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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Community Quota and License Programs and Community Quota Entities

Certain Federal limited access programs provide eligible Alaskan communities an opportunity to improve their economies with special fishery-related privileges. In these programs, eligible communities can form nonprofit entities called Community Quota Entities (CQEs). If a CQE represents a community eligible for privileges under a particular management program, the CQE may request no-cost community permits or purchase commercial Quota Share (QS).

Charter Halibut Limited Access Program (CHLAP) and Community Permits

2 sport caught halibut on a stringer
Sport caught halibut. Photo: Ed Neal

Under the CHLAP eligible CQEs may request community charter halibut permits for use in International Pacific Halibut Commission Areas 2C (Southeast Alaska) and 3A (Central Gulf of Alaska). A CQE may apply at any time for community CHPs, issued at no cost. The CQE designates charter operators to use its community CHPs, although the CHP itself is retained by the CQE. A charter vessel operator using a Community CHP is subject to all charter fishing regulations and must either begin or end the charter vessel fishing trip within the community designated on the permit. More information is available below and on the sport halibut management web page which includes Frequently Asked Questions about the CHLAP and community permits.

Eligible Communities

  • Area 2C: Angoon, Coffman Cove, Edna Bay, Hollis, Hoonah, Hydaburg, Kake, Kassan, Klawock, Metlakatla, Meyers Chuck, Pelican, Point Baker, Port Alexander, Port Protection, Tenakee, Thorne Bay, Whale Pass.
  • Area 3A: Akhiok, Chenega Bay, Halibut Cove, Karluk, Larsen Bay, Nanwalek, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Port Graham, Port Lions, Seldovia, Tatitlek, Tyonek, Yakutat


  • Final rule implementing the CHLAP and authorizing specific CQEs to request and receive one or more community charter halibut permits: 75 FR 554, January 5, 2010.
  • Full CHLAP regulations: 50 CFR 300.67


Transfers and Limits

Community CHPs may only be held by the CQE representing the eligible community. CQEs also may obtain additional "regular" CHPs by transfer, up to program limits.

License Limitation Program (LLP) Community License Program

Pacific cod
Pot caught Pacific cod at Trident Seafoods, Sandpoint, Alaska. Photo: J. Keaton, NOAA Fisheries

The LLP authorizes CQEs for eligible communities to request non-trawl groundfish LLP licenses endorsed for Pacific cod in the central or western Gulf of Alaska. Information is available below, and on the LLP web page. The CQE must annually, in an Authorization Letter, assign each community LLP to a user and vessel and must provide a copy of the authorization letter, and any subsequent amendment to that authorization letter that is made by the CQE to both NMFS and the vessel operator prior to use by the person(s) designated. There are residency and other requirements for community LLP Users, and the CQEs have an annual reporting requirement on permit use.

Eligible Communities


  • Final rule implementing LLP GOA Pacific cod endorsements and authorizing specific CQEs to request and receive LLP groundfish licenses with a Pacific cod endorsement: 76 FR 15826, March 22, 2011
  • Full LLP regulations: 50 CFR 679.4(k)


Transfers and Limits

Community LLPs may only be held by the CQE representing the eligible community. However, they may be provided by the CQE for use by fishermen, with a letter of authorization (see regulations). CQEs also may obtain additional "regular" LLPs by transfer, up to program limits.


CQEs receiving Community LLP permits have an annual reporting requirement under 50 CFR 679.4(k)(10)(vi)(G).

Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Community Quota Program

Coils of  longline gear in Old Harbor, Kodiak Island
Coils of longline gear in Old Harbor, Kodiak Island, Alaska. Photo: NOAA Fisheries

The IFQ Community Quota Program authorizes CQEs to purchase commercial halibut and sablefish Quota Share (QS) for lease to residents of the eligible community. This privilege includes a CQE annual reporting requirement.

Eligible Communities and Approved CQEs



Transfers and Limits

Each year, the CQE may transfer (lease) its IFQ to one or more permanent residents of the eligible community on whose behalf the QS is held, and who must be onboard when the IFQ is fished and landed. Caps limit the amount of QS that can be held on behalf of each community and collectively for all communities. Additional limits exist on "blocks" of QS.


Under 50 CFR 679.5(l)(8), each CQE must report to NMFS annually on IFQ activities, including: nonprofit governance, QS holdings, IFQ recipient selection, landings, and other relevant information.

Related Information

Crab Rationalization Community Protection Measures

king crab pots
King crab pots. Photo: NOAA Fisheries

The Crab Rationalization Community Protection Measures were established to protect the interests of nine communities that were historically dependent on crab revenues and fishing activity. The Community Protection Measures authorize NMFS-approved non-profit organizations that represent Eligible Crab Communities (ECCs) to exercise special privileges. These include the right to acquire Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands king and Tanner crab Quota Share (QS) for lease of the resulting Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) to residents of the ECC on whose behalf the QS is held; and the Right of First Refusal on sale of some Processor Quota Shares (PQS) and use of annual Individual Processing Quota (IPQ).

1. Community QS Purchase Program

Forming a non-profit entity

The governing body of the ECC must designate the non-profit organization, which then must be approved by NMFS as an Eligible Crab Community Organization (ECCO). The nine ECCs and their governing bodies are:

  • Adak – City of Adak
  • Akutan – Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association
  • Unalaska/Dutch Harbor – City of Unalaska
  • False Pass– Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association
  • King Cove – City of King Cove and Aleutians East Borough
  • Kodiak – City of Kodiak and Kodiak Island Borough
  • Port Moller – Aleutians East Borough
  • Saint George– Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association
  • Saint Paul – Central Bering Sea Fishermen's Association

The non-profit organization must submit to NMFS an Application to Become An Eligible Crab Community Organization.

Information on State of Alaska assistance with with forming non-profit organizations:

Crab QS and IFQ Transfers and Limits

Under regulations at 50 CFR 680.41(j) and (k), ECCOs may apply to acquire crab QS by transfer:

Each year, the ECCO may transfer (lease) its crab IFQ to one or more eligible community residents of the ECC. Caps limit the amount of crab QS that can be held on behalf of each community and crab IFQ used by each resident. Eligible community resident means, for purposes of the Crab QS program, any individual who:

(1) Is a citizen of the United States;
(2) Has maintained a domicile in the ECC, from which the individual requests to lease crab IFQ, for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the time when the assertion of residence is made and who is not claiming residency in another community, state, territory, or country; and
(3) Is otherwise eligible to receive crab QS or IFQ by transfer.


Under 50 CFR 680.5, annually by June 30, each ECCO must submit a complete annual report for the prior crab fishing year. The ECCO must submit a copy of the report to the governing body of each ECC it represents and to the Regional Administrator, NMFS, Alaska Region. Report content includes the ECCO's nonprofit governance, QS holdings, IFQ recipient selection, landings, and other relevant information.

2. Right of First Refusal (ROFR)

Eligible crab community (ECC) entity means a non-profit organization specified under 50 CFR 680.41(j)(2) that is designated by the governing body of an ECC, other than Adak, to represent it for the purposes of engaging in the ROFR of transfer of crab PQS or IPQ outside the ECC under contract provisions set forth under Section 313(j) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act. The ROFR comes into play as part of transfer of PQS and IPQ and is governed by civil contracts between PQS holders and eligible communities. Relevant transfer regulations are at: 50 CFR 680.41.

Additional information


Final Rules to implement the Crab Rationalization Program:

Full IFQ program regulations: 50 CFR Part 680

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