Dr. Burgess at Committee: Questioning Secretary Chu about Solyndra
Posted by Whitney Thompson on November 17, 2011
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Dr. Burgess questions Secretary Chu at the Energy and Commerce Committee Hearing - "The Solyndra Failure: Views from DOE Secretary Chu." You can watch both videos below.

Round One

Round Two
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • James Nelson commented on 11/18/2011
    Mr. Burgess was right to press on the subordination issue, but even more curious that the violation of law (which Secretary Chu seems to have covered himself on) is why they would ever give subordination in the first place. I was in private equity investing for 20 years and never saw money come in later that gave a preference to money that was already in the deal unless it was for operating management. Law violation or not, it was an unacceptable deal made by people that seem to not know what they were doing.
  • Linda Piatt commented on 11/18/2011
    Thank you deeply for your direct questioning and solid representation on our behalf. I do want an apology from Secretary Chu and his subsequent resignation....the criminal activities of this administration make previous Chicago Mayor's Daley machine look like kindergarten.
  • Larry Small commented on 11/18/2011
    I guess you can't say that the truth is, they gave lots of money to the president's campaign and he turned around and gave them all this money.Like a monetary thank you note!! I don't know how you go to work each day in D C and deal with all these self serving individuals. Thanks for trying and keep pushing for this guy's resignation.
  • JoAnn Scarborough commented on 11/19/2011
    Dr. Burgess was persistent (as many in Washington are not) in trying to make the Secretary understand how people feel about this outrage; that taxpayers weren't first to be paid. None of these people seem to understand how much OUTRAGE there is in this country. It isn't hard to see that they seem to be using money without any mental connection that we are talking about real money. I do not believe Sec. Chu felt the way he would if he were using his own money. I believe he has it backward; He should be even more careful if he is using someone else's money. Dr. Burgess made that point but unfortunately it went over the Secretaary's head.
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