SPS 105 Adapter Online Support Tool
This Continuous Learning Module was created to assist the user/learner in troubleshooting the most common problems the field encounters with the PD² Adapter. This module will review attributes, characteristics, and architecture to provide the learner with a better understanding of how to utilize the PD² Adapter.
Target Attendees
Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable substitutes for meeting current course prerequisite and certification standards)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
None None None
Course Length
Approximately 2 hours to complete
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode  Continuous Learning
Equivalent Courses  None
ACE Recommended Credits  N/A
Current CEU, CLP and RRP      Click here for Previous Allocation
Continuous Education Units  0
Continuous Learning Points
Reservist Retirement Points 1  
  • Technical requirements for this course.
  • You have 60 days to complete this course.