to the efforts of USAID-trained doctor. Pediatrician Aralov Uraz has helped the district set up an effective system for continuous improvement on the use of the new health strategies. Read more »

A PSA educates people with TB

A public service announcement (PSA) on tuberculosis (TB), developed by the joint USAID and Project HOPE program on TB, has enabled a young father of two identify his disease and obtain qualified medical help. Read more »

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Last Updated: 02-25-2013