RQM 403 Requirements Executive Overview Workshop
The Requirements Executive Overview discusses the top-level functions of Requirements Management. RQM 403 meets the requirements certification requirement for four-star-level executives. This course examines the interactions between the Joint Capabilities Integration Development System (JCIDS), the Defense Acquisition System (DAS), and Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE).
Download Course Objectives
Target Attendees
1-3-star Generals, Admirals, equivalent members of the Senior Executive Service, and political appointees.
Recommended: CLR 101, Introduction to JCIDS
Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable substitutes for meeting current course prerequisite and certification standards)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
None None None
Course Length
Varies depending upon the number of topics to be addressed; typically 1 class day
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode  Resident
Equivalent Courses  None
ACE Recommended Credits  N/A
PDS Code  JQ8
Current CEU, CLP and RRP      Click here for Previous Allocation
Continuous Education Units  0.7
Continuous Learning Points
Reservist Retirement Points 0  
For more information and scheduling an offering, please send an email to: RQM403@dau.mil