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The White House Special Files:  Subject Files consists of documents of an administratively sensitive nature, arranged according to subject matter. Non-sensitive documents from the Nixon White House were maintained in the White House Central Files:  Subject Files.

About the Subject Files

  • Number of boxes:   122 Boxes
  • Linear feet of materials:   40
  • Approximate number of pages:   A standard archival box can contain up to 1,000 pages of material

The Special Files:   Subject Files consist of the following file segments:

  • Subject Files – 22 Boxes

  • Confidential Files – 70 Boxes
    This is the largest segment of the Special Files:   Subject Files. The Confidential Files consists of sensitive subject matter transferred from the White House Central Files subject categories.

  • Alpha Name Files – 2 Boxes
    This is the letter file system used to track how outside correspondence was routed.

  • Top Secret Files – 2 Boxes

  • Oversized Attachments – 23 Boxes

  • Confidential Box Lists – 2 Boxes


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