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Presentations and Discussions Technology Briefings May 1999 Forum


Last updated: January 15, 2013
South Florida Restoration Science Forum

Invasive Exotic Species

Noxious Exotic Weed Task Team (NEWTT)

Poster presented May 1999, at the South Florida Restoration Science Forum

Newtt: Noxious Exotic Weed Task Team

Why Was NEWTT Formed?
  • At the direction of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Working Group formed NEWTT to develop an assessment of the current status of, and strategic plan for managing invasive plants

NEWTT's Directives
  • Develop a comprehensive interagency strategy for managing invasive exotic plants
  • The strategy will provide a broad system-wide approach... that attempts to optimize interagency collaboration and cost sharing...

Deliverable Number One
  • An assessment of the current problem with invasive exotic plants... to identify the highest priority exotic species

The Assessment Will Contain
  • A summary and review of past efforts and previous assessments
  • Update of invasive exotic plant distributions
  • Descriptions of major agency programs for managing invasive exotic plants
  • Review and analysis of federal, state and examples of local legislation
  • Evaluation of the general success of the invasive exotic plant management efforts in Florida

Deliverable Number Two
  • A broad, system-wide comprehensive strategic plan for eliminating or controlling invasive exotics... the strategic plan will recommend ways to maximize effectiveness within existing programs... and augment programs

The Strategic Plan Will Contain
  • Recommended priorities for the overall invasive species efforts including; species, programs, and resources
  • A recommended organizational structure that coordinates all agencies involved in invasive species management for the purpose of focusing programs resources and priorities
  • Short and long-term goals for invasive species management
  • New ideas to help manage invasive species

  • The directive asked NEWTT to relate the issues of invasive species to South Florida restoration
  • As is obvious to the most casual observer invasive species do not recognize the limits of South Florida

  • NEWTT needed to develop the assessment of the status of invasive plant species to emphasize those species considered most serious by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council in order to ensure that species that do or may pose threats to restoration are included irrespective of their current distribution

  • NEWTT considered it essential to develop the strategic plan from the perspective that invasive plant management must be organized at the state level in order to utilize statewide government to provide leadership to help coordinate, integrate and prioritize multi-agency invasive species programs

  • State governments are also key to integration with federal agencies in managing invasive species
  • Many federal activities directly affect a states ability to manage invasive species, and vice-versa
  • Agency integration at all levels is critical
  • Business as usual is not working

  • Under the President's new executive order on invasive species, federal agencies are directed to take certain actions related to the control of invasive species... states must prepare statewide strategic plans in order to be eligible for federal funding under the executive order. Florida is the first state to be doing such a plan.

  • States will be essential partners if federal actions are to be meaningful... without close cooperation between local, state and federal governments we cannot hope to be effective against the serious and ever increasing problems of invasive species

Who Does NEWTT Represent ?
  • Federal, state and local agencies in Florida that represent key interests in invasive plant control and are part of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Initiative
  • NEWTT also consults with the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

What Agencies Are In NEWTT ?

For more information on NEWTT, please contact Bob Doren at

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 15 January, 2013 @ 12:44 PM (KP)