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The Presidential Historical materials of the First Lady’s Press Office in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-526, 88 Stat. 1695) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the Act and agency regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials and non-historical items. These items have been returned.

Materials covered by the Act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items that are security classified or otherwise restricted under the Act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item.

Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:  56 linear feet, 10 linear inches
  • Number of boxes:  130
  • Approximate number of pages:  130,000

Organization Note

The First Lady’s Press Office was responsible for communications with the press corps regarding the activities of Mrs. Nixon and the First Family. Gerry Van der Heuvel served as the First Lady’s Press Secretary from January to October 1969. She was followed by Constance Stuart, who served from October 1969 to the spring of 1973. Upon her departure, her assistant, Helen Smith, took over as Press Secretary until the end of the Nixon administration. The office held bi-weekly press briefings and produced press releases. The office was responsible for organizing press coverage for various events, trips, and activities, as well as fielding requests by members of the press for interviews with the First Family.

Scope and Content Note

The First Lady’s Press office contains information relative to the activities of the Press Office staff. These activities included conducting press briefings, dissmeninating press releases, compiling news summaries, and working with various media outlets to publicize events and promote the image of Mrs. Nixon and members of the First Family.

There were three Press Secretaries during the Nixon administration: Gerry Van der Heuvel, Constance “Connie” Stuart, and Helen Smith. Materials in this collection predomintately reflect the Press Office under the direction of Connie Stuart. In addition to her role as Press Secretary, Stuart also served as a staff director. As a result of this dual role, many of the materials deal with administrative matters, scheduling, appointments, correspondence, and the planning of trips and social events. As evidenced in the files, her staff worked closely with various offices throughout the White House and the government. These offices include, but are not limited to, the Department of State and the United States Information Agency, the Visitors Office, the White House Police, the Social Entertainments Office, and the Chief Usher’s Office.

This collection is comprised of eight series: the Chronological Files series, the Events series, the Subject Files series, the Press Briefings series, the Press Releases series, the Staff Files series, the Miscellaneous Files series, and the Audiovisual Materials Files series. The Events series is broken down into several subseries: the Trips Files, the Christmas Files, the Church Services Files, the Dinner Files, the Evenings at the White House Files, the Inauguration Files, the Prince Charles and Princess Anne Visit Files, and the Wedding Files. The Miscellaneous Files series is broken down into Background Information, Press Coverage, and Publications. The types of materials in this collection include press releases, press briefing transcripts, memoranda, notes, reports, telegrams, and speeches, among others. These files also include a very large volume of newspaper clippings and magazine articles that were kept by the office.

In order to gain a better understanding of this collection, one would benefit from reading the transcript of Connie Stuart’s Exit Interview. Related materials can be found in the White House Central Files, Staff Members and Office Files of Sanford Fox, Gwendolyn King, Susan Porter, and Lucy Winchester.

Series Description

Boxes:   1-73
Series:   Chronological Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1974
Description:  The first series consists of materials relating to the First Family’s public appearances during the majority of their time at the White House. The materials include press statements, correspondence between event organizers and members of the East Wing staff, internal memorandum concerning arrangements for events and travel, and newspaper clippings. The series is arranged chronologically by individual, i.e., Mrs. Nixon, Julie, David, Tricia, and Ed.

Boxes:   74-102
Series:   Events | Folder Title List
Spans:   1966 - 1974
Description:  The Events series contains material related to a variety of activities in which Mrs. Nixon or the First Family took part, including trips taken or the honoring of guests at the White House. The materials contained in these files document the role the Press Office played in publicizing, and in some cases organizing, these events. The Events series is broken down into the eight subseries described below.

  • Subseries:   Trip Files
    Boxes:   74-84
    Spans:   1969 - 1974
    Description:   This series contains materials related to trips Mrs. Nixon undertook during her tenure as First Lady. Mrs. Nixon accompanied President Nixon on many of his official visits abroad (e.g., China, Russia, and the Middle East), but also embarked on solo trips. While trips taken with the President are documented in this series, the solo trips are the primary focus. The Press Office staff worked to plan press coverage of these trips and also to collect information on how these visits were reported in the media. In addition to the press concerns, Connie Stuart and her staff members worked on other aspects of the trips, such as schedules and scenarios. Notable foreign trips include Mrs. Nixon’s June 1970 trip to Peru after the country experienced a devastating earthquake and her January 1972 trip to Africa where she was the President’s representative to the inauguration of President Tolbert of Liberia. Notable domestic trips include her visits to various college campuses in March of 1970 to promote the cause of volunteerism and her Legacy of Parks tour in August 1971. Materials such as telegrams, remarks, press releases, newsclippings, news summaries, and reports make up this file series. These materials are arranged alphabetically by the name of the country visited or type of tour.
  • Subseries:   Christmas Files
    Boxes:   85-87, 102
    Spans:   1969 - 1973
    Description:   The Christmas Files series is predominately focused on media coverage of the First Family and the White House during the holiday season. The majority of materials are press releases, press summaries, and newspaper clippings regarding White House decorations, the arrival of the White House Christmas tree, candlelight tours, and Christmas parties held at the White House for staff members and children. Samples of the White House Christmas card and gifts for staff members can be found in this file series. The materials are arranged chronologically.
  • Subseries:   Church Services Files
    Boxes:   88-89
    Spans:   1969 - 1974
    Description:   This file series contains information related to Church Services (also referred to as Worship Services) held at the White House. Materials include press releases, memoranda related to press coverage, programs, and biographies of the religious leaders of the services and any performance groups. Materials are arranged chronologically.
  • Subseries:   Dinner Files
    Boxes:   90-96
    Spans:   1969 - 1974
    Description:   The materials that comprise the Dinner Files series document the visits to the White House of world leaders and other distinguished guests. The materials mainly document the State Dinners held by the Nixon administration; however, dinners and luncheons were held to honor guests such as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and members of the administration, such as Secretary William Rogers. The First Lady’s Press Office worked to coordinate press coverage of the dinners, as well as the entertainment that followed. Materials include guest lists, work papers related to press coverage, and press releases. Materials are arranged chronologically.
  • Subseries:   Evenings at the White House Files
    Boxes:   97
    Spans:   1970 - 1973
    Description:   Throughout the course of the Nixon administration, Evenings at the White House were held for President and Mrs. Nixon and their guests. These evenings showcased a variety of talented performers across several genres. Solo entertainers included Johnny Cash, David Frost, Beverly Sills, and Sammy Davis, Jr. There was also a showing of the musical “1776.” Materials include press releases and publicity information regarding the entertainers. Materials are arranged chronologically.
  • Subseries:   Inauguration Files
    Boxes:   97-98, 102
    Spans:   1972 - 1973
    Description:   The Inauguration Files series contains copies of the 1973 Inauguration program and guidebook. These files also contain sketches of Inaugural clothing (gowns, dress, coats, etc.) produced for Mrs. Nixon, Tricia, and Julie by designers such as Adele Simpson and Jeffrey Wren.
  • Subseries:  Prince Charles and Princess Anne Visit Files
    Boxes:   98-99
    Spans:   1970
    Description:   These files contain information related to the visit of Prince Charles and Princess Anne to Washington, D.C. in the summer of 1970. Connie Stuart’s staff was reposible for the planning of their stay. A large portion of these files are dedicated to newspaper clippings of outings taken with Tricia, Julie, and David, for example, a picnic at Camp David, sightseeing, and attending a Washington Nationals baseball game. Other materials document the organization of the schedule, the arrangement of press coverage, and the coordintation efforts with the British Embassy. Materials are arranged alphabetically.
  • Subseries:   Wedding Files
    Boxes:   99-101
    Spans:   1966 - 1971
    Description:   The Wedding Files contain information related to the weddings of four former Presidential daughters. The files begin with Julie Nixon’s December 1968 wedding to David Eisenhower in New York. These files contain materials related to press coverage of the events, as well as press releases documenting details, such as the dresses worn by Julie, Mrs. Nixon, and the bridesmaids. At this time, press relations were handled by Gerry Van der Heuvel. With regard to Tricia’s June 1971 White House wedding, this series contains press releases, press information packets, pool report transcripts, and press requests and press coverage from a variety of media outlets. Connie Stuart and staff handled coverage for this wedding. In addition to the weddings of the Nixon daughters, this series contains press releases, pool report transcripts, and newspaper articles regarding the 1966 wedding of Luci Baines Johnson and the 1967 wedding of Lynda Bird Johnson. The Press Secretary for the Lady Bird Johnson was Liz Carpentar.

Boxes:   103-117
Series:   Subject Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1974
Description:   The Subject Files series contains information on a variety of topics related to Mrs. Nixon, the First Family, and the Nixon administration. Topics range from the rather broad “General” and “Miscellaneous” to extremely specific events, such as a folder reserved for a news story involving a helicopter crashing onto the White House lawn. The files are organized alphabetically (often times by a keyword in the files name) and do not appear to have been used for reference purposes. Rather, the files appear to have been a catch-all for articles, press releases, newspaper clippings, and other such materials on various topics or events. A notable topic in these files would be the redecoration of the White House (material can be found under the headings “Acquisitions,” “Redecoration,” or “Rooms, White House.”) The Subject Files series also is valuable to gain a better understanding of the Press Office’s relationship with the “Press Ladies.” These files contain requests by press members for interviews with Mrs. Nixon, Julie, or Tricia, and also contain folders dedicated to particular press members, e.g., Helen Thomas and Maxine Chesire.

Boxes:   118-120
Series:   Press Briefings | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969 - 1972
Description:   Connie Stuart established bi-weekly briefings – one on Monday morning and another on Thursday afternoon – upon her arrival in October 1969. This series contains transcripts of press briefings through 1972 and are arranged in a loose chronological order.

Boxes:   120-122
Series:   Press Releases | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969-1974
Description:   The Press Releases series contains press releases dissemintated by the First Lady’s Press Office to publicize the activities of the First Lady and members of the First Family. The files contain releases through 1974; however, similar to the Press Briefings series, the organization of the files follows a loose chronological order.

Boxes:   122
Series:   Staff Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969-1974
Description:   This file series primarily contains press releases, short biographies, and newspaper clippings regarding members of Mrs. Nixon’s staff in the East Wing of the White House. Staff members include Gwen King, Coral Schmid, Rex Scouten, and even Mrs. Nixon’s hairdresser, Rita de Santis.

Boxes:   123-130
Series:   Miscellaneous Files | Folder Title List
Spans:   1969-1974
Description:   The Miscellaneous Files series encompass those materials from the First Lady’s Press Office files that could not be integrated into other portions of the collection. The materials were grouped into three subseries which are described below.

  • Subseries:   Background Information
    Boxes:   123-125
    Spans:   1969 - 1974
    Description:   This subseries of Miscellaneous Files contains information that can be attributed to staff members working under Connie Stuart in her role as Staff Director. These files contain lists of activities and projects carried out by the First Lady and the First Family. Other information, such as travel statistics and calendars, can be found in this subseries as well. The materials in this collection are arranged alphabetically by type of information – activities, travel, calendars, et cetera.
  • Subseries:   Press Coverage
    Boxes:   126-130
    Spans:   1969 - 1974
    Description:   This subseries of the Miscellaneous Files contains press coverage by newspapers, magazines, television, and even radio of Mrs. Nixon and the First Family. Files have been organized as to type of mass media and publication or network (if applicable). Press coverage files begin with materials about Mrs. Nixon and continue with Tricia and Ed, and Julie and David. The majority of materials are newspaper clippings and magazine articles.
  • Subseries:   Publications
    Boxes:   130
    Spans:   1969 - 1974
    Description:   The Publications series contains a small collection reports, pamphlets, or brochures related to a variety of topics. Publications include an annual report on the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and a copy of “The Week That Changed the World,” a publication regarding Nixon’s trip to China.
Series:   Audiovisual Files
Spans:   1969-1974
Description:   This subseries contains audiovisual material found loose in the First Lady’s Press Office files. Included are approximately four and half cubic feet of audio reels, photographs, and negatives related to the First Family and the Nixon administration. Audio reels include White House performances recorded by the White House Communications Agency, speeches, and interview given by Mrs. Nixon, Tricia, or Julie and David. Also included is an audio reel featuring President Nixon’s interview by the women of the press corps held in the Oval Office. Photographs document members of the First Family, the White House, Casa Pacifica, weddings, trips, and inaugurations. All material has been transferred to a parallel file in the Audiovisual Collection.

Folder Title List

Series I: Chronological Files

Box 1

First Lady

Inauguration – Jan. 20, 1969 [1 of 4]
Inauguration – Jan. 20, 1969 [2 of 4]
Inauguration – Jan. 20, 1969 [3 of 4]
Inauguration – Jan. 20, 1969 [4 of 4]
Reception – White House – (Relatives & Friends) 6 – 8 1/20/69
Reception – White House 1968 Campaign Staff & Friends 1/21/69
Private Dinner – Astronaut WH, Thursday, Jan. 30, 1969 8:00PM
Diplomatic Reception 9:00PM W.H. 1/31/69
American Heart Asso. Awards Pres. & Mrs. Nixon 2/18/69
Congressional Receptions Mar. 11, 12, 13, 1969 [1 of 2]
Congressional Receptions Mar. 11, 12, 13, 1969 [2 of 2]
Surprise Birthday party for Mrs. Nixon 3/16/69
Chowder and Marching Society Dinner 3/19/69
Dinner Honoring the Apollo 9 Astronauts – WH 3/27/69
Reception for Distinguished Foreign Visitors 3/31/69
Dinner Honoring Ray C. Bliss as Rep. National Chairman 4/10/69
NATO Dinner (Stag – 100) 4/11/69
National Republican Committee Reception (6 – 8) 4/13/69
League of Women Voters Reception 4/17/69
American Society of Newspaper Editors Reception 4/18/69
Dinner Honoring Chief Justice Earl Warren 4/23/69 [1 of 2]
Dinner Honoring Chief Justice Earl Warren 4/23/69 [2 of 2]
Duke Ellington Dinner (70th Birthday) 4/29/69
Duke Ellington Dinner (70th Birthday) 4/29/69

Box 2

Inauguration – Jan. 20, 1969 [1 of 4]
Inauguration – Jan. 20, 1969 [2 of 4]
Inauguration – Jan. 20, 1969 [3 of 4]
Inauguration – Jan. 20, 1969 [4 of 4]
Reception – White House – (Relatives & Friends) 6 – 8 1/20/69
Reception – White House 1968 Campaign Staff & Friends 1/21/69
Private Dinner – Astronaut WH, Thursday, Jan. 30, 1969 8:00PM
Diplomatic Reception 9:00PM W.H. 1/31/69
American Heart Asso. Awards Pres. & Mrs. Nixon 2/18/69
Congressional Receptions Mar. 11, 12, 13, 1969 [1 of 2]
Congressional Receptions Mar. 11, 12, 13, 1969 [2 of 2]
Surprise Birthday party for Mrs. Nixon 3/16/69
Chowder and Marching Society Dinner 3/19/69
Dinner Honoring the Apollo 9 Astronauts – WH 3/27/69
Reception for Distinguished Foreign Visitors 3/31/69
Dinner Honoring Ray C. Bliss as Rep. National Chairman 4/10/69
NATO Dinner (Stag – 100) 4/11/69
National Republican Committee Reception (6 – 8) 4/13/69
League of Women Voters Reception 4/17/69
American Society of Newspaper Editors Reception 4/18/69
Dinner Honoring Chief Justice Earl Warren 4/23/69 [1 of 2]
Dinner Honoring Chief Justice Earl Warren 4/23/69 [2 of 2]
Duke Ellington Dinner (70th Birthday) 4/29/69
Duke Ellington Dinner (70th Birthday) 4/29/69

Box 3

Ambassadors’ Dinner (Honoring 4 Ambassadors) 5/15/69
Univ. of Minnesota Band Concert in Rose Garden 5/23/69
Stag Dinner for Right Honorable Edward Heath (Working Dinner) 5/26/69
Dinner Honoring Dutch Prime Min. de Jong & F. Min. Luns (Stag) 5/27/69 [1 of 2]
Dinner Honoring Dutch Prime Min. de Jong & F. Min. Luns (Stag) 5/27/69 [2 of 2]
First Family’s Trip to Hawaii June 3-10, 1969 [1 of 2]
First Family’s Trip to Hawaii June 3-10, 1969 [2 of 2]
Dinner for Apollo 10 Crew (Mancini Entertainment) 6/30/69
Republican Governors’ Asso. (Executive Com.) Dinner 7/16/69
All-Star Reception 4:00PM 7/22/69
8/69 European Trip
Astronauts Dinner – Century Plaza Los Angeles 8/13/69 [1 of 2]
Astronauts Dinner – Century Plaza Los Angeles 8/13/69 [2 of 2]
Johnson Lunch and Redwoods 8/27/69
Cabinet Dinner – San Clemente 9/4/69
Pat Nixon Park and Museum, Cerritos, California, [9/5/69] [1 of 2]
Pat Nixon Park and Museum, Cerritos, California, [9/5/69] [2 of 2]
Opening of U.N. 24th Assembly – Reception – Waldorf 9/18/69
Informal Dinner for Associated Press Board of Directors 10/12/69
Eisenhower College Dinner (Tribute of a Grateful Nation Com.) 10/14/69
Law Partners Dinner – Pres. & Mrs. Nixon 10/16/69
Inter-American Press Assn Tour and Tea 10/29/69 (Klein, Ziegler, Stuart Hosts)

Box 4

Background on White Tie Ball at Anderson House
Bob Hope Dinner in N.Y.
Background of First Annual Inaugural Ball
1/9/70 President Nixon’s Birthday
1/14/70 Civilization Film Series First Showing at White House
1/17/70 – McChesney Martin Dinner
1/22/70 – State of the Union
1/24/70 – Ormandy & Philadelphia Orchestra
1/30/70 – Bouldin Portrait Presentation [1 of 5]
1/30/70 – Bouldin Portrait Presentation [2 of 5]
1/30/70 – Bouldin Portrait Presentation [3 of 5]
1/30/70 – Bouldin Portrait Presentation [4 of 5]
1/30/70 – Bouldin Portrait Presentation [5 of 5]
1/31/70 Burns Sworn In
1/30/70 – Rogers & Hardin Wedding
2/5/70 – Presidential Prayer Breakfast
2/17/70 – Hershey Dinner
2/19/70 – Wyeth Exhibit at WH [1 of 4]
2/19/70 – Wyeth Exhibit at WH [2 of 4]
2/19/70 – Wyeth Exhibit at WH [3 of 4]
2/19/70 – Wyeth Exhibit at WH [4 of 4]
2/19/70 – Andrew Wyeth Dinner Rudolph Serkin (Piano) [1 of 3]
2/19/70 – Andrew Wyeth Dinner Rudolph Serkin (Piano) [2 of 3]
2/19/70 – Andrew Wyeth Dinner Rudolph Serkin (Piano) [3 of 3]

Box 5

3/5/70 – Prince of Wales and Princess Anne Visit in July
3/11/70 – RNC Fundraising Dinner
3/23/70 – African Ambassadors Dinner OAU [1 of 2]
3/23/70 – African Ambassadors Dinner OAU [2 of 2]
3/30/70 – Easter Egg Roll
3/31/70 – Dinner for the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
4/21/70 – Chaing Ching – Kuo Stag Dinner
4/22/70 – Press Dinner, Medal of Freedom
5/11/70 – Sir Alec Douglas Home Dinner
6/9/69 – Apollo Astronauts Dinner
6/10/70 – GOP Candidates Reception
7/10/70 – UN Dinner (Stag)
July 13, 1970 Whittier College Reunion
7/24/70 – Visit to Fargo, North Dak. [1 of 2]
7/24/70 – Visit to Fargo, North Dak. [2 of 2]
August 3, 1970 – Mrs. Nixon in Denver, Col.
8/6/70 Eisenhower Stamp Ceremony
8/10/70 Bernard Lasker Birthday Reception
8/14/70 – Mrs. Nixon Visits New Orleans, LA.
8/20-21/70 – President and Mrs. Nixon in Mexico
Los Angeles Music Center – Thursday, August 27, 1970

Box 6

9/7/70 Labor Dinner [1 of 2]
9/7/70 Labor Dinner [2 of 2]
9/17/70 Accept Gift from Mrs. Cafritz for Chandelier
9/30/70 Dinner and Movie for Senator Richard Russell
10/24/70 United Nations Dinner
11/5/70 Lord Montbatten Stag Dinner
11/13/70 President-Elect Echeverria of Mexico – Luncheon
11/17/70 Philadelphia to Save a Heritage
11/18/70 The Nixon’s at Ford’s Theater
Ash Council Dinner 11/19/70

Box 7

Mrs. Nixon Miscellaneous – 1971 [1 of 4]
Mrs. Nixon Miscellaneous – 1971 [2 of 4]
Mrs. Nixon Miscellaneous – 1971 [3 of 4]
Mrs. Nixon Miscellaneous – 1971 [4 of 4]
1/5/71 Trip to California
1/9/71 President’s Birthday
Mrs. Nixon – Today Show Interview 1/13/71 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – Today Show Interview 1/13/71 [2 of 2]
Republican National Committee Reception 1/15/1971
1/19/71 Inaugural Anniversary Dinner at Blair House
Photographic Exhibit at Smithsonian 1/19/1971
Meeting with Mercedes McCambridge 1/19/1971
State of the Union 1/22/71
Trip to Virgin Islands 1/29/71
President & Mrs. Nixon at Prayer Breakfast 2/2/71
Dinner with Mrs. Onassis and Children – View Portraits 2/3/71
Reception for Pakistan Relief Committee 2/3/1971
Reception for Ikebana 2/4/1971
President & Mrs. Nixon Diplomatic Reception 2/8/71

Box 8

President & Mrs. Nixon Freedoms Foundation 2/9/71
Birthday Dinner for Alice Roosevelt Longworth 2/10/71
Business Council 2/10/71
George Washington Carver Exhibit 2/11/1971
Luncheon for Heart Association 2/11/1971 [1 of 3]
Luncheon for Heart Association 2/11/1971 [2 of 3]
Luncheon for Heart Association 2/11/1971 [3 of 3]
Trip to Florida 2/11/71
Military Reception 2/17/71
Reception for Council on Physical Fitness 2/19/71
Governors Dinner 2/1971
Governor’s Dinner 2/23/71
National Clean-Up Congress Award Ceremony 2/23/1971
2nd Grade to see George Washington Carver Exhibit 2/24/1971
Meeting with the National Postal Street Academy Program 2/25/1971
Presentation of Adams Portraits 2/26/1971
Mrs. Nixon and Tricia Shopping in New York 2/27/1971

Box 9

Dinner for Apollo 14 Crew 3/1/71
Trip to Iowa 3/1/71
Mrs. Nixon’s Medallic Portrait, 3/1/71
3/2/71 State Dinner on “60 Minutes” TV Show
Wives of Delegates to Annual Conference of the American Asso. of Jr. Colleges March 2
3/2/71 Am. Assoc. of Jr. Colleges – Mrs. Nixon Attends
Cong. Wives Club Tour/Tea March 3 2:30PM
3/4/71 Private Visit with John B. Menn Family
President’s Interview with 9 Press Ladies 3/11/71
President’s Interview About Mrs. Nixon 3/1971
Nixons and Julie and David in the Bahamas 3/13-15/71
Gridiron Dinner 3/15/71
President’s Interview with Barbara Walters 3/15/71
Mrs. Nixon’s Birthday 3/16/71
3/18/71 Birthday Reception at Liberian Embassy

Box 10

President & Mrs. Nixon N.Y. Funeral for Former Gov. Dewey 3/19/71
3/19/71 Reception for Nation Alliance of Business Men
Photo – Damon Runyon Cancer Fund Library 2:30PM 3/23
Private Dinner for Edwin Etherington 3/23/71
International Neighbors Club Reception 3/24/71
3/24/71 Mrs. Nixon at Circus
President & Mrs. Nixon Republican Fundraising Dinner 3/24/71
Mrs. Nixon U.S. Savings Bonds March 25 2:30PM
Stag Dinner for Secretary Maurice Stans 3/25/71
Third Annual Award “Outstanding Handicapped Federal Employee” 3/25/71 [1 of 2]
Third Annual Award “Outstanding Handicapped Federal Employee” 3/25/71 [2 of 2]
4/5/71 Senate Wives’ Luncheon
Edward Nixon Family Visits White House 4/6/71
OAS Dinner 4/6/71
HERO Tour/Tea April 6 2:30PM
4/6/71 Meeting with Wives of Members of European Community Commission
4/6/71 Photograph for Goodwill
4/8/71Briefing for Wives of Government Officials [1 of 2]
4/8/71 Briefing for Wives of Government Officials [2 of 2]
Clement Stone Dinner 4/8/71
4/11/71 Easter Sunday
4/14/71 Tea – Women’s Division of the Sons of Italy, Grand Lodge of PA.
ASNE Dinner Drop By 4/16/71

Box 11

4/18/71 Mrs. Nixon Presents Teacher of the Year Award [1 of 2]
4/18/71 Mrs. Nixon Presents Teacher of the Year Award [2 of 2]
President – DAR Address 4/19/71
4/21/71 American Women for International Understanding
4/21/71 Mrs. Nixon Receives 4-H Award
4/21/71 St. John’s Development Center
4/27/71 Reception for National Center for Voluntary Action
4/27/71 Reception for Out of Town Chrmn of “Gala Preview”
4/27/71 Tea for DACOWITS [1 of 2]
4/27/71 Tea for DACOWITS [2 of 2]
4/29/71 80th Congress Club’s Luncheon for Mrs. Nixon
4/30/71 American Women in Radio and Television [1 of 2]
4/30/71 American Women in Radio and Television [2 of 2]
[Clippings from May Luncheon]
The President and Mrs. Nixon Attend Astronauts Dinner 5/1/71
5/3/71 1st of 3 Luncheons for Congressional Wives
5/4/71 CARE
5/4/71 Senate Ladies Luncheon for Mrs. Nixon
5/5/71 Navy’s Society of Sponsors Wives

Box 12

Salute to Agriculture 5/7/71 [1 of 2]
Salute to Agriculture 5/7/71 [2 of 2]
Nixon’s Attend Wedding of Shelly Scarney & Pat Buchanan 5/8/71
5/9/71 Mrs. Nixon’s Mother’s Day Message
White House Corresp. Assoc. Dinner 5/9/71
5/10/71 2nd of 3 Luncheons for Congressional Wives
5/10/71 Mrs. Nixon at Wolf Trap Benefit – Constitution Hall
5/11/71 National Trust for Historic Preservation – National Gallery of Art Luncheon and Awards
5/13/71 Mrs. Nixon Trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma [1 of 2]
5/13/71 Mrs. Nixon Trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma [2 of 2]
President & Mrs. Nixon Plant Sequoia on Arbor Day 5/15/71
5/17/71 Reception for Wives of National Federation of Independent Business
5/18/71 Cabinet – Sub Cabinet Luncheon – State Department
5/18/71 Mrs. Nixon Greets Finalists in Military Wives of the Year Contest
5/19/71 Congressional Club First Lady’s Breakfast – Shoreham
5/19/71 Tea for Women’s National Republican Club
5/20/71 Reception for Wives of American Law Institute
Tea – 100th Graduating Class of Foreign Service Wives 5/21/1971
Tea for National Council on the Arts5/21/1971
LBJ Library Dedication – President & Mrs. Nixon, Julie & David
Third of Three Luncheons for Congressional Wives 5/24/1971
Fifth Grade from University-Liggett School – Tour and Reception 5/26/1971
Reception for Associated Councils of Arts 5/26/1971
Patrons for the JFK Center “Gala Preview” 5/27/1971

Box 13

Dinner for President Somoza – Republic of Nicaragua 6/2/71
New Edition of White House Guidebook 6/2/1971
Reception for Congressional Clubs 6/3/1971
Reception for National Spelling Bee Finalist 6/7/1971
New Rug and Settees for the Diplomatic Reception Room 6/8/1971 [1 of 2]
New Rug and Settees for the Diplomatic Reception Room 6/8/1971 [1 of 2]
Stag Dinner for Chancellor Brandt 6/15/71
Mrs. Nixon Receives First Edition of New Saturday Evening 6/16/1971
Reception for Sigma Alpha Iota – Musicale – 6/16/1971 [1 of 2]
Reception for Sigma Alpha Iota – Musicale – 6/16/1971 [2 of 2]
President & Mrs. Nixon Rochester, New York 6/18/71
President & Mrs. Nixon 31st Anniversary – Key Biscayne 6/21/71
Luncheon and Meeting with Committee for Preservation of the White House 6/24/1971 [1 of 2].
Luncheon and Meeting with Committee for Preservation of the White House 6/24/1971 [2 of 2].
Mrs. Nixon Meets with Mrs. Younger – Decorated Egg 6/28/1971

Box 14

President & Mrs. Nixon Chowder and Marching Club Dinner; 6/28/1971
Dinner for Postmaster General Winton M. Blount 6/29/1971
First Sequoia Cruise for Summer 6/29/1971
Mrs. Nixon Receives Peru Decoration 6/29/71 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon Receives Peru Decoration 6/29/71 [1 of 2]
Preview of the 1971 Summer in the Parks Program 6/30/1971 [1 of 2]
Preview of the 1971 Summer in the Parks Program 6/30/1971 [2 of 2]
Wolf Trap Farm Opening 7/1/1971 [1 of 3]
Wolf Trap Farm Opening 7/1/1971 [2 of 3]
Wolf Trap Farm Opening 7/1/1971 [3 of 3]
Luncheon for Mrs. Velasco of Peru; 7/2/71
Kansas City Trip 7/7/71
First Tour for Children in Summer in the Parks Program 7/8/1971
At Washington Senator’s Game; 7/20/71
Mrs. Nixon Greet Dunbar Community School Tour (Band) 8/2/1971
Mrs. Nixon with Youngsters on Sequoia Cruise 8/2/1971
Picture with Mrs. Nixon and Ambassador of Iran 8/3/71
Presentation of Cookbook from Congressman Wyman; 8/3/71
Mrs. Nixon Greets Ladies Auxiliary of the National Dental Association; 8/4/71
Mrs. Nixon Greets Irish Teachers 8/4/1971
President and Mrs. Nixon Dinner in NY with Tricia and Ed 8/4/1971

Box 15

Mrs. Nixon Greets Wolf Trap Company; 8/5/71
Nixons in New Hampshire and Minot Island, Maine 8/7-9/1971
Mrs. Nixon met with Wife of Prime Minister of Khmer 8/11/1971
President and Mrs. Nixon at Wolf Trap Farm 8/12/1971
Mrs. Nixon – Filming for ABC Special; 8/13/71
President, Mrs. Nixon and Julie at Maureen Finch’s Wedding 8/20/1971
Mrs. Nixon – Woman on Supreme Court 9/1971
President & Mrs. Nixon Tricia & Ed Attend Kennedy Center; 9/9/71
Dinner with Japanese Cabinet Ministries; 9/10/71
TV Script – Mrs. Nixon United Way Fund Drive 9/10/1971
ABC TV Show “A Visit With The First Lady” 9/12/71 [1 of 2]
ABC TV Show “A Visit With The First Lady” 9/12/71 [2 of 2]
President Meets with Cabinet Wives; 9/13/71
Mrs. Nixon with Prince and Princess Hitachi of Japan 9/14/1971
Tea with Prince and Princess Hitachi of Japan 9/14/1971
Dinner Apollo 15 Astronauts; 9/16/71
Photo Opportunity Combined Federal Campaign with Sec. Rogers Morton 9/17/1971
Mrs. Nixon to View “The Right to Read” Film 9/21/1971
President – Reception for Race Car Drivers; 9/21/71
Mrs. Nixon Christens USS California 9/22/71 [1 of 7]
Mrs. Nixon Christens USS California 9/22/71 [2 of 7]
Mrs. Nixon Christens USS California 9/22/71 [3 of 7]

Box 16

Mrs. Nixon Christens USS California 9/22/71 [4 of 7]
Mrs. Nixon Christens USS California 9/22/71 [5 of 7]
Mrs. Nixon Christens USS California 9/22/71 [6 of 7]
Mrs. Nixon Christens USS California 9/22/71 [7 of 7]
Visit to Economic Club of Detroit; 9/23/71
Senator Ellender’s Gumbo Luncheon 9/24/1971
President & Mrs. Nixon in Alaska to Greet Japanese Emperor 9/26/71
President & Mrs. Nixon Meet in Alaska with Emperor and Empress of Japan; 9/26-24/71
Mamie Eisenhower Dinner 9/27/1971
Mrs. Nixon Accepts Copy of Recording for the Blind 9/28/1971 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon Accepts Copy of Recording for the Blind 9/28/1971 [2 of 2]
IMF/IBRD Reception 9/30/1971
Party for Doug Cornell Engagement Announced; 9/30/71
Honorary Chairman of Cyrus the Great/Iran 10/1971
National Association of Elementary School Principles 10/1/1971
National Officers of Future Homemakers of America 10/4/1971
Disney on Parade 10/5/1971

Box 17

Sustaining Members of NYC Jr. League 10/5/1971
Central Atlantic Region – National Council State Garden Clubs 10/6/1971
World Association of Women Journalist and Writers 10/7/1971 [1 of 2]
World Association of Women Journalist and Writers 10/7/1971 [2 of 2]
International Fiscal Association Wives 10/8/1971
Mrs. Nixon, Julie and David Baltimore/Pittsburgh Ball Game 10/11/1971
President and Mrs. Nixon Wheeling, West Virginia 10/8/1971
American Newspaper Women’s Club Honors Mrs. Nixon 10/14/1971
President & Mrs. Nixon Charlotte, N.C. – Billy Graham; 6/15/71
Eisenhower Theater Opening – Kennedy Center; 10/18/1971
Tea with Prime Minister of Ceylon 10/19/1971
10/19/71 Presentation of Landscape Awards, Am. Assoc. of Nursery Men [1 of 2]
10/19/71 Presentation of Landscape Awards, Am. Assoc. of Nursery Men [2 of 2]
10/20/71 Capitol Hill Club Cornerstone Laying
10/20/71 Gunston All & Mt. Vernon Bds.
Hospital for Sick Children Photo – October 21, 1971 PN
10/21/71 Nat’l Fed. of Rep. Women
10/22/71 Crystal Ball Philadelphia Museum [1 of 2]

Box 18

10/22/71 Crystal Ball Philadelphia Museum [2 of 2]
Tea for the Queen of Malaysia
Pre-Halloween Even October 27, 1971 Mrs. Nixon
10/29/71 Mrs. Nixon’s Halloween Party [1 of 3]
10/29/71 Mrs. Nixon’s Halloween Party [2 of 3]
10/29/71 Mrs. Nixon’s Halloween Party [3 of 3]
Nixon’s Halloween at Camp David; 10/31/71
[Red Room – 1971]
11/3/71 Geological Society of America
Order of St. Dennis of Zante November 3, 1971 2 P.M. (Lib) PN
11/4/71 Better Life Award Accepted for Mrs. Nixon by Mrs. Hitt
11/5/71 Central Opera Service National Conference
11/8/71 Red Room Presented [1 of 2]
11/8/71 Red Room Presented [2of 2]
11/9/71 Mrs. Nixon Receives First Sheet of Christmas Seals
President and Mrs. Nixon in Chicago for GOP Fund Raising Dinner and Pictures with Blind Girl; 11/9/71
11/10/71 National Retired Teachers Association
11/10/71 Scouting Keep American Beautiful Day Meeting
11/11/71 Mrs. Nixon – Nakayama
11/18/71 Luncheon for Helen Thomas Cornell
11/19-25/71 Chinese Walnut Chicken Recipe
President & Mrs. Nixon Julie and David – Kennedy Center Khmer Dancers; 11/19/71

Box 19

Thanksgiving; 11/25/71
11/22/71 Mrs. Nixon at Kennedy Center Symphony Program for 4th Graders [1 of 2]
11/22/71 Mrs. Nixon at Kennedy Center Symphony Program for 4th Graders [2 of 2]
11/23/71 Mrs. Nixon Accepts Turkey
Eisenhower Medical Center – Palm Springs; 11/27/71
11/30/71 Announced Mrs. Nixon Accompany President to China
Christmas CBS Special Visit to New York
Mrs. Nixon and China Speculation
[Mrs. Nixon and Julie Christmas Shopping 12/1971]
12/71 Plans for China Trip
Mississippi Representatives from W.H. Conf. on Aging Dec. 1 2:30 p.m.
12/1/71 Mrs. Nixon and Julie Sears and Roebuck
12/3/71 Salvation Army of N.Y. Award Presented to President and Mrs.Nixon – Accepted by Bob Finch
12/6/71 Mrs. Nixon – Boston for Funeral of Speaker McCormick’s Wife
[12/6/71 Mrs. Nixon – Boston for Funeral of Speaker McCormick’s Wife II]
President Nixon – Trudeau Stag, Working Dinner; 12/6/71
12/8/71 Mrs. Nixon – Accepts Presidential Seal Carved in Wood
12/14/71 Green Room Opening
12/15/71 Mrs. Nixon and Julie Greet Foundation for the Jr. Blind
12/16/71 Mrs. Nixon Visits National Center for Voluntary Action, Barry Farms, YM-YMCA Community Center [1 of 3]
12/16/71 Mrs. Nixon Visits National Center for Voluntary Action, Barry Farms, YM-YMCA Community Center [2 of 3]
12/16/71 Mrs. Nixon Visits National Center for Voluntary Action, Barry Farms, YM-YMCA Community Center [3 of 3]
[National Center for Voluntary Action]
[One Plus One – YMCA]
Nixons, Coxes and Eisenhowers in New York 12/19/71

Box 20

1/4/72 Project Happy Tour
President Nixon’s Birthday Mrs. Nixon’s Return from Africa 1/9/72
1/11/72 Reception – Association of American Colleges
Family at Camp David 1/14-16/72
1/13/72 Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Osipov Troupe and USSR Culture Council
1/18/72 Reception – League of Republican Women of D.C.
Cabinet Dinner 1/20/72
State of the Union 1/20/72
President & Mrs. Nixon and Julie in Key Biscayne 1/21-23/72
Dinner for Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Wallace 1/28/72
Mrs. Nixon – Mrs. Sato, Wife of the Former Japanese Prime Minister 1/31/73
President Nixon – Stag Dinner for Republican Governors 2/1/72
2/1/72 Private Meeting with 2 Members of Texas Partners of the Americas
President & Mrs. Nixon Athletes Who Participated in Drug Commercials 2/3/72
2/8/72 Cabinet Seals Hung at Blair House
2/9/72 Mrs. Nixon – N.Y.
President and Mrs. Nixon Awards to Outstanding Volunteers 2/10/72
2/14/72 Mrs. Nixon “Affair of the Heart Luncheon”
Stag Dinner for Andre Malraux 2/14/72
First Lady’s Seal [2/16/72]
[Mrs. Nixon’s Birthday – 3/1972]
3/4/72 Mrs. Nixon – Camellia Festival in Sacramento California [1 of 4]
3/4/72 Mrs. Nixon – Camellia Festival in Sacramento California [2 of 4]
3/4/72 Mrs. Nixon – Camellia Festival in Sacramento California [3 of 4]
3/4/72 Mrs. Nixon – Camellia Festival in Sacramento California [4 of 4]

Box 21

3/11/72, Mrs. Nixon – Luncheon Women’s Natl. Rep. Club – N.Y
3/13/72, Mrs. Nixon – Reception St. Louis Symphony
3/15/72, Mrs. Nixon – 1st of Historic Items on Display in East Room
NCVA – March 15 2:30 pm
3/15/72, Mrs. Nixon – Tea for Six Federal Woman’s Award Winners
3/16/72, Mrs. Nixon’s Birthday
Ireland’s First Pictorial Stamp Presented to Irish Ambassador, 3/17/72
3/22/72, Mrs. Nixon – First Sheet of East Seals
3/22/72, Mrs. Nixon – Kansas “Wheathearts”
3/23/72, China Gifts on Display
3/24/72, Mrs. Nixon in Atlanta, Georgia [1 of 4]
3/24/72, Mrs. Nixon in Atlanta, Georgia [2 of 4]
3/24/72, Mrs. Nixon in Atlanta, Georgia [3 of 4]
3/24/72, Mrs. Nixon in Atlanta, Georgia [4 of 4]
President and Mrs. Nixon Advertising Council Reception , 3/27/72
3/28/72 – 2nd of Historical Items on Display – Silver Service
3/28/72, Mrs. Nixon Greets Poppy Girl
3/28/72, Mrs. Nixon – International Toast Mistress Clubs
King Hussein – Jordan Stag Dinner, 3/28/72

Box 22

4/72 Pandas Expected at the Zoo Easter at Camp David – David’s Birthday Celebration 4/2/72
4/4/72 Mrs. Nixon – Photo for Corcoran Gallery Ball
4/4/72 Mrs. Nixon Poses with Jesse Owens for Cherry Blossom Fes.
4/5/72 New Family Portrait
4/5/72 Mrs. Nixon – Luncheon at Renwick Gallery
4/6/72 Mrs. Nixon Refuses Gridiron Invitation
Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Nixon April 6, 1972
4/6/72 Theta Sigma Phi Luncheon in LA Women in the News Award
4/7/72 Mrs. Nixon – Bronze Bust of President in San Clemente
4/7/72 Mrs. Nixon – Dedication of John C. Fremont House in Tucson, Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona Mrs. Nixon April 7, 1972 [1 of 3]
Phoenix, Arizona Mrs. Nixon April 7, 1972 [2 of 3]
Phoenix, Arizona Mrs. Nixon April 7, 1972 [3 of 3]
4/7/72 Republican Conference Banquet in Phoenix, Arizona
4/10/72 – Mrs. Nixon – Plants Tree on White House Lawn on Arbor Day [1 of 2]
4/10/72 – Mrs. Nixon – Plants Tree on White House Lawn on Arbor Day [2 of 2]
President – National Alliance of Businessmen Stag 4/10/72

Box 23

4/11/72 Reception for the National League of American Pen Women [1 of 2]
4/11/72 Reception for the National League of American Pen Women [2 of 2]
4/11/72 – Mrs. Nixon – Guest of Honor Senate Ladies Luncheon
4/12/72 Mrs. Nixon – Funeral of Mr. James F. Byrnes, Columbia, S.C.
4/12/72 3rd of Historic Items on Display – Lincoln Cabinet Chair
4/13-15/72 Canada Trip with President
OAS Dinner 4/15/72
4/17/72 Mrs. Nixon – Open House DAR
4/19/72 Mrs. Nixon – New Bern, N.C. John Wright Stanley Home [1 of 4]
4/19/72 Mrs. Nixon – New Bern, N.C. John Wright Stanley Home [2 of 4]
4/19/72 Mrs. Nixon – New Bern, N.C. John Wright Stanley Home [3 of 4]
4/19/72 Mrs. Nixon – New Bern, N.C. John Wright Stanley Home [4 of 4]
April 19, 1972 Mrs. Nixon – North Carolina [1 of 4]
April 19, 1972 Mrs. Nixon – North Carolina [2 of 4]
April 19, 1972 Mrs. Nixon – North Carolina [3 of 4]
April 19, 1972 Mrs. Nixon – North Carolina [4 of 4]
4/20/72 ASNE Reception
4/20/72 Mrs. Nixon Meets Mrs. U.S. Savings Bonds
4/20/72 Mrs. Nixon Greeting “Friends of Richard Nixon”

Box 24

4/20/72 Mrs. Nixon Greet Panda [1 of 4]
4/20/72 Mrs. Nixon Greet Panda [2 of 4]
4/20/72 Mrs. Nixon Greet Panda [3 of 4]
4/20/72 Mrs. Nixon Greet Panda [4 of 4]
4/21/72 Mrs. Nixon – 3rd Intn’l Choral Festival Reception
4/25/72 Mrs. Nixon Presents Women of the Year Award [1 of 2]
4/25/72 Mrs. Nixon Presents Women of the Year Award [2 of 2]
4/25/72 George Washington’s Mirror on Display in East Room
4/26/72 Mrs. Nixon Jefferson Lecture Group Tea [1 of 2]
4/26/72 Mrs. Nixon Jefferson Lecture Group Tea [2 of 2]
4/27/72 Mrs. Nixon – Congressional Ladies Breakfast
4/27/72 Mrs. Nixon – Int’l Union op. Engineers
4/29/72 Mrs. Nixon – White House Correspondents Dinner
4/30/72 President and Mrs. Nixon in Texas
5/72 Mrs. Nixon – Best Coiffured Woman in the Nation
Mrs. Nixon – USSR Trip [May 1972]
5/1/72 Mrs. Nixon – United Way of America Dinner – Sheraton Park
5/2/72 Mrs. Nixon – Miami Nat’l Retired Teachers Assoc. [1 of 4]
5/2/72 Mrs. Nixon – Miami Nat’l Retired Teachers Assoc. [2 of 4]
5/2/72 Mrs. Nixon – Miami Nat’l Retired Teachers Assoc. [3 of 4]
5/2/72 Mrs. Nixon – Miami Nat’l Retired Teachers Assoc. [4 of 4]
5/4/72 President and Mrs. Nixon Attend J. Edgar Hoover Funeral
5/5/72 Mrs. Nixon Receives Memorial Poppies
5/6/72 Mrs. Nixon Lions Int’l Banquet [1 of 2]
5/6/72 Mrs. Nixon Lions Int’l Banquet [2 of 2]

Box 25

5/8/72 Mrs. Nixon – Mayor of Mon. Liberia
5/8/72 Mrs. Nixon Senate Ladies Luncheon
5/9/72 Description of Remaining Historic Items to be Displayed
5/9/72 Mrs. Nixon and President Duke Law School Dinners
5/10/72 Benefit Concert by the Nat’l Children’s Choir and the D.C. Youth Orchestra
5/18/72 – Mrs. Nixon – Honorary Chrmn, Nat’l Symphony Orchestra Fund Drive
5/10/72 Mrs. Nixon – Photo with National Cystic Fibrosis Child
5/14/72 Mothers Day at Camp David
5/15/72 Blue Room Opening [1 of 3]
5/15/72 Blue Room Opening [2 of 3]
5/15/72 Blue Room Opening [3 of 3]
5/16/72 Mexico-U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Group Reception
5/18/72 Sequoia Cruises Begin
6/16/72 Future Business Leaders of America – Houston, Texas
June 16, 1972 Mrs. Nixon – Houston, Texas [1 of 2]
June 16, 1972 Mrs. Nixon – Houston, Texas [2 of 2]
6/17/72 Mrs. Nixon – Dinner at the Taft Schriebers’ – Beverly Hills, Cal.
6/18/72 Mrs. Nixon – Memorial Service for Flood Victims – Rapid City, S.D. [1 of 3]
6/18/72 Mrs. Nixon – Memorial Service for Flood Victims – Rapid City, S.D. [2 of 3]
6/18/72 Mrs. Nixon – Memorial Service for Flood Victims – Rapid City, S.D. [3 of 3]

Box 26

Mrs. Nixon – Salute to Education Reception – Sheraton Pk. Hotel; 6/21/72
President and Mrs. Nixon 32nd Anniversary 6/21/72
President and Mrs. Nixon Reception for Polish-American Leaders; 6/26/72
President and Mrs. Nixon Reception for Radio and TV People 6/27/72
Mrs. Nixon – Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival – Chicago; 7/2/72 [1 of 5]
Mrs. Nixon – Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival – Chicago; 7/2/72 [2 of 5]
Mrs. Nixon – Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival – Chicago; 7/2/72 [3 of 5]
Mrs. Nixon – Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival – Chicago; 7/2/72 [4 of 5]
Mrs. Nixon – Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival – Chicago; 7/2/72 [5 of 5]
Mrs. Nixon and President in California – Visit with Mrs. N’s Brother
Fourth of July 7/4/72
Mrs. Nixon – Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. Brief Color Film; 7/18/72
Mrs. Nixon V.F.W. Auxiliary 7/19/72
Mrs. Nixon – Princess Muna – Wife of King Hussein of Jordan – Tea [EMPTY]
Mrs. Nixon – Red Cross Telethon 7/22/72
Dabney Hibbert Wedding 7/22/72
Mrs. Nixon American Rose Society 7/25/72
Mrs. Nixon – Franklin Mint, Map Room July 25, 1972; 12:30 P.M.
Mrs. Nixon – Interview with Fay Wells for Storer Broadcasting; 7/25/72
Mrs. Nixon – “Project Save” Summer in the Parks; 7/26/72
Mrs. Nixon – Army Community Service 7/26/72

Box 27

Mrs. Nixon – Muscular Dystrophy Child 8/1/72
President and Mrs. Nixon Reception for Secret Service; 8/1/72
Mrs. Nixon – Irish Teachers 8/2/72
President and Mrs. Nixon Greet Senator Elaine Edwards; 8/7/72
Mrs. Nixon Press Coffee 8/8/72 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon Press Coffee 8/8/72 [2 of 2]
Present New Adams Portrait 8/8/72
Mrs. Nixon – Tea with President Tyler’s Descendants 8/11/72
Mrs. Nixon Greets Irish School Girl – Miss Marion Scully; 8/14/72 [EMPTY]
Mrs. Nixon – Interview with Marya McLaughlin – CBS 8/15/72
Mrs. Nixon – Reception for 1972 Summer Olympics Team; 8/17/72
Chicago, Michigan, San Diego on the to San Clemente, 8/24/72
San Clemente and Hawaii; 8/25-9/6/72
President & Mrs. Nixon Reception in San Clemente for Friends in the Entertainment Field; 8/27/72
Mrs. Nixon – San Clemente Galaxy of Stars – Sinatra, Gabor – Western White House w/President; 8/28/72
Mrs. Nixon – Hawaii; 8/31/72 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – Hawaii; 8/31/72 [2 of 2]

Box 28

Mrs. Nixon Tea – Wife of Indonesian Minister of State; September 8th, 1972
Mrs. Nixon’s Visit to Gen. Fed. Women’s Clubs; 9/10/72
The RNC Reception with the President and Mrs. Nixon
Mrs. Nixon – U.S. Marshal Service in East Garden; 9/13/72
Mrs. Nixon – Morristown, N.J. The Seeing Eye, Inc.; 9/15/72
Mrs. Nixon – Com. to Re-Elect Headquarters, New York; 9/16
Mrs. Nixon – West Coast Trip
Press Information – Schedules
Mrs. Nixon – Chicago; 9/18/72 [1 of 4]
Mrs. Nixon – Chicago; 9/18/72 [2 of 4]
Mrs. Nixon – Chicago; 9/18/72 [3 of 4]
Mrs. Nixon – Chicago; 9/18/72 [4 of 4]
Mrs. Nixon – Billings, Mon. and Yellowstone, Madison Junction, WY [1 of 3]
Mrs. Nixon – Billings, Mon. and Yellowstone, Madison Junction, WY [2 of 3]
Mrs. Nixon – Billings, Mon. and Yellowstone, Madison Junction, WY [3 of 3]

Box 29

Mrs. Nixon – Idaho Falls, Ames Research Center, Sunnyvale, Cal. 9/20/72 [1 of 3]
Mrs. Nixon – Idaho Falls, Ames Research Center, Sunnyvale, Cal. 9/20/72 [2 of 3]
Mrs. Nixon – Idaho Falls, Ames Research Center, Sunnyvale, Cal. 9/20/72 [3 of 3]
Mrs. Nixon – Los Angeles 9/21/72 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – Los Angeles 9/21/72 [2 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – San Antonio 9/22/72
Mrs. Nixon – Oklahoma City 9/23/72
Mrs. Nixon accompanies the President to New York 9/26/72 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon accompanies the President to New York 9/26/72 [2 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – Lord Cromer British Embassy 9/26/72
The President and Mrs. Nixon Visit New York City 9/27/72
The President and Mrs. Nixon in Los Angeles 9/28/72
The President Attends Sir Alec Douglas Home Dinner; 9/29/72

Box 30

Mrs. Nixon Attends Arthritis Foundation of Central PA. Luncheon 10/4/72
Mrs. Nixon – 75th Anniv. Dinner – American Irish History Society 10/4/72
Mrs. Nixon Attends Tea and Reception for UPI Editors Wives 10/2/72
Mrs. Nixon’s Tea for Nat. Advisory Com. 10/6/72
Mrs. Nixon Greets March of Dimes Poster Child 10/6/72
Mrs. Nixon Attends McCormick Reception in Chicago – Columbus Day Parade 10/9/72
Mrs. Nixon at the Capitol to Launch Campaign Motor Tour 10/9/72
The President & Mrs. Nixon Attend Reception for Nat. Newspaper Asso. 10/10/72
Mrs. Nixon Accompanies the President to Atlanta, Georgia 10/12/72
The President & Mrs. Nixon Visit Atlanta, Georgia 10/12/72
Mrs. Attends Pulaki Day Parade in Buffalo, N.Y. 10/15/72
Mrs. Nixon Presents Award for Nat. Asso. of Retired Teachers 10/17/72
Mrs. Nixon Participates in Nat. Historic Landmark Ceremony at Treasury Department 10/18/72
Mrs. Nixon Visits Detroit 10/19/72 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon Visits Detroit 10/19/72 [2 of 2]

Box 31

Mrs. Nixon Accompanies the President to Long Island, N.Y. 10/23/72
Mrs. Nixon Attends Tea for Leader of Nat. Ind. For Blind 10/24/72
Mrs. Nixon Visits Golden Slipper Club in Philadelphia, PA 10/25/72 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon Visits Golden Slipper Club in Philadelphia, PA 10/25/72 [2 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon Attends Tea Nat. Trust for Historic Preservation 10/26/72
Mrs. Nixon to Greet Ethnic Press in State Dining Room 10/27/72
Mrs. Nixon Accompanies the President through Ohio to Michigan 10/28/72
Mrs. Nixon – Boston, Mass. 10/31/72
Mrs. Nixon – Medical Center, Los Angeles, California 11/5/72
Mrs. Nixon and the President Vote in California 11/7/72
Mrs. Nixon and the President Celebrate at Victory at Shoreham 11/7/72
Mrs. Nixon and the Family Go to Key Biscayne with the President 11/8/72
Mrs. Nixon – Photo Opportunity – Christmas Seals 11/15/72
Mrs. Nixon, Julie take Mamie to Kennedy Center for Her Birthday, 11/15/72
Mrs. Nixon – Kennedy Center with Fourth Graders 11/20/72
Thanksgiving Day – Dinner Menu – at Camp David 11/23/72
The President and the Family Vacation in New York for the Weekend 11/24/72
Photo Opportunity from the Hospital for Sick Children 12/5/72
Photo Opportunity General Fed. Of Women’s Clubs Board 12/5/72
Reception for Army Commanders Wives 12/5/72
Photo Opportunity for Whittier Telegram Project 12/11/72
Christmas 1972 at the White House 12/11/72
Mrs. Nixon – Photo Opportunity with Dr. Hughes 12/11/72
Truman Dies – National Day of Mourning 12/26/72
Open House for Members of Congress and Senior Citizens 12/27/72
The President and Mrs. Nixon – Former President Truman 12/28/72

Box 32

Mrs. Nixon – Rose Bowl Game in Calif., 1/1/73 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – Rose Bowl Game in Calif., 1/1/73 [2 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon Attends Memorial Service for Hale Boggs, 1/4/73
The President and Mrs. Nixon – Reception – New Members of Congress, 1/5/73
Mrs. Nixon – Photo Opportunity of Inaugural Display Cases, 1/8/73
The President’s Birthday, 1/9/73
Mrs. Nixon – Shenyang Acrobatic Group of China – Reception, 1/12/73
First Family Schedule for Official Inaugural Activities, 1/17/73
Press Information on Inaugural Events, 1/17/73
1/17/73, Mrs. Nixon’s Daytime Inaugural Costume – Released
1/18/73, Mrs. Nixon’s Inaugural Ball Gown – Released
1/18/73, Salute to the States
1/18/73, Vice President Agnew’s Reception
Salute to America’s Heritage, 1/19/73
The Inaugural Concerts – 1/19/73
Gridiron Club – 1972 [Jan. 19, 1973]
The Swearing In at the Capitol, 1/20/73 [1 of 2]
The Swearing In at the Capitol, 1/20/73 [2 of 2]
1/20/73, Inauguration [1 of 4]
1/20/73, Inauguration [2 of 4]
1/20/73, Inauguration [3 of 4]
1/20/73, Inauguration [4 of 4]
1/21/73, Nixon-Ryan Reception
1/21/73, RNC Reception
1/25/73, The President and Mrs. Nixon Final Tribute to Former Pres. Johnson
1/26/73, The President, Mrs. Nixon, and Julie – Key Biscayne for Weekend
1/30/73, The Inaugural Ball

Box 33

2/1/73, Mrs. Nixon Attends Presidential Prayer Breakfast
2/1/73, Arrival Ceremony for Prime Minister Heath
2/2/73, Mrs. Nixon Attends Swearing-In Ceremony for Cabinet Members
2/6/73, Mrs. Nixon – Gift of Life Certificate – Reception at the Mayflower
2/7/73, The President and Mrs. Nixon Visit Mrs. Alice Roosevelt
2/7/73, Mrs. Nixon – Tea for the Continental Society of Wash.
2/9/73, The President and Mrs. Nixon Leave for Trip to San Clemente with Julie and David
2/13/73, Mrs. Nixon – Women’s Com. of Nat’l Symphony
2/13/73, The President, Mrs. Nixon, Julie and David Go to Trader Vic’s for Dinner
2/14/73, Mrs. Nixon – Tea for Nat’l Center for Voluntary Action Winners
2/16/73, The President and Mrs. Nixon Leave for Key Biscayne
2/20/73, Mrs. Nixon – 1973 Women’s Forum on Nat’l Security – Molly Pitcher Award [1 of 3]
2/20/73, Mrs. Nixon – 1973 Women’s Forum on Nat’l Security – Molly Pitcher Award [2 of 3]
2/20/73, Mrs. Nixon – 1973 Women’s Forum on Nat’l Security – Molly Pitcher Award [3 of 3]
2/22/73, The President, Mrs. Nixon, and Tricia – National Theatre – “Irene”
2/22/73, Mrs. Nixon – Am. Reg. of Radiologic Technologists Tea
2/22/73, Mrs. Nixon – National Chamber of Commerce Board of Dir. Wives Tea
2/27/73, Mrs. Nixon – Nat’l Center for Voluntary Action – State Depart. [1 of 2]
2/27/73, Mrs. Nixon – Nat’l Center for Voluntary Action – State Depart. [2 of 2]
2/28/73, Mrs. Nixon – Black Tie Dinner for the Governors and Their Wives
Wolf Trap Farm Picnic with the Family and the President, March 1973
3/2/73, Mrs. Nixon – American Bandmasters Association Reception
Stag Dinner – The President, 3/6/73
3/6/73, To Mrs. Nixon from Wash. Post – Questions and Mrs. Nixon’s Answers from Column
3/6/73, Mrs. Nixon – 11th Edition of White House Guidebook Presentation [1 of 2]
3/6/73, Mrs. Nixon – 11th Edition of White House Guidebook Presentation [2 of 2]
3/13/73, Mrs. Nixon – Presentation of Quilt from Ladies of Appalachia
3/13/73, MRs. Nixon – Asso. of Am. Foreign Service Women Reception

Box 34

3/14/73, Mrs. Nixon – Ambassador’s Wives Tea
3/14/73, Mrs. Nixon – Easter Seal Child
3/15/73, Mrs. Nixon – Cystic Fibrosis Dinner at the Statler Hilton Hotel
3/15/73, Mrs. Nixon – Nat’l Cystic Fibrosis Research Found.
3/15/73, Mrs. Nixon –Nat’l Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation
3/16/73, Mrs. Nixon – Nat’l Wildlife Federation Dedication Tyson’s Corner [1 of 5]
3/16/73, Mrs. Nixon – Nat’l Wildlife Federation Dedication Tyson’s Corner [2 of 5]
3/16/73, Mrs. Nixon – Nat’l Wildlife Federation Dedication Tyson’s Corner [3 of 5]
3/16/73, Mrs. Nixon – Nat’l Wildlife Federation Dedication Tyson’s Corner [4 of 5]
3/16/73, Mrs. Nixon – Nat’l Wildlife Federation Dedication Tyson’s Corner [5 of 5]
3/20/73, Mrs. Nixon – Reception to Present W.H. Record Library [1 of 5]
3/20/73, Mrs. Nixon – Reception to Present W.H. Record Library [2 of 5]
3/20/73, Mrs. Nixon – Reception to Present W.H. Record Library [3 of 5]
3/20/73, Mrs. Nixon – Reception to Present W.H. Record Library [4 of 5]
3/20/73, Mrs. Nixon – Reception to Present W.H. Record Library [5 of 5]
3/28/73 – 3/30/73, Mrs. Nixon’s California Trip
3/29/73, Mrs. Nixon – Town and Gown USC Luncheon in Pasadena, Calif.
3/30/73, Mrs. Nixon – L.A. Medical Assoc. Luncheon in Los Angeles

Box 35

4/2/73 – Visit of Nguyen Van Thieu to Western White House
4/10/73 – Mrs. Nixon – Senate Ladies Luncheon
4/11/73, Mrs. Nixon – “Courage Award” to Jack Pardee in the Library for Cancer Crusade 4/11/73, Mrs. Nixon – Cherry Blossom Luncheon at the Sheraton Park
4/12/73, Mrs. Nixon – American Asso. of Nurserymen [1 of 2]
4/12/73, Mrs. Nixon – American Asso. of Nurserymen [2 of 2]
4/13/73, The President and Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Chiefs of OAS
4/14/73, White House Correspondents’ Dinner at the Washington Hilton
4/14, 15/73, Tour of White House Grounds with Mrs. Nixon [1 of 2]
4/14, 15/73, Tour of White House Grounds with Mrs. Nixon [2 of 2]
4/16/73, Mrs. Nixon, Julie, and David See Sandra Fortune – Ballet Guild
Arrival Ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Andreotti, 4/17/73
4/18/73, Mrs. Nixon – Teacher of the Year Award [1 of 2]
4/18/73, Mrs. Nixon – Teacher of the Year Award [2 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – Queen Olha Medal Presentation; 4/18/73
4/18/73, Mrs. Nixon – Painting of Flag Collection
The President and Mrs. Nixon Visit Norfolk, VA; 4/19/73
4/22/73, Easter Sunday in Key Biscayne with the Whole Family
4/27/73, Mrs. Nixon Accompanies the president to Miss. To Stennis Center

Box 36

5/7/73, Mrs. Nixon – Luncheon for Senate Ladies in State Dining Rm.
5/7/73, Mrs. Nixon – Greet 1972 Hearing and Speech Poster Child
5/8/73, Mrs. Nixon – Luncheon for Nat’l Trust for Historic Preservation [1 of 2]
5/8/73, Mrs. Nixon – Luncheon for Nat’l Trust for Historic Preservation [2 of 2]
Schedule of Mrs. Nixon’s Activities – May 7-9, 1973
5/9/73, Mrs. Nixon – Nat’l Goodwill Worker of the Year
5/9/73, The President – New Majority Dinner at Washington Hilton
5/9/73, Mrs. Nixon – D.C. Chapter of the Am. Red Cross
5/11/73, Mrs. Nixon – Greet Argentine Ambassador Muniz and Receive Gift
5/11/73, Mrs. Nixon – St. John’s College Father Son Banquet
Mrs. Nixon – May 12, 1973, Goodwill Embassy Tour
5/13/73, The President, Mrs. Nixon, Julie, and David Mother’s Day at Camp David
5/14/73, Mrs. Nixon – Woman of the Year Award
5/16/73, Mrs. Nixon – Military Wife of the Year Finalist
5/16/73, Mrs. Nixon – Wheelchair Decorating Contest
5/17/73, Mrs. Nixon – Greet Members of Arthritis Board for Arthritis Month
5/17/73, Mrs. Nixon – Greet Wives of Pres.’s Exec. Interchange Program
5/23/73, Mrs. Nixon – Congressional Breakfast at the Shoreham Hotel [1 of 2]
5/23/73, Mrs. Nixon – Congressional Breakfast at the Shoreham Hotel [2 of 2]
5/24/73, Mrs. Nixon, Julie, and Tricia – Reception for POW Wives at State Department
POW Day – May 24, 1973 [1 of 6]
POW Day – May 24, 1973 [2 of 6]
POW Day – May 24, 1973 [3 of 6]
POW Day – May 24, 1973 [4 of 6]
POW Day – May 24, 1973 [5 of 6]
POW Day – May 24, 1973 [6 of 6]
Mrs. Nixon – 5/25/73 Richardson Swearing In Ceremony
5/30/73, Mrs. Nixon and Julie Attend Funeral for SS Agent in Greenwich, Cn.
The President Visits Iceland; 5/31/73

Box 37

6/4/73, Mrs. Nixon – Luncheon for Com. for Pres. of the White House
6/6/73, Mrs. Nixon – Multiple Sclerosis Patients in the Library [1 of 2]
6/6/73, Mrs. Nixon – Multiple Sclerosis Patients in the Library [2 of 2]
6/6/73, Mrs. Nixon – Tea for Mrs. Tolbert of Liberia
6/7/73, Mrs. Nixon – Private Visit with Goodwin T. Anim from Ghana [1 of 2]
6/7/73, Mrs. Nixon – Private Visit with Goodwin T. Anim from Ghana [2 of 2]
6/8/73, Mrs. Nixon Accompanies the President to Orlando, Florida
6/12/73, Mrs. Nixon Receives Diamond Award at Congressional Club in Washington for Making World Friends
6/12/73, Mrs. Nixon – Greets Students from Maimonides Institute
6/13/73, Mrs. Nixon – Launching of Presidential Cruise – First of a Series on the “Sequoia”
6/14/73, Mrs. Nixon – Am. Symphony Orchestra League Tea
6/14/73, Mrs. Nixon – Lions Club Luncheon at the Sheraton Park
6/15/73, The President and Mrs. Nixon – Visit Pekin Library and Dirksen Research Center in Pekin, Illinois
6/18/73, Arrival Ceremony for Brezhnev
6/21/73, 33rd Anniversary of Pres. And Mrs. Nixon – Dinner at Soviet Embassy
Mrs. Nixon, Julie, Tricia – 6/22/73. Brezhnev Signing Ceremony
6/23/73, Poolside Reception at San Clemente for Sec. Brezhnev
6/25/73, Focus on First Family Living and the Excitement of the White House
7/1973, Mrs. Nixon – Articiles by Good Housekeeping, “The Pat Nixon I Know”
7/12/73, President is Hospitalized, Visited by Family
Mrs. Nixon – 7/18/73, Funeral of Brother
7/19/73, Request from McCall’s for Photo of Mrs. Nixon re: Cover Story “The Unsinkable Pat Nixon”
7/24/73, Arrival Ceremony of Shah of Iran
7/26/73, Mrs. Nixon – Greet Wives of W.H. Fellows and Agency Wives
7/26/73, Mrs. Nixon – Mrs. Talmadge Gives Luncheon in Senate Dining Room
7/31/73, Arrival Ceremony for Prime Minister Tanaka
8/1/73, Mrs. Nixon – Georgetown Post Office Medal [1 of 2]
8/1/73, Mrs. Nixon – Georgetown Post Office Medal [2 of 2]
President – Stag Reception; 9/11/73
The President and Mrs. Nixon – Nat’l Medals of Science Presentations; 10/10/73
Mrs. Nixon – Cut Down on Energy Around the House [11/18/73]

Box 38

President Celebrates His 61st Birthday at San Clemente; 1/9/74
The President and Mrs. Nixon Attend Reciprocal Reception at Romanian Embassy for Ceausescu, 12/5/73
Wedding of Dr. Tkach in LA, Jolla, CA; 12/29/73
Mrs. Nixon – Greet Wives of Nat’l Religious Broadcasters, 1/28/74
1974 New Year’s Resolution for Mrs. Nixon and Tricia
Mrs. Nixon’s Appointment to National Service Advisory Council Retracted, 1/3/74
President, Mrs. Nixon, and Tricia Attend Presbyterian Church Service at San Clemente, 1/7/74
The President, Mrs. Nixon, and Tricia Leave for Palm Springs Vacation, 1/9/74
Mrs. Nixon – Reception at Meridian House for THIS, 1/28/74
Mrs. Nixon – Presents “Truck Driver of the Year” Award, 1/29/74 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – Presents “Truck Driver of the Year” Award, 1/29/74 [2 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon, David and Julie, Tricia and Ed Attend State of the Union Address, 1/30/74
Mrs. Nixon – Has Lunch at San Souci with Wauhillau and Mrs. Howard, 1/30/74
National Breakfast – First Family Attends, 1/30/74
Mrs. Nixon – March of Dimes Poster Child, 1/31/74
Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Pueblo Indian Potters, 1/31/74
Mrs. Nixon, President, Julie, and Tricia Attend Spokesman’s Briefing, 2/1/74
The President and Mrs. Nixon – Am. Hospital Asso. Annual Meeting at Washington Hilton, 2/5/74
Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Women’s Com. of Nat’l Symphony, 2/6/74
Mrs. Nixon and Julie Attend Rep. Women’s Fed. Forum Luncheon at the Capitol Hill Club, 2/7/74
Mrs. Nixon – Photo with Quilts and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Pforr, 2/7/74
The President, Family, and Friends Have Dinner at Trader Vic’s, 2/8/74
Mrs. Nixon – Reception at Tayloe House for Nat’l Vol. Service, 2/8/74
The President – Dinner for Oil Users; 2/11/74
The President, Mrs. Nixon, Julie and David Attend Alice Roosevelt’s Day Party, then Dinner at Trader Vic’s, 2/12/74
Pat Nixon Home in Cerritos, Calif. [2/12/74]
Mrs. Nixon – D.C. Federation of Women’s Club Reception, 2/12/74
Presidential Trip to Huntsville, Alabama; 2/19/74
Mrs. Nixon – Bicentennial Commemorative Pewter Medals Photo, 2/19/74

Box 39

The President and Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Ethnic Press, 2/19/74
Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Nat’l Congress of Parents and Teachers, 2/20/74
The President and Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Nat’l Citizens Com. for Fairness to Presidency, 2/22/74
Mrs. Nixon – Greet Children from Sidell School in LA, 2/26/74
Mrs. Nixon – Forum on Women in Pop. And Development Reception, 2/28/74
The President and Mrs. Nixon – Dinner for Congressional Supporters; 3/1/74
Dinner for Congressional Supporters – President and Mrs. Nixon, 3/1/74
Mrs. Nixon – Easter Seal Poster Child Photo, 3/5/74
Mrs. Nixon – Tea for Governors’ Wives at Nat’l Gallery, 3/6/74
Mrs. Nixon – Nat’l Asso. for Retarded Children in the Library, 3/6/74
Mrs. Nixon – Greet Whittier Christian School Children, 3/6/74
Mrs. Nixon – Nat’l Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Club Reception, 3/8/74
Mrs. Nixon’s 62nd Birthday, 3/16/74
Grand Ole Opry – President and Mrs. Nixon, 3/16/74
Mrs. Nixon – Cherry Blossom Luncheon – Cancelled, 3/27/74
President and Mrs. Nixon Attend Republican Senate – House Dinner – Wash. Hilton Hotel; 3/27/74
President and Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Representatives of National Newspaper Association, 3/28/74
Mrs. Nixon – Political Study Club of Washington, D.C. – Reception, 3/28/74
Mrs. Nixon – National Newspaper Association Reception, 3/28/74
President and Mrs. Nixon Attend Reception Honoring Vietnam Veterans at Fort McNair, 3/29/74
Mrs. Nixon – Historic Landmark Ceremony at Nat’l Portrait Gallery, 4/3/74 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – Historic Landmark Ceremony at Nat’l Portrait Gallery, 4/3/74 [2 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – Greet Man. Ave. School Children from L.A., 4/4/74
Chowder and Marching Dinner – The President and Mrs. Nixon; 4/4/74
Mrs. Nixon – Landscape Awards Program, 4/5/74 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – Landscape Awards Program, 4/5/74 [2 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – Visit to Gunston Hall to Dedicate Ann Mason Center, 4/9/74 [1 of 3]
Mrs. Nixon – Visit to Gunston Hall to Dedicate Ann Mason Center, 4/9/74 [2 of 3]
Mrs. Nixon – Visit to Gunston Hall to Dedicate Ann Mason Center, 4/9/74 [3 of 3]

Box 40

4/10/74, Mrs. Nixon – Tour and Greeting Students from Whittier Union High School District
4/10/74, Mrs. Nixon – Luncheon – Ladies of Senate Red Cross Caucus Room – Old Senate Office Building
4/11/74, President – Dinner Honoring President Boumediene of Algeria
4/11/74, Mrs. Nixon – Greet and Accept Betsy Ross Flag from Occoquan Sch.
4/17/74, Mrs. Nixon – Drop-by Com. Meeting of 1974 Hope Ball
4/18/74, Mrs. Nixon – Present Cancer “Courage Award” to Actor William Gargan
4/18/74, Mrs. Nixon – Association for Childhood Education International – Reception
4/18/74, President and Mrs. Nixon – DAR 83rd Cont. Congress
4/19/74, DAR Tour of W.H.
4/19/74, Mrs. Nixon – Tea with Delaware County Fed. Women’s Club
President Appoints Virginia Trotter to A.S.E.; 4/19/74
4/19/74, Mrs. Nixon – Greet Arab-American Women’s Friendship Association
4/20/74 and 4/21/74 – Garden Tour – White House Grounds
4/21/74, Mrs. Nixon – Showing Strains of Watergate
4/23/74, Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Defense Advisory Comm. (DACOWITS)
4/23/74, Mrs. Nixon – Smithsonian Education Volunteers – Reception
4/24/74 – Mrs. Nixon – Tour and Tea – National Center for Voluntary Action Winners – Blue Room [1 of 3]
4/24/74 – Mrs. Nixon – Tour and Tea – National Center for Voluntary Action Winners – Blue Room [2 of 3]
4/24/74 – Mrs. Nixon – Tour and Tea – National Center for Voluntary Action Winners – Blue Room [3 of 3]
4/24/74, Mrs. Nixon – Present Award to Winner of Highway Lighting Bureau
Reception – Republican National Committee State Chairmen and Committeemen, Thursday, April 25, 1974; East Room
President and Mrs. Nixon – Republican National Committee Reception – East Room; 4/25/74
4/25/74, President and Mrs. Nixon – Visit to Jackson, Miss. – Address
Miss. Economic Council – Luncheon
4/26/74, Mrs. Nixon – Attends YWCA Annual Membership Luncheon – Shoreham Hotel
4/29/74, Mrs. Nixon – Annual Spring Luncheon by Ladies of the Senate – Honoring Mrs. Nixon – Caucus Room
5/1/74, Mrs. Nixon 0 New Headquarters – American Horticultural Society – Geo. Washington’s River Farm – Mt. Vernon [1 of 2]
5/1/74, Mrs. Nixon 0 New Headquarters – American Horticultural Society – Geo. Washington’s River Farm – Mt. Vernon [2 of 2]

Box 41

Mrs. Nixon – Opening of Expo ’74 in Spokane Washington, 5/4/74 [1 of 4]
Mrs. Nixon – Opening of Expo ’74 in Spokane Washington, 5/4/74 [2 of 4]
Mrs. Nixon – Opening of Expo ’74 in Spokane Washington, 5/4/74 [3 of 4]
Mrs. Nixon – Opening of Expo ’74 in Spokane Washington, 5/4/74 [4 of 4]
Mrs. Nixon – National Council, The Women’s National Republican Club, Inc. – Reception – Blue Room, 5/8/74
Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Military Wives of the Year – Five Branches of Armed Forces – Blue Room, 5/8/74
Mrs. Nixon – Attends Reception at Capitol Hill Club, 5/9/74
President and Mrs. Nixon – Simon Swearing-in Ceremony – East Room; 5/8/74
Mrs. Nixon – Women’s Chapters of Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge Reception – Blue Room, 5/9/74
Mrs. Nixon – Fairfax Council on the Arts Reception – Blue Room and State Dining Room, 5/9/74
Mrs. Nixon – Greet Seniors of Lynchburg-Clay High School, Lynchburg, Ohio – South Portico, 5/10/74
Oklahoma State Commencement Exercises, 5/11/74
Mrs. Nixon – Luncheon in Honor of Senate Wives – State Dining Room, 5/13/74
Mrs. Nixon – Tour and Tea for Model Cities Senior Citizen Center Industrial Blind Sewing Class, 5/14/74
Mrs. Nixon – Reception – Wives of Participants in the Pacific Basin Economic Council, 5/15/74
President and Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Mexico United States Inter-Parliamentary Conference, 5/15/74
Mrs. Nixon – Greets VFW National Buddy Poppy Girl, 5/15/74
Reception for the Welcome to Washington International Club, May 16, 1974 w/ Anne Armstrong
Mrs. Nixon – Reception for National Society of Arts and Letters – Blue Room and State Dining Room, 5/17/74

Box 42

Mrs. Nixon – First Ladies’ Breakfast, 5/21/74 [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – First Ladies’ Breakfast, 5/21/74 [2 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon – Wives of Former Members of Congress – Reception – State Dining Room, 5/22/74
Mrs. Nixon – Reception – American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (Wives), 5/23/74
“Usher’s Logbook” – May 26, 1974, Washington Post
Mrs. Nixon – Reception – Members and Husbands – International Neighbor Clubs, 5/29/74
Mrs. Nixon – Greet “Mother and Father of the Year” National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 5/30/74
Mrs. Nixon – Reception – The Pat Nixon Republican Women’s Club
(Springfield, VA), 5/30/74
Mrs. Nixon – Tea with Mrs. Tolbert, 6/3/74
The President – Stag Luncheon Honoring Prince Fahd; 6/5/74
Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Scripps-Howard Spelling Bee Winners, 6/7/74
Rabbi Korff Luncheon for June 9, 1974
Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Wives of the Foreign Ambassadors, 6/24/74
Mrs. Nixon – Reception for National Council of Negro Women, 7/12/74

Julie and David

Box 43

Julie – 1969
Julie – 1970
9/13/70 Julie Catholic University
12/3/70 Julie – Interview by Satellite to Brazil
1971 Julie Miscellaneous [1 of 2]
1971 Julie Miscellaneous [2 of 2]
Julie – 1971 [1 of 3]
Julie – 1971 [2 of 3]
Julie – 1971 [3 of 3]
1/10/71 Julie’s Interview with Helen Thomas
2/18/71 Julie and Catholic University Drama Group
3/71 Julie – Interview with Clare Crawford
3/23/71 Clare Crawford’s Interview with Julie [1 of 2]
3/23/71 Clare Crawford’s Interview with Julie [2 of 2]
4/23/71 President & Mrs. Nixon Visit Julie & David at VA Beach
4/24/71 Julie with Puppets NBC Children’s Theatre
5/3/71 Julie – VA Beach Festival of Visual & Performing Arts
5/24/71 Julie – Teaching in Atlantic Beach Elementary School
6/14/71 – News Summaries
8/5/71 Julie Tapes TV Promotion for Jacksonville, Florida United Fund
8/10/71 Julie and Broken Toe
8/18/71 – Julie with President in Illinois, Texas and Wyoming
9/71 – Julie Starts Teaching at Atlantic Beach [1 of 2]
9/71 – Julie Starts Teaching at Atlantic Beach [2 of 2]
9/17/71 Photograph Session with Julie in Jacksonville – Community Planning Council
9/20/71 Julie Meets with the Jr. Committee for Diamond Jubilee
11/71 Julie in the White House while David on Cruise
11/5/71 Julie – Cancer Society Dinner in New York
11/5/71 Julie and Proclamation Signing Ceremony – President’s Office

Box 44

11/7/71 Julie – Eisenhower School Dedication in Jacksonville, Illinois[1 of 4]
11/7/71 Julie – Eisenhower School Dedication in Jacksonville, Illinois[2 of 4]
11/7/71 Julie – Eisenhower School Dedication in Jacksonville, Illinois[3 of 4]
11/7/71 Julie – Eisenhower School Dedication in Jacksonville, Illinois[4 of 4]
11/8/71 Julie and Maryland School for the Blind
11/9/71 Julie – GOP Fund Raising Dinner
11/10/71 Julie at National Gallery for Christmas Stamp Dedication
11/11/71 Julie Accepts Birthday Gift for Mamie
11/4/71 Julie – Gandhi Arrival Greet 4H
11/12/71 Julie – Festival at Fords
11/12/71 Julie – Reception for Attendees at the NE Republican Conference Cleveland, Ohio Monday Nov. 15, 1971 Julie Eisenhower
11/17/71 Julie – Legacy of Parks Edison Township, N.J. & Brookhaven, Long Island, New York [1 of 2]
11/17/71 Julie – Legacy of Parks Edison Township, N.J. & Brookhaven, Long Island, New York [2 of 2]
11/17/71 Julie Accepting Maimonides Humanitarian Award for Mrs. Nixon
NY-NJ (3 Stop Swing) Julie Eisenhower November 17, 1971 [1 of 3]
NY-NJ (3 Stop Swing) Julie Eisenhower November 17, 1971 [2 of 3]
NY-NJ (3 Stop Swing) Julie Eisenhower November 17, 1971 [3 of 3]
American Society of Mechanical Engineers 11/30/71
11/30/71 Julie – Maryland Workshop for the Blind
11/30/71 Julie – WH Conference on Aging

Box 45

12/10/71 Julie – Dedication of Environmental Protection Administration Research Center
12/10/71 Julie – Talk Show in Durham, North Carolina
12/25/71 Julie – CBS Christmas Special
1972 Julie Campaigns
1972 Julie – Miscellaneous [1 of 2]
1972 Julie – Miscellaneous [2 of 2]
1/5/72 Julie in Big Cypress, Florida Swamp [1 of 2]
1/5/72 Julie in Big Cypress, Florida Swamp [2 of 2]
1/18/72 Julie Eisenhower, Atlanta, GA [1 of 2]
1/18/72 Julie Eisenhower, Atlanta, GA [2 of 2]
1/25/72 Julie Eisenhower – Cerebral Palsy Taping
1/26/72 Julie – San Antonio, Texas Bi-Lingual School Project and Girl Scouts
2/1/72 Julie – West PA School for the Blind and Washington Education Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania [1 of 2]
2/1/72 Julie – West PA School for the Blind and Washington Education Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania [2 of 2]
2/11/72 Julie – Legacy & Parks, and Girl Scouts, Coral Gables & Miami, Fla. [1 of 2]
2/11/72 Julie – Legacy & Parks, and Girl Scouts, Coral Gables & Miami, Fla. [2 of 2]
2/15/72 Julie – Ladies Auxiliary of the Association of Soil Conservation Districts
Saturday Evening Post – Julie Eisenhower – 3:15pm – 2/16/72
Julie – Picture of David & Julie on Saturday Evening Post 2/16/72
2/16/72 Julie – Check from Eastern Airline “Silverliners”
2/17/72 Julie – St. Louis – Women Who Work
2/23-25/72 Julie – Activities while in California [1 of 2]
2/23-25/72 Julie – Activities while in California [2 of 2]

Box 46

3/1/72 Julie – Interview with Fran Lewine
3/6/72 Julie in Florida with President
3/15/72 Julie Eisenhower – Farmers Home Administration – South Carolina Cherokee County
3/19/72 Julie – Accepts Eisenhower Bust at Kennedy Center
3/21/72 Julie – China Tea Set on Display in Jacksonville, Fla.
3/28/72 Julie Eisenhower – American Cancer Society – Jacksonville, Fla.
3/19/72 Julie – Interview with Seventeen [1 of 2]
3/19/72 Julie – Interview with Seventeen [2 of 2]
3/29/72 Julie – Jacksonville, Illinois School for the Deaf
4/12/72 Julie – Legacy of Parks 100th Parcel – New Orleans, LA
4/16/72 Julie – Presents Books to Library in Jacksonville, Florida
4/19/72 Julie – Environmental Awards
4/24/72 Julie Announces 1972 Teacher of the Year [1 of 2]
4/24/72 Julie Announces 1972 Teacher of the Year [2 of 2]
4/24/72 Julie – 4-H’ers
4/25/72 Julie – Educational TV Taping in Alexandria, VA
4/26/72 Julie – Houston APA [1 of 2]
4/26/72 Julie – Houston APA [2 of 2]
4/27/72 Julie – Chicago Hull House Luncheon, AMA [1 of 2]
4/27/72 Julie – Chicago Hull House Luncheon, AMA [2 of 2]
4/30/72 Julie – Girl Scouts 60th Anniversary Jacksonville
5/2/72 Julie – San Francisco Red Cross Luncheon [1 of 2]
5/2/72 Julie – San Francisco Red Cross Luncheon [2 of 2]

Box 47

5/3/72 Julie – Los Angeles Distributive Education Clubs of American Dinner
5/3/72 Julie – Fremont Elementary School – Santa Ana, California
5/5/72 Julie Detroit ANA Convention
5/9/72 Julie – Goodwill Worker of the Year
5/8/72 Julie – Tea Set from China on Display at the Hickory Museum of Art North Carolina
5/19/72 Julie – National Republican Women’s Conference in Philadelphia
5/24/72 Julie – “Vineland Day” Vineland, New Jersey
6/72 Eye on Nixon by Julie
6/1/72 Julie – Taped Mike Douglas Show in Philadelphia
6/1/72 Julie – Retired Sr. Volunteer Program – Medical College of PA [1 of 2]
6/1/72 Julie – Retired Sr. Volunteer Program – Medical College of PA [2 of 2]
6/9/72 Julie – General Federation of Women’s Clubs – Denver, Colorado [1 of 2]
6/9/72 Julie – General Federation of Women’s Clubs – Denver, Colorado [2 of 2]
6/16/72 Julie – Dedication of the Whitney Young (Job Corps Center) Louisville, Kentucky [1 of 2]
6/16/72 Julie – Dedication of the Whitney Young (Job Corps Center) Louisville, Kentucky [2 of 2]
6/22/72 Julie Photos with President
6/22/72 Julie – American Cancer Society Atlanta, Georgia [1 of 2]
6/22/72 Julie – American Cancer Society Atlanta, Georgia [2 of 2]
6/27/72 Julie – 4-H Round-up at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana [1 of 3]
6/27/72 Julie – 4-H Round-up at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana [2 of 3]
6/27/72 Julie – 4-H Round-up at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana [3 of 3]
Julie – Groundbreaking National Environmental Research Center University of Cincinnati, 6/28/72 [1 of 2]
Julie – Groundbreaking National Environmental Research Center University of Cincinnati, 6/28/72 [2 of 2]

Box 48

Julie – Rock Island Franciscan Hospital, Rock Island, Illinois 6/29/72 [1 of 3]
Julie – Rock Island Franciscan Hospital, Rock Island, Illinois 6/29/72 [2 of 3]
Julie – Rock Island Franciscan Hospital, Rock Island, Illinois 6/29/72 [3 of 3]
Julie – Deaconess Hospital Sickle Cell Anemia Testing program Milwaukee, Wisconsin 6/29/72
Julie – Girls Scout National Awards Winners – Reception 6/30/72 [1 of 2]
Julie – Girls Scout National Awards Winners – Reception 6/30/72 [2 of 2]
Julie – Luncheon for Needle Work Authorities and Display of Six New Designs for Family Circle Magazine 6/30/72
7/72 Julie and the President Ladies Home Journal [1 of 2]
7/72 Julie and the President Ladies Home Journal [2 of 2]
Julie – Bridal Shower for Dabney Hibbert, 7/1/72
Julie’s 24th Birthday 7/5/72
7/26/72 – Julie – The Phil Donahue Show
Julie – Viral Pneumonia 7/16/72
Julie – American Hospital Association, Chicago 8/9/72
Julie – Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, West Branch, Iowa 8/10/72 [1 of 4]
Julie – Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, West Branch, Iowa 8/10/72 [2 of 4]
Julie – Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, West Branch, Iowa 8/10/72 [3 of 4]
Julie – Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, West Branch, Iowa 8/10/72 [4 of 4]

Box 49

Julie – Kansas City, MO National Medical Association 8/15/72 [1 of 3]
Julie – Kansas City, MO National Medical Association 8/15/72 [2 of 3]
Julie – Kansas City, MO National Medical Association 8/15/72 [3 of 3]
Julie – Epilepsy Poster Child; 8/16/72
Julie – United Way of American Campaign 8/16/72 [1 of 2]
Julie – United Way of American Campaign 8/16/72 [2 of 2]
9/5/72 David Eisenhower Leaves for Mediterranean on USS Albany
Julie – Constellation in Baltimore, Maryland 9/7/72 [1 of 2]
Julie – Constellation in Baltimore, Maryland 9/7/72 [2 of 2]
Julie – 1st National Lakeshore Chicago, Ill and Gary, Ind. 9/8/72 [1 of 2]
Julie – 1st National Lakeshore Chicago, Ill and Gary, Ind. 9/8/72 [2 of 2]
Julie – Live on the Today Show New York City; 9/11/72
9/12/72 Julie – Barton Center – Lakewood, Ohio Dinner Meeting – Columbus, Ohio [1 of 4]
9/12/72 Julie – Barton Center – Lakewood, Ohio Dinner Meeting – Columbus, Ohio [2 of 4]
9/12/72 Julie – Barton Center – Lakewood, Ohio Dinner Meeting – Columbus, Ohio [3 of 4]
9/12/72 Julie – Barton Center – Lakewood, Ohio Dinner Meeting – Columbus, Ohio [4 of 4]
Julie – “Tee-Off” at Charity Golf Match – St. Louis, Missouri Luncheon and Fashion Show 9/13/72 [1 of 2]
Julie – “Tee-Off” at Charity Golf Match – St. Louis, Missouri Luncheon and Fashion Show 9/13/72 [2 of 2]

Box 50

9/15/72 Julie – Connecticut Red Cross – Photo Opportunity “Eye on Nixon” Presentation
Julie – Storefront headquarters of Committee to Re-Elect in Philadelphia, PA Kickoff 9/16/72
Julie’s Visit to Bismark Tribes Employment Center – Then to W. Fargo Pioneer Days 9/20/72
[1 of 2]
Julie’s Visit to Bismark Tribes Employment Center – Then to W. Fargo Pioneer Days 9/20/72 [2 of 2]
Julie – Kansas Senior Citizens Project and MO/ Kansas Victory ’72 Dinner, MO 9/26/72
Julie Visits Edgewater Elementary School in Colorado and Doud House; 9/27/72 [1 of 2] Julie Visits Edgewater Elementary School in Colorado and Doud House; 9/27/72 [2 of 2]
Julie in Las Vegas and then Phoenix, Arizona 9/28/72
Julie in Santa Fe, N.M. to Tour Physics Facility, Los Alamos; 9/29/72 [1 of 3]
Julie in Santa Fe, N.M. to Tour Physics Facility, Los Alamos; 9/29/72 [2 of 3]
Julie in Santa Fe, N.M. to Tour Physics Facility, Los Alamos; 9/29/72 [3 of 3]
9/30/72 – Julie at Guadalupe National Park in Texas [1 of 2]
9/30/72 – Julie at Guadalupe National Park in Texas [2 of 2]
Julie – Attends Young Voters for the President in Indianapolis, Indiana 1/4/72 [1 of 2]
Julie – Attends Young Voters for the President in Indianapolis, Indiana 1/4/72 [2 of 2]
Julie Visits Connecticut and Vermont 10/6/72

Box 51

10/7/72 – Julie Visits New Hampshire Mt. Eisenhower – and Later Maine [1 of 2]
10/7/72 – Julie Visits New Hampshire Mt. Eisenhower – and Later Maine [2 of 2]
10/11/72 Julie Visits David in Spain
10/23/72 Julie Visits Omaha, Nebraska
10/24/72 Julie Visits Sacramento, California
10/25/72 Julie Visits Los Angeles, California [1 of 2]
10/25/72 Julie Visits Los Angeles, California [2 of 2]
10/27/72 Julie Visits Mississippi
10/27/72 Julie Visits Shreveport, Louisiana for States Fair
10/28/72 Julie Participates in “Get Out To Vote” in Minnesota
10/30/72 Julie – Buffalo, New York
10/30/72 Julie – Syracuse, New York
11/2/72 Julie – Gran Rapids, Michigan
11/4/72 Julie – Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania
11/7/72 Julie, David and Mamie Vote in Gettysburg, PA.
11/17/72 Julie Visits New York and Sees Comedy “Green Julia”
11/21/72 Julie – Dwight D. Eisenhower High School Dedication in Houston, Texas [1 of 2]
11/21/72 Julie – Dwight D. Eisenhower High School Dedication in Houston, Texas [2 of 2]
11/28/72 Julie Visits David in Barcelona, Spain
Julie and Tricia – Apartment Hunting in New York and Boston 12/72
12/12/72 Julie – Christmas Wreath Oshkosh Warrior Drum &Bugle Corp.
12/15/72 Julie – “Salute to Italy” Concert at JFK Center
12/16/72 Julie – Dedication of Elmer Holmes Bobst Library for NYU in NY [1 of 3]
12/16/72 Julie – Dedication of Elmer Holmes Bobst Library for NYU in NY [2 of 3]
12/16/72 Julie – Dedication of Elmer Holmes Bobst Library for NYU in NY [3 of 3]

Box 52

1973 Julie Eisenhower Miscellaneous Activities [1 of 2]
1973 Julie Eisenhower Miscellaneous Activities [2 of 2]
Needlework – 1973
Mint Museum Julie – 1973 [1 of 2]
Mint Museum Julie – 1973 [2 of 2]
1/73 – Julie’s Inaugural Day-Time Outfit
1/73 – Julie’s Cape to be Work at Ball
1/73 – Julie’s Inaugural Ballgown
1/16/73 Julie – Palm Beach, Florida
1/17/73 Julie – Winners of inaugural Committee Essay & Picture Poster Contest
1/17/73 Julie – Interview with Virginia Sherwood, ABC-TV
1/23/73 Julie – Interview for Richard Nixon Oral History Project
3/26/73 Julie – Visit the Grant School in Miami, Florida
3/26/73 Julie – Convention of National Council of Jewish Women in Miami
3/29/73 Julie – YR National Federation Leadership Banquet at the Sheraton
4/3/73 Julie Attends the Circus
4/4/73 Julie – Reception at State Department – Rehab International USA
4/5/73 Julie – Outstanding Handicapped Federal Employee of 1972 – Commerce Department [1 of 2]
4/5/73 Julie – Outstanding Handicapped Federal Employee of 1972 – Commerce Department
[2 of 2]
4/6/73 Julie meets with Thieu’s Family in Red Room for Tea
4/7/73 Julie – Apple Sauce Month Luncheon and Kick-off Sale in Hagerstown
4/11/73 Julie & David at Middlesex Club in Boston [1 of 2]
4/11/73 Julie & David at Middlesex Club in Boston [2 of 2]
4/14/73 Julie – Soroptimist Club Luncheon in Philadelphia, PA

Box 53

4/21/73 Julie – Coral Cables, Florida [1 of 2]
4/21/73 Julie – Coral Cables, Florida [2 of 2]
4/24/73 Julie – Annual Homemakers Day in Adams County, PA
4/27/73 Julie – Courage Center Dedication in Minneapolis, Minn [1 of 2]
4/27/73 Julie – Courage Center Dedication in Minneapolis, Minn [2 of 2]
4/30/73 Julie – Reception by Orange County Republican Executive Committee in Orlando, Florida
4/30/73 Julie – Meeting of Red Cross Chapter in Houston, Texas
5/1/73 Julie – Outlook Central Florida’s Banquet
5/1/73 Julie – Tour Magic Kingdom with Girl Scouts at Disney World
5/3/73 Julie – Scholastic Achievement Awards for the Blind
5/3/73 Julie – Annual Meeting of Presidential Committee on the Handicapped at Washington Hilton Hotel [1 of 2]
5/3/73 Julie – Annual Meeting of Presidential Committee on the Handicapped at Washington Hilton Hotel [2 of 2]
5/9/73 Julie – Greet Handicapped Children from David School
5/10/73 Julie – Brookdale Hospital Medical Center in NYC [1 of 2]
5/10/73 Julie – Brookdale Hospital Medical Center in NYC [2 of 2]
5/16/73 Julie – Cardinal Nursing Home in South Bend, Indiana
5/16/73 Julie – Dinner of Mental Health Association in South Bend, Indiana
5/16/73 Julie – Trade Winds Rehab Center in Hammond, Indiana [1 of 2]
5/16/73 Julie – Trade Winds Rehab Center in Hammond, Indiana [2 of 2]
5/17/73 Julie – People-To-People Program in Map Room
5/18/73 Julie – NBC Taping on the POW Dinner – with Clare Crawford [1 of 2]

Box 54

5/18/73 Julie – NBC Taping on the POW Dinner – with Clare Crawford [2 of 2]
NBC Taping of POW Dinner with Julie and Barbara Walters, 5/24/73
6/6/73 Julie – Banquet of General Federation of Women’s Clubs in Baltimore
6/7/73 Julie – Attends Radio and TV Correspondents Dinner
6/8/73 Julie – Commencement Exercises for South High School in Columbus, Ohio [1 of 2]
6/8/73 Julie – Commencement Exercises for South High School in Columbus, Ohio [2 of 2]
6/8/73 Julie – Phil Donahue Show in Dayton, Ohio
6/13/73 Julie – Rural Electric Youth Group Tour
6/14/73 Julie – American School for the Deaf in West Hartford, Conn [1 of 2]
6/14/73 Julie – American School for the Deaf in West Hartford, Conn [2 of 2]
6/14/73 Julie – Housing Project for Senior citizens in Hartford, Conn.
6/19/73 Julie – Future Business Leaders of America at Sheraton Park
6/19/73 Julie – Greets Nurse Representing 100th Anniversary Hospital Schools Nursing
6/19/73 Julie – Greets Presidential Scholars in the East Room
6/20/73 Julie – AAUW – Washington Hilton (American Association University Women)

Box 55

6/20/73 Julie – Greets TARS in the East Room
6/26/73 Julie – Presidential Classroom for Young Americans
6/26/73 Julie – American Youth Honor Musicians
Julie 7/5/73 Interview with Kandy Stroud
Julie 7/9/73 Denison, Texas Eisenhower Statue Dedication [1 of 2]
Julie 7/9/73 Denison, Texas Eisenhower Statue Dedication [2 of 2]
Julie 7/9/73 Dallas, Texas Future Homemakers of America
Julie 7/10/73 Nick Thimmesch Column
7/11/73 Julie – Interview with Virginia Sherwood – ABC
Julie 7/11/73 Centennial Peace Medal (Indians)
Julie – 7/11/73 Greets National Association Farm Broadcasters
Julie 7/13/73 with Family Visits Father in Hospital
Julie – Interview with Fran Lewine and Helen Thomas 7/13/73
Julie 7/15/73 Birthday Celebrations
7/16/73 Julie – World Games for Deaf at Gallaudet College, DC
7/16/73 Julie – DECA Meeting in the Residence
7/18/73 Julie – Greet Delegates to Girls Nation

Box 56

Julie 7/18/73 – Article New York Daily News – Paul Healy
Julie – Judy Michaelson 7/21/73 – NY Post
7/24/73 Julie – Future Farmers of America
7/26/73 Julie – Grady Memorial Hospital Buffet in Atlanta, GA
8/6/73 Julie Accepts Bust of Susan B. Anthony at WH from Women’s Suffrage
8/7/73 Julie – Accept “Sword & Plow Share” Statue Replica
8/7/73 Julie – Interview with Joseph Connor of Mont. County Sentinel
8/7/73 Julie – Greet Mentally Retarded Teenagers & Hear Concert Given by English Hand Bell
8/12/73 Julie – Interview with Jessica Barrett of Scottish Daily Express
8/14/73 – Article in Paris Match on Julie – by Phillipe de Bausset
8/17/73 Julie – Pablo Towers Dedication in Jacksonville, Florida [1 of 3]
8/17/73 Julie – Pablo Towers Dedication in Jacksonville, Florida [2 of 3]
8/17/73 Julie – Pablo Towers Dedication in Jacksonville, Florida [3 of 3]
8/17/73 Julie Attends Delaware Community School Viewing Learning Disabilities – Muncie Star
Julie – Michael Brunson Interview 8/18/73
8/18/73 Julie – Copernicus Dedication in Philadelphia, PA
8/20/73 Julie – Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis [1 of 3]
8/20/73 Julie – Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis [2 of 3]
8/20/73 Julie – Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis [3 of 3]

Box 57

8/23/73 Julie Meeting with Angie Miller & Rosemary Furman at White House
8/25/73 Julie – Annual Latin Chamber of Commerce Banquet – Miami, Florida
8/27/73 Julie – Greet Little League Baseball Players
8/29/73 Julie – Interview with Marion Christie
8/31/73 Julie – Song Festival of American Latvian Association in Cleveland, Ohio
9/5/73 Julie – Prevention of Blindness in Far Hills, New Jersey
9/8/73 Julie – Interview with Sylvia Chase CBS in San Clemente
9/11/73 Julie – Takes Job with Curtis Publishing in Indianapolis
9/19/73 Julie – Capital Hill Club
9/21/73 Julie – Festival at Greek Orthodox Church in Washington DC
9/25/73 Julie – Women’s Group of the Dallas Council on World Affairs [1 of 2]
9/25/73 Julie – Women’s Group of the Dallas Council on World Affairs [2 of 2]
10/1/73 Julie – Visits Perinatal Research Center of Georgetown University
10/5/73 Julie – National Conference on Learning Disabilities in Tulsa, OK
10/9/73 Julie – 300th Legacy of Parks at Quantico, VA [1 of 2]
10/9/73 Julie – 300th Legacy of Parks at Quantico, VA [1 of 2]

Box 58

10/11/73 Julie – American Council on Education (Cancelled)
10/18/73 Julie – Future Farmers of America in Kansas City, Mo.
10/22/73 Julie – DECA Speech in Atlantic City, New Jersey
Time Magazine – on Julie and Family 10/25/73
10/25/73 Julie – Interview on Panorama
10/28/73 Julie – Dedication of Dwight D. Eisenhower Jr. High School in Schaumberg, Illinois
Julie – on the Today Show 11/2/73
11/2/73 Julie – Interview with Ann Blackman of A.P.
11/8/73 Julie – Loudon Headstart Center in Roanoke, Virginia
11/8/73 Julie – VA Association of Hospital Auxiliaries in Roanoke, VA
11/9/73 Julie – Kennedy Center with Mrs. Dobrynin – Last Day of Soviet Youth Art Exhibit
11/13/73 Julie – Optimist Club of Charleston, S.C. [1 of 2]
11/13/73 Julie – Optimist Club of Charleston, S.C. [2 of 2]
12/3/73 Julie – Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony at Botanic Gardens Conservatory
12/5/73 Julie – Christmas Party for MIA Children at Holiday Inn, Dulles, Airport
12/5/73 Julie – Photo for Antique Shoe in Bethesda
12/6/73 Julie – Right-to-Read Conference at the Shoreham Hotel
12/16/73 Julie N. Eisenhower – Philadelphia Inquirer Article “Women of the World 1973”
12/17/73 Julie – Met with Mrs. Anne Armstrong and Mrs. Hagner
1/1974 Article on Julie in McCall’s by Trude Feldman
1/1974 Julie’s First Article for the Saturday Evening Post on Pasha
1/2/74 Julie Accompanies Lynda Robb to School for Story in Ladies Home Journal
1/9/74 Julie – Accepts Birthday Cards from National Association of Greeting Card Publishers for her Father
1/30/74 Julie – Vietnam Veterans Dinner at the Shoreham

Box 59

1/31/74 Julie – EPA Booklet at the EPA Headquarters [1 of 2]
1/31/74 Julie – EPA Booklet at the EPA Headquarters [2 of 2]
2/7/74 Julie – Republican Women’s Federal Forum Luncheon – Capitol Hill Club
2/8/74 Julie – National Voluntary Service Advisory Council of Action – Meeting – Action Headquarters – D.C.
2/9/74 Julie – Mortar Board Luncheon at the Kennedy Center [1 of 2]
2/9/74 Julie – Mortar Board Luncheon at the Kennedy Center [2 of 2]
2/11/74 Julie – Drop-by Duke Ellington Concert at Hawthorne School 17th & M Street N.W. [1 of 2]
2/11/74 Julie – Drop-by Duke Ellington Concert at Hawthorne School 17th & M Street N.W. [2 of 2]
2/12/74 Julie Photo with Washington Performing Arts Society
2/14/74 Julie – Surgery on Ovarian Cyst in Indiana University Hospital [1 of 3]
2/14/74 Julie – Surgery on Ovarian Cyst in Indiana University Hospital [2 of 3]
2/14/74 Julie – Surgery on Ovarian Cyst in Indiana University Hospital [3 of 3]
2/14/74 Julie – Lincoln Day Dinner in Gibson City, Illinois Cancelled [1 of 2]
2/14/74 Julie – Lincoln Day Dinner in Gibson City, Illinois Cancelled [2 of 2]
3/14/74 Julie’s Media Workshop – Indianapolis, Indiana
Julie – 3/18/74 – German Television Network Documentary Report
3/22/74 Julie – Tours Michigan Cancer Foundation Center – Detroit, Michigan
3/31/74 The President and Julie Attend Church in Key Biscayne
4/3/74 Julie – Address Marion County Cancer Society Dinner in Indianapolis [1 of 2]

Box 60

4/3/74 Julie – Address Marion County Cancer Society Dinner in Indianapolis [2 of 2]
4/4/74 Julie – Address Advertising Club of Indianapolis
4/10/74 Julie Eisenhower – Watergate – Defending her Father
4/15/74 Julie – White House Easter Egg Roll
Julie Nominated to Board at Curtis 4/19/74
4/22/74 Julie Eisenhower – The White House Grounds
4/24/74 Julie – Awards Presentation – National Center for Voluntary Action – Kennedy Center
Atrium (Cancelled 4/22) [1 of 2]
4/24/74 Julie – Awards Presentation – National Center for Voluntary Action – Kennedy Center
Atrium (Cancelled 4/22) [2 of 2]
4/29/74 Julie – Greets 1st Cystic Fibrosis Bike-a-thon – D.C. Chapter National Cystic Fibrosis
Research Foundation
4/29/74 Julie Eisenhower – Greet & Photo with Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Group – Library
5/1/74 Julie – Reception for Volunteers Marion County Association for Retarded Children –
Indianapolis, Indiana
5/3/74 Julie Eisenhower – Reception & Gold Lifesaving Medal Awards to School Safety Patrols
– American Auto Association
5/15/74 Julie – Attends SOS and C&M Breakfast- Capitol Hill Club
5/16/74 Julie – Attends Girls Club Benefit – Indianapolis, Indiana
5/20/74 Julie – Attends Texas Hospital Association Annual Convention – Cancelled
Julie – 5/20/74 – Dallas – Rehab
Julie – 5/21/74 – St. Louis Rehabilitation [1 of 2]
Julie – 5/21/74 – St. Louis Rehabilitation [2 of 2]
5/21/74 Julie – Visit to St. Louis, Mo Cancelled
Julie – 5/28/74 – Interview with WBLY – Springfield, Ohio
6/1974 Julie Holiday Article
6/3/74 Julie – Accepts Eisenhower Medical Center Cookbook in WH Kitchen
6/13/74 Julie – Summer-in-the-parks Preview and Tour [1 of 3]

Box 61

6/13/74 Julie – Summer-in-the-parks Preview and Tour [2 of 3]
6/13/74 Julie – Summer-in-the-parks Preview and Tour [3 of 3]
Julie – 6/14/74 – Summer in the Parks – South Lawn
6/18/74 Julie – Reception for 1974 Presidential Scholars
6/27/74 Julie – Links, Inc. – Washington Hilton [1 of 4]
6/27/74 Julie – Links, Inc. – Washington Hilton [2 of 4]
6/27/74 Julie – Links, Inc. – Washington Hilton [3 of 4]
6/27/74 Julie – Links, Inc. – Washington Hilton [4 of 4]
6/28/74 Julie – National Society for Autistic Children – Statler Hilton [1 of 2]
6/28/74 Julie – National Society for Autistic Children – Statler Hilton [2 of 2]
Julie 6/30/74 Margaret Mayer Interview – Dallas Times
7/13/74 Julie – Brunch Honoring Ind. Young Republican Group in Indianapolis
7/18/74 Julie – Fairness to Presidency Dinner – Rabbi Korff
[Julie – National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 8/9/74]
9/8/74 Julie – Greet National Institute of Child Health & Human Development
Julie and David Correspondence – 1969
Julie & David – Year End Review 1969
Julie and David Keel Laying 4/18/1970
7/70 Julie and David in Japan
Julie and David Miscellaneous 1971
Julie and David Apartment in Newport 1/1971

Box 62

Julie and David Apar[tment] in Virginia Beach 3/15/1971
Julie & David Home in Florida – 5/10/71 [1 of 2]
Julie & David Home in Florida – 5/10/71 [2 of 2]
Julie & David VA Beach Press Conference 5/11/71 [1 of 4]
Julie & David VA Beach Press Conference 5/11/71 [2 of 4]
Julie & David VA Beach Press Conference 5/11/71 [3 of 4]
Julie & David VA Beach Press Conference 5/11/71 [4 of 4]
Julie and David in Key Biscayne 5/24/1971
Julie and David in Mobile and Birmingham, Alabama with President 5/25/1971
Julie and David Arrive in Florida 7/24/1971
Julie and David Thanksgiving 11/25/1971
12/3/71 Julie and David Republican Rally - Memphis, Tenn
Julie and David – Southern Republican Conference Rally in Memphis, Tennessee 12/3/1971
Julie and David’s 3rd Wedding Anniversary 12/22/1971
Julie and David – Puerto Rico – Hispanic Sports Council’s Annual Awards Ceremony – NY 1/29/72
Spring 1972 Julie and David – The Saturday Evening Post
Julie and David – Jacksonville, Florida 3/22/1972
Julie and David – Augusta, Georgia with Mamie for Masters Tournament 4/6-9/1972

Box 63

Julie and David, Tricia and Ed – Apollo 16 Launch 4/16/1972
Julie and David – Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra 5/16/1972
1973 – Julie and David’s New Home in Bethesda, MD
2/1/73 David Comes Home to Attend Grandmother’s Funeral with Julie
2/14/73 Julie and David Leave to Live in Mayport, Fla. for a while
4/5/73 Julie and David at State Department for Thieu Dinner with Agnews
4/26/73 Julie and David at Carnegie Music Hall in Pittsburgh, PA [1 of 2]
4/26/73 Julie and David at Carnegie Music Hall in Pittsburgh, PA [2 of 2]
5/12/73 Julie and David – Dinner for National Heritage Groups at Sheraton Park
5/28/73 Julie and David – Annual Memorial Day Services in Abilene, Kansas at Eisenhower Center [1 of 2]
5/28/73 Julie and David – Annual Memorial Day Services in Abilene, Kansas at Eisenhower Center [2 of 2]
6/29/73 Julie and David – Jack Paar Show Interview
7/5/73 Julie and David – Interview on the Jack Paar Show
7/10/73 Julie and David Interview
7/24/73 Julie and David – Interview for Documentary on Late President Eisenhower
Julie & David Picnic at Wolf Trap Farm Park – Bolshoi 8/8/73
8/13-17/73 Julie and David – Visit Ranch in Nebraska for Vacation
9/17/73 Julie and David – Interview with US News & World Report
Interview with David & Julie by US News & World Report in San Francisco Examiner, 10/4/73
10/25/73 Julie & David – Attend the International Horse Show
1/21/74 Julie and David Attend Public Broadcasting Dinner at Washington Hilton – (For Julie’s Job)
3/29/74 Julie & David Eisenhower Fifth National Symposium, Center for Study of Presidency – Reception
4/26/74 – Julie & David – Dinner Dance – “Salute to the Americas” Behalf of “Little Cabinet” Cancelled 4/22/74
5/12/74 Julie & David – Press Conference in Rose Garden Father to Stay [1 of 3]
5/12/74 Julie & David – Press Conference in Rose Garden Father to Stay [2 of 3]
5/12/74 Julie & David – Press Conference in Rose Garden Father to Stay [3 of 3]
[Interim Report on David’s Commencement, May 13, 1974]
David and Julie’s Bethesda Home Sold by Rebozo, 5/21/74
Julie and David’s New Apartment in Columbia Plaza 5/21/74
Julie & David 6/6/74 – American Digestive Disease Society – Benefit Ballet

Box 64

David at Navy Officer Candidate School 10/24/1970
David Miscellaneous 1971
David’s Graduation from OCS in Newport 3/12/71
David’s Birthday 3/31/1971
David & USS Albany 5/12/1971
David – Naval Electronics School – Dam Neck, VA 11/29/1971
David – Miscellaneous 1972
Glaser/Stephenson Interview with David 1/1972
David’s 24th Birthday 3/31/1972
David and Maime – First Graduation Class of Eisenhower College, Seneca Falls, New York 5/27/1972
1973 – David – Job Hunting [1 of 2]
1973 – David – Job Hunting [2 of 2]
1973 – David – Job as Part-time Sports Journalist for Bulletin [1 of 2]
1973 – David – Job as Part-time Sports Journalist for Bulletin [2 of 2]
David Eisenhower is Released from the Navy – 3/31/73 – His Birthday
4/1973 – St. Louis Globe Democrat Piece on David
David – Elgin High School in Elgin, Illinois 5/4/73
David – Ohio Fed. of Republican Women’s Organization – Columbus, Ohio, 5/4/73
David – Taping of Reminiscences of Eisenhower Farm – Gettysburg 5/31/73
David Interview on the Mike Douglas Show – Aired 7/3/73, 6/12/73
David – 50th Anniversary Conclave of International Supreme Council in NJ 6/16/73
David – Jaycees Minneapolis, 6/20/73
David – Interview with Helena Boyer – Penn 6/29/73
David – Law School 8/23/73
David – Piece on Watergate Interview with Marlene Cimons 8/24/73
David – Tar Camp – Remarks 8/25/73
David – National Enquirer Interview 8/31/73
David – Attends Golden Slipper Club in Philadelphia 9/18/73
10/1973 – David’s Biography
David – Westmoreland County Republican Club in Greensburg, PA 10/5/73
David – York-Adams Press Association in York, PA 10/16/73
David Speaking to Trude for Article on Julie, 10/30/73
David on the Today Show 10/30/73
David – Interview with Wires and Reporters at WH, 2/5/74
David and the Gas Shortage 2/11/74
David Eisenhower – Annual Recognition Dinner – York Adams Area Council Boy Scouts – York, PA, 2/21/74
David – Young Republican Leadership Conference Reception, 3/1/74
David Eisenhower Article in NY Times 3/22/74
David Eisenhower [Empty]

Tricia and Ed

Box 65

Request for Interview – Tricia [1969]
Tricia – Year End Review 1969
[Tricia in North Dakota, 10/29/70]
Tricia – Miscellaneous Articles [1970-1972]
Tricia – Interview Transcripts [1 of 2]
Tricia – Interview Transcripts [2 of 2]
1/12/71 Tricia at Kennedy Center Osipov Orchestra
1/26/71 Tricia & Princess Sophia Tour Kennedy Center
3/3/71 Letter from Tricia on Bilingual Education and Visit to Elementary School
3/17/71 Tricia Tea With Press Ladies
College Park, MD. Tricia Cox April 17, 1972
Tricia & President Welcome 1st Marine Division 4/30/71 [Empty]
Tricia – Public Service Announce for JFK Center 5/6/71
5/26/71 Press Shower for Tricia [1 of 2]
5/26/71 Press Shower for Tricia [2 of 2]
D.C. Youth Orchestra 5/28
Ladies Home Journal Article on Tricia 6/71
Look Magazine Article Tricia and President 6/1/71
6/1/71 Tricia – Mrs. Agnew’s Shower
Good Housekeeping – “What Kind of Man Has Tricia Married” Sara Booth Conroy 7/71
7/28/71 Tricia and Ed in Essex House
9/13/71 Tricia & Ed in Cambridge
9/27/71 Tricia Accepts Eisenhower Galvand [1 of 2]
9/27/71 Tricia Accepts Eisenhower Galvand [2 of 2]
Salvation Army December 8, 1971 Tricia Cox

Box 66

3/1/72 Tricia – Republican Leadership Conference Reception
3/8/72 Tricia – Rockwell Portrait of President – National Portrait Gallery [1 of 2]
3/8/72 Tricia – Rockwell Portrait of President – National Portrait Gallery [2 of 2]
3/8/72 Tricia – Reception for Young Republican Leadership Foundation
3/8/72 Tricia – GOP 72 Congressional Dinner – Washington Hilton
3/14/72 Luci and Lyn Nugent visit Tricia and the President
4/6/72 Tricia Cox – Award to Outstanding Handicapped Federal Employee of 1971
4/6/72 Tricia – Cherry Blossom Princesses
4/17/72 Tricia Views Ping Pong players at University of Maryland
4/22/72 Tricia – Chicago Glen Ellyn Land Transfer
4/22/72 Tricia – National Republican Women’s Conference Chicago [1 of 2]
4/22/72 Tricia – National Republican Women’s Conference Chicago [2 of 2]
4/25/72 Tricia – New York Suffolk County Lunch, N.Y. Medical College Register to Vote [1 of 2]
4/25/72 Tricia – New York Suffolk County Lunch, N.Y. Medical College Register to Vote
[2 of 2]
[Trip to Vallhalla and Suffolk County – 4/25/1972]
4/28/72 Tricia – Charlottesville, VA Visit to Ash Lawn and Monticello [1 of 2]
4/28/72 Tricia – Charlottesville, VA Visit to Ash Lawn and Monticello [2 of 2]
5/1/72 Tricia – 1972 Poster Child National Association of Hearing and Speech
[American Association for Cancer Research Meeting – 5/5/1972]
5/5/72 Tricia – American Association Cancer Research Annual Meeting in Boston
5/5/72 Tricia on Today Show
5/19/72 Tricia – “Salute to Ted Agnew Night”
6/9/72 Tricia – National Spelling Bee Reception
6/10/72 Tricia – Ozark National Forest Scenic Riverways – Missouri [1 of 3]

Box 67

6/10/72 Tricia – Ozark National Forest Scenic Riverways – Missouri [2 of 3]
6/10/72 Tricia – Ozark National Forest Scenic Riverways – Missouri [3 of 3]
6/12/72 Tricia – Scholastic Achievement Awards for Recording for the Blind
6/12/72 Tricia and Ed First Anniversary
6/12/72 Tricia – “Our American Coins”
6/14/72 Tricia – American Association of Retired Persons
Tricia – Boys Club in Allentown, Pennsylvania 6/18/72
Tricia – Opening of the Asiatic Art Exhibit, Boston Museum Tricia’s Chinese Vases on Display 6/20/72 [1 of 4]
Tricia – Opening of the Asiatic Art Exhibit, Boston Museum Tricia’s Chinese Vases on Display 6/20/72 [2 of 4]
Tricia – Opening of the Asiatic Art Exhibit, Boston Museum Tricia’s Chinese Vases on Display 6/20/72 [3 of 4]
Tricia – Opening of the Asiatic Art Exhibit, Boston Museum Tricia’s Chinese Vases on Display 6/20/72 [4 of 4]
Tricia – Merv Griffin Show 6/28/72
Tricia – League of United American Citizens – Beaumont, Texas 6/30/72 [1 of 4]
Tricia – League of United American Citizens – Beaumont, Texas 6/30/72 [2 of 4]
Tricia – League of United American Citizens – Beaumont, Texas 6/30/72 [3 of 4]
Tricia – League of United American Citizens – Beaumont, Texas 6/30/72 [4 of 4]
Tricia – National Leadership Conference of Vocational Clubs of America – Roanoke, Virginia 7/10/72

Box 68

Tricia – Lincoln, Nebraska AAU Diving Championship 7/15/72
Tricia – Wapakoneta, Ohio, Neil Armstrong Museum 7/20/72 [1 of 3]
Tricia – Wapakoneta, Ohio, Neil Armstrong Museum 7/20/72 [2 of 3]
Tricia – Wapakoneta, Ohio, Neil Armstrong Museum 7/20/72 [3 of 3]
Tricia – Official Opening Young Voters for the Presidential Headquarters 8/11/72
Tricia – Illinois State Fair 8/17/72 [1 of 2]
Tricia – Illinois State Fair 8/17/72 [2 of 2]
Tricia – Dinah Shore Taping 8/30/72
Tricia – Legacy of Parks Seattle, Washington 9/1/72
Tricia – Committee to Re-Elect Headquarters New York City 9/6/72
Tricia – Doylestown, PA. National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa [1 of 2]
Tricia – Doylestown, PA. National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa [2 of 2]
Tricia – Cuyahoga County Republican Picnic – Chippewa 9/10/72
Tricia – Leah Rose Residence for Senior Citizens – Nashville, Tennessee 9/12/72

Box 69

9/14/72 Tricia – Hartford, Connecticut. Capital Towers
[Tricia – Trip to Trenton, New Jersey 9/14/72]
9/14/72 Tricia – Princeton, N.J. Merwick Hospital Unit for Senior Citizens
9/16/72 Tricia – Storefront Headquarters of Committee to Re-Elect, Columbus, Ohio Kick-off
9/17/72 Tricia – 12th Annual Italian Fall Festival in Mitchelville, MD
9/23/72 Tricia’s visit to Chicago [1 of 2]
9/23/72 Tricia’s visit to Chicago [2 of 2]
9/26Tricia attends the Victory ’72 Dinner at Statler Hilton Hotel
9/28/72 Tricia visits Birmingham, Alabama The University – Medical Center
9/28/72 Tricia in Birmingham, Alabama to attend Social Security Payment Center
9/29/72 Tricia Attends Arkansas State Fair Little Rock, Arkansas
9/29/72 Tricia’s visit to Raleigh, North Carolina
10/1/72 Tricia visits Milwaukee, Wisconsin Young Voters for the President
10/6/72 Tricia Attends Dinner in Los Angeles
10/7/72 Tricia Attends Luncheon in Bernadino, California
10/9/72 Tricia Attends Columbus Day Parade in New York
10/13/72 Tricia Visits Mark Twain’s Home in Hannibal, Missouri
10/18/72 Tricia Attends South Carolina State Fair, S.C. [1 of 2]
10/18/72 Tricia Attends South Carolina State Fair, S.C. [2 of 2]
10/21/72 Tricia Attends Legacy of Parks Program in Greenbelt, MD

Box 70

10/23/72 Tricia – Veterans Day in Chillicothe, Ohio
10/24/72 Tricia visits Morgantown, West Virginia [1 of 2]
10/24/72 Tricia visits Morgantown, West Virginia [2 of 2]
10/28/72 Tricia Participates in “Get Out The Vote” in Michigan
10/30/72 Tricia – Wausau, Wisconsin
10/31/72 Tricia to Hostess Halloween Party
Tricia’s Inaugural Cape to be Worn at Ball
Tricia’s Inaugural Day-Time Outfit
Tricia’s Inaugural Ballgown
2/9/73 Tricia – VFW Reception
Tricia in Georgetown Hospital 3/16/73
2/21/73 Tricia’s Birthday
7/13/73 St. Louis Post-Dispatch Article – Tricia Booed at Baseball Game in N.Y.
False Reports that Tricia in Pregnant
Tricia – Biography [8/1973]
8/1/73 Tricia – Greet Irish Teachers in Blue Room
8/9/73 Tricia – Summer in the Parks Program Drop-by on South Lawn
8/21/73 Tricia – Area Residential Care in Dubuque, Iowa [1 of 3]
8/21/73 Tricia – Area Residential Care in Dubuque, Iowa [2 of 3]
8/21/73 Tricia – Area Residential Care in Dubuque, Iowa [3 of 3]
9/25/73 Tricia – Attends UN Meeting to Hear Dr. Kissinger’s Speech
Tricia – Income Tax [10-12/1973]
Tricia – Columbus Day Parade in NYC 10/8/73
Tricia – Cordell Hull Dam & Lock Dedication in Carthage, Tenn 10/13/73 [1 of 2]

Box 71

Tricia – Cordell Hull Dam & Lock Dedication in Carthage, Tenn 10/13/73 [2 of 2]
Tricia Attends Cordell Hull Dam Dedication – Nashville, Tenn 10/73
Tricia- Dedication of National Freedom Tree at U.N. 10/24/73
Tricia – Dedication of Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in NYC 11/14/73
Tricia Interview with Russ Ward- NBC and Star News Reporter 1/31/74
Tricia’s 28th Birthday 2/21/74
Tricia Cox – Women’s National Republican Club – Luncheon Waldorf Astoria, New York, NY
Tricia Loaned $65,000.00 to Rebozo 6/3/74
Requests to Interview Tricia and Ed
Tricia and Ed’s Cambridge Apartment 5/20/71
10/16/71 Tricia and Ed Helen Thomas’ Wedding
10/26/71 Tricia and Ed at Dinner for Sen. Brooke
11/9/71 Tricia & Ed Dinner in Framingham
12/71 Edward Coxes in Social Register
Ed and Tricia in New York for Ed’s Bar Exam 7/26, 27, 28/72
Tricia & Ed – 3rd Annual California 500, Ontario, CA 9/3/72
11/6/72 Tricia & Ed in Long Island and NYC
11/7/72 Tricia and Ed Vote in West Hampton, NY
12/11/72 Tricia and Ed Cox Leave for Europe for Three Weeks [1 of 4]
12/11/72 Tricia and Ed Cox Leave for Europe for Three Weeks [2of 4]
12/11/72 Tricia and Ed Cox Leave for Europe for Three Weeks [3 of 4]
12/11/72 Tricia and Ed Cox Leave for Europe for Three Weeks [4 of 4]
1972 – Tricia & Ed - Miscellaneous

Box 72

1/30/73 Tricia and Ed Greet the Mayor and Mrs. Promyslov from Moscow
1/30/73 Tricia and Ed Leave for Fort Benning, Georgia
4/13/73 Tricia Attends Ed’s Graduation from Officer Training at Fort Benning
6/12/73 Tricia and Ed’s Second Wedding Anniversary – Spent in NYC
6/26/73 Tricia and Ed Attend Bolshoi Ballet in New York City
Tricia & Edward attend NY Yankees vs. Kansas City Royals Baseball Game in New York 7/13/73
9/9/73 Tricia and Ed Attend Wedding of Mazie Cox and Brink Thorne
Tricia and Ed go to the Sun Myung Moon Rally in Lafayette Park 1/31/74
Tricia & Ed Cox Interview – People Magazine 3/18/74
Tricia & Ed – General Articles
Tricia and Ed – Article in Ladies Home Journal by Winnie McLendon
Ed Cox’s Military Information
Ed’s Graduation from Harvard Law School 6/15/72
Ed – NY – ABC Interview Red Cross – Project Find and Young Voters for the President 9/7/72
Essex County – New Jersey Rally Re-Elect Headquarters 9/7/72
Ed – Pittsburg Three Committee Re-Election Headquarters 9/11/72
Ed – PA. South Central Committee to Re-Elect Headquarters – Phone Bank 9/12/72
Ed – Catonsville Community College – Re-Elect Headquarters 9/13/72
Ed – Storefront Headquarters of Committee to Re-Elect Headquarters, Cincinnati, OH Kick-off 9/16/7
Ed – Rhode Island Republican Chowder Party, Rhode Island 9/17/72
Ed – Boston Committee to Re-Elect Headquarters 9/18/72
Ed to Visit Rochester and Syracuse, New York Committee to Re-Elect the President Headquarters 9/20/72
Ed Visits Committee to Re-Elect in Utica, NY and Schenectady, NY 9/22/72
Ed’s Visit to new York for the Steuben Day Parade and Dinner 9/23/72
Ed visits VA. State Fair in Richmond, then to Portland, Maine Committee to Re-Elect & Cumberland Fair 9/25/72
Ed Visits Detroit, Michigan Committee to Re-Elect, Children’s Hospital Catholic Charities Bldg. etc 9/27/72 [1 of 2]
Ed Visits Detroit, Michigan Committee to Re-Elect, Children’s Hospital Catholic Charities Bldg. etc 9/27/72 [2 of 2]
Ed Visits Indianapolis, Ind. Committee to Re-Elect and Health Center 9/28/72
Ed Visits Young Voters in Pennsylvania – Altoona, Johnston, and Erie 9/30/72
Ed Visits Chicago, Illinois Committee to Re-Elect, Rock & Roll Show 10/2/72

Box 73

Ed – Target ’72 Registration Drive in Iowa; Then Moline, Ill., Macomb, Carthage, Danville, Illinois 10/3/72
Ed Attends Rep. Dinner in New Jersey 10/6/72
Ed Visits Cleveland, Ohio 10/7/72
Ed Attends Hispanic-American Parade in New York City 10/8/72
Ed Visits Long Island, NY 10/11/72
Ed Visits Ohio 10/12/72
Ed Visits Erie, PA 10/12/72
Ed Visits Committee to Re-Elect in Greensburg, PA and then in West Virginia 10/13/72
Ed Visits Sacramento and San Francisco, CA 10/16/72 [1 of 2]
Ed Visits Sacramento and San Francisco, CA 10/16/72 [2 of 2]
Ed Visits Portland, OR 10/19/72
Ed Visits Washington 10/19/72
Ed Visits Minnesota 10/20,21/72
Ed Visits Connecticut 10/23/72
Ed Visits Massachusetts 10/24/72
Ed Visits Chicago 10/26/72
Ed Visits Wisconsin 10/27/72
Ed Participates in “Get Out to Vote” in Illinois
Ed – North Carolina 10/30/72
Ed – Westchester, Newburg, Poughkeepsie, New York 10/31/72
Ed – Flint, Michigan 11/2/72
Ed – St. Joseph, MO. Sioux Falls and Mitchell, SD 11/3/72
Ed – Des Moines, Iowa 11/4/72
Ed Passes His Bar Exams 12/6/72
Ed Cox Makes the Best-Dressed List
Ed Cox – 3 Month Training in the Army at Fort Benning, GA
Ed – Graduates from Basic Officer Training at Fort Benning with Tricia Attending 4/13/73
Ed Cox Biography [8/1973]
Ed – Union County Technical Institute – New Jersey Committee to Re-Elect Headquarters 9/8/73
Ed Cox Miscellaneous [11/1973]

Series II: Events
Subseries A: Trip Files

Box 74

Africa: Africa – ‘72
Africa: Accra, Ghana – Misc.
Africa: African Display in East Lobby [January 1970]
Africa: African Manifest
Africa: Announce Delegation for Liberian Inauguration, 12/7/71
Africa: Connie’s Africa File [1 of 6]
Africa: Connie’s Africa File [2 of 6]
Africa: Connie’s Africa File [3 of 6]
Africa: Connie’s Africa File [4 of 6]
Africa: Connie’s Africa File [5 of 6]
Africa: Connie’s Africa File [6 of 6]
Africa: General Information on African Countries and Schedule, 12/21/71
Africa: Gifts Presented by Mrs. Nixon During Her African Trip
Africa: Liberia – January 2-4, 1972 [1 of 2]
Africa: Liberia – January 2-4, 1972 [2 of 2]
Africa: Liberian Inauguration, 1/3/72
Africa: Mrs. Nixon’s African Schedule
Africa: Mrs. Nixon’s African Visit
Africa: Mrs. Nixon’s Remarks During Africa Trip
Africa: The Official Visit to Africa of Mrs. Richard Nixon / January 2-9, 1972/ Liberia, Ghana, Ivory Coast/ Mrs. Constance Stuart [1 of 5]
Africa: The Official Visit to Africa of Mrs. Richard Nixon / January 2-9, 1972/ Liberia, Ghana, Ivory Coast/ Mrs. Constance Stuart [2 of 5]

Box 75

Africa: The Official Visit to Africa of Mrs. Richard Nixon / January 2-9, 1972/ Liberia, Ghana, Ivory Coast/ Mrs. Constance Stuart [3 of 5]
Africa: The Official Visit to Africa of Mrs. Richard Nixon / January 2-9, 1972/ Liberia, Ghana, Ivory Coast/ Mrs. Constance Stuart [4 of 5]
Africa: The Official Visit to Africa of Mrs. Richard Nixon / January 2-9, 1972/ Liberia, Ghana, Ivory Coast/ Mrs. Constance Stuart [5 of 5]
Africa: Places Visited in Ivory Coast
Africa: [Programs] [1 of 3]
Africa: [Programs] [2 of 3]
Africa: [Programs] [3 of 3]
Africa: Prominent Women in West African Nations
Africa: Schedules
Africa: Trip Files – Misc. [1 of 3]
Africa: Trip Files – Misc. [2 of 3]
Africa: Trip Files – Misc. [3 of 3]
Brussels and USSR: The President and Mrs. Nixon, 6/25 – 7/3/1974 [1 of 4]
Brussels and USSR: The President and Mrs. Nixon, 6/25 – 7/3/1974 [2 of 4]

Box 76

Brussels and USSR: The President and Mrs. Nixon, 6/25 – 7/3/1974 [3 of 4]
Brussels and USSR: The President and Mrs. Nixon, 6/25 – 7/3/1974 [4 of 4]
Brussels and USSR: Newsclippings [1 of 3]
Brussels and USSR: Newsclippings [2 of 3]
Brussels and USSR: Newsclippings [3 of 3]
Campaign 1970: Campaign Trip to Maryland, 10/17/1970
Campaign 1970: Campaign Trip to Michigan, Minnesota, and Nevada, 10/19-20/1970
Campaign 1970: Campaigning in California andWyoming, 10/30/1970 – 11/2/1970
Campaign 1970: [Julie and David Eisenhower and Tricia Nixon]
China: 2/72 – China [1 of 5]
China: 2/72 – China [2 of 5]
China: 2/72 – China [3 of 5]
China: 2/72 – China [4 of 5]
China: 2/72 – China [5 of 5]
China: China – ‘72
China: China Pictures

Box 77

College Tour: 3/2/70 – 3/6/70 [1 of 3]
College Tour: 3/2/70 – 3/6/70 [2 of 3]
College Tour: 3/2/70 – 3/6/70 [3 of 3]
College Tour: Martha Doss – Trip
College Tour: Total Trip, 3/2-6/70
College Trip: Advance for Trip
College Trip: Boulder, Colorado [1 of 2]
College Trip: Boulder, Colorado [2 of 2]
College Trip: Press Coverage Report – Boulder, CO – 3/4/1970
College Trip: Denver, Colorado, 3/4/70
College Trip: Lexington, Kentucky
College Trip: Lexington, Kentucky, 3/3/70
College Trip: Lansing, Michigan [1 of 2]
College Trip: Lansing, Michigan [2 of 2]
College Trip: Lansing, Michican, 3/2/70
College Trip: Press Coverage Report – Lansing, Michigan – 3/2/1970
College Trip: Point Lookout and Springfield, Missouri
College Trip: Point Lookout, Missouri, 3/5/70

Box 78

College Trip: Press Coverage Report – Springfield, MO – 3/5/1970
College Trip: Cincinnati, Ohio
College Trip: Cincinnati, Ohio, 3/3/70
College Trip: Press Coverage Report – Cincinnati, Ohio – 3/3/1970
College Trip: Transcripts
Europe: European Trip [1 of 3]
Europe: European Trip [2 of 3]
Europe: European Trip [3 of 3]
Europe: Naples, 9/29/1970 [Photographs]
Europe: Newsclippings
Europe: Television and Wire Reports
Europe: Trip to Europe, 9/27 – 10/5/1970 [1 of 3]
Europe: Trip to Europe, 9/27 – 10/5/1970 [2 of 3]
Europe: Trip to Europe, 9/27 – 10/5/1970 [3 of 3]

Box 79

Legacy of Parks Trip: 8/16-18/71
Legacy of Parks Trip: Trip Background [1 of 2]
Legacy of Parks Trip: Trip Background [2 of 2]
Legacy of Parks Trip: McLean, Virginia, 8/16/71
Legacy of Parks Trip: Battle Creek, Michigan, 8/16/71 [1 of 2]
Legacy of Parks Trip: Battle Creek, Michigan, 8/16/71 [2 of 2]
Legacy of Parks Trip: Minneapolis, Minnesota, 8/16-17/71
Legacy of Parks Trip: Medford, Oregon, 8/17/71
Legacy of Parks Trip: San Diego, California, 8/17-18/71
Legacy of Parks Trip: Press Correspondence [1 of 2]
Legacy of Parks Trip: Press Correspondence [2 of 2]
Legacy of Parks Trip: Newspaper Clipping, 8/16 – 8/18/1971 [1 of 3]
Legacy of Parks Trip: Newspaper Clipping, 8/16 – 8/18/1971 [2 of 3]
Legacy of Parks Trip: Newspaper Clipping, 8/16 – 8/18/1971 [3 of 3]

Box 80

Middle East: The President and Mrs. Nixon, 6/10-19/1974 [1 of 6]
Middle East: The President and Mrs. Nixon, 6/10-19/1974 [2 of 6]
Middle East: The President and Mrs. Nixon, 6/10-19/1974 [3 of 6]
Middle East: The President and Mrs. Nixon, 6/10-19/1974 [4 of 6]
Middle East: The President and Mrs. Nixon, 6/10-19/1974 [5 of 6]
Middle East: The President and Mrs. Nixon, 6/10-19/1974 [6 of 6]
Middle East: Newsclippings
Peru: Connie’s Files on Peru Trip [1 of 3]
Peru: Connie’s Files on Peru Trip [2 of 3]
Peru: Connie’s Files on Peru Trip [3 of 3]
Peru: Trip to Peru, 6/28-30/70
Round the World Trip: 7/22 – 8/3/69

Box 81

Russia – ‘72
South America
Volunteer Trip: Backup Information, 6/16-19/69 [1 of 6]
Volunteer Trip: Backup Information, 6/16-19/69 [2 of 6]
Volunteer Trip: Backup Information, 6/16-19/69 [3 of 6]
Volunteer Trip: Backup Information, 6/16-19/69 [4 of 6]
Volunteer Trip: Backup Information, 6/16-19/69 [5 of 6]
Volunteer Trip: Backup Information, 6/16-19/69 [6 of 6]
Volunteer Trip: Billing, 6/16-19/69
Volunteer Trip: Photos and Clippings, 6/16-19/69
Volunteer Trip: Press and Miscellaneous, 6/16-19/69

Box 82

[Clippings on Trips]

Box 83

[Clippings on Trips]

Box 84

[Badges, Press Passes, etc. for Trips]

Subseries B: Christmas Files

Box 85

History of White House Christmases [1 of 2]
History of White House Christmases [2 of 2]
Christmases Previous to the Nixons [1 of 2]
Christmases Previous to the Nixons [2 of 2]
Christmas – 1969
Christmas 1969 [1 of 2]
Christmas 1969 [2 of 2]
12/8/69 – Delivery of White House Christmas Tree
12/8/69 – State Flowers in White House Christmas Tree
12/9/69 – Tricia at Walter Reed Christmas Show
12/11/69 – 18th Century Italian Creche in East Room
12/11/69 – Worship Service, 12/14 – Handel’s “Messiah”
Christmas Tree Lighting Ellipse – December 16, 1969
12/17/69 – Tricia at Children’s Christmas Party by Charge D’Affaire of the Argentine Embassy
12/22/69 – Christmas Day Dinner
12/23/69 – Diplomatic Children’s Party
12/23/69 – Picture of Three at a Christmas Tree (Dogs)
12/26/69 – Candlelight Tours on December 29 and 30
Christmas – 1970 [1 of 3]
Christmas – 1970 [2 of 3]
Christmas – 1970 [3 of 3]
Christmas 1970
Christmas – Diplomatic Children’s Party
Christmas – Evening at the White House
Christmas – General Clippings
Christmas – Mrs. Nixon’s Tour, Candlelight Tours
Christmas Press Summary and Clippings 1970 [1 of 2]
Christmas Press Summary and Clippings 1970 [2 of 2]
Christmas – White House Tree
1970 Christmas Newspaper Clippings
12/8/70 – Christmas Evening at the White House – David Frost
12/10/70 – Arrival of the White House Christmas Tree [1 of 2]

Box 86

12/10/70 – Arrival of the White House Christmas Tree [2 of 2]
12/14/70 – Press Tour of Christmas Decorations
12/14 and 15/70 – Christmas Congressional Receptions
12/16/70 – Tree Lighting and Reception
12/19 – 12/20 – 12/23/70 – Christmas Staff Receptions
12/21/70 – Christmas – Cabinet, Sub-Cabinet Reception
12/22/70 – Diplomatic Children’s Christmas Party
12/23/70 – White House Press Christmas Open House
Christmas – 1971 [1 of 2]
Christmas – 1971 [2 of 2]
Christmas 1971
Christmas – Press Preview [1 of 2]
Christmas – Press Preview [2 of 2]
Christmas – Sears Shopping Trip and Junior Blind Party
Christmas – Tree Arrival/ Christmas Card
1971 Christmas Calendar
1971 Nixons’ Christmas [1 of 2]
1971 Nixons’ Christmas [2 of 2]
12/71 – Mrs. Nixon and Julie Picture with Christmas Decorations
12/8/71 – Arrival of Christmas Tree
12/13/71 – Christmas Card
12/13/71 – Christmas Creche
12/13/71 – Christmas Decorations
12/13/71 – Press Preview of Christmas Decorations
12/13/71 – State Christmas Ornaments
12/14/71 – Congressional Open House
12/16/71 – Christmas Tea of Volunteers
12/17/71 - White House Press Open House
12/20/71 – Christmas Staff Gift
12/21/71 – Diplomatic Children’s Party
12/27-28/71 – Christmas Candlelight Tours
The 18th Century Italian Creche
Christmas 1972
Christmas 1972
Christmas 1972
Christmas Tree Ornaments for Each State
1972 Christmas Calendar
1972 Christmas Card

Box 87

12/7/72 Tricia Welcomes W.H. Christmas Tree – and Photo Album
12/11/72 – Christmas Decorations Are Completed
12/11/72 – Mrs. Nixon Greets the Candlelighters
12/11/72 – Mrs. Nixon – Press Preview of Christmas Decorations [1 of 2]
12/11/72 – Mrs. Nixon – Press Preview of Christmas Decorations [2 of 2]
12/12/72 – The President and Mrs. Nixon Attend Reception at the White House
12/13/72 – The President and Mrs. Nixon Attend Reception at the White House
The President and Mrs. Nixon’s Christmas Card is Sent – 12/14/72
12/14/72 – The President and Mrs. Nixon – White House Reception
12/15/72 – Tree Lighting Reception and Ceremony
12/16/72 – Cabinet Christmas Dinner
12/18/72 – Children’s Diplomatic Christmas Party
12/19/72 – The President and Mrs. Nixon Host a Reception
12/20/72 – Mrs. Nixon – Reception for Volunteers Who Helped with Christmas Cards
12/20/72 – White House Staff Pictures are Presented – Portrait of Roosevelt
12/20/72 – White House Dogs are Decked for Christmas
12/21/72 – Open House for White House Staff
12/22/72 – Press Corps Open House [1 of 2]
12/22/72 – Press Corps Open House [2 of 2]
12/25/72 – The President and Mrs. Nixon – Christmas Day – Florida
12/28 and 29/72 – Candlelight Tours
18th Century Italian Creche – 1973
Christmas – 1973 [1 of 2]
Christmas – 1973 [2 of 2]
Christmas – Christmas Card Staff Gift
Christmas – Family Celebration
Christmas Tree Ornaments – 1973
Information about Volunteers and Mr. Pennock Who Did Decorating
1973 Christmas Calendar
1973 Staff Gift – James Monroe Portrait [1 of 2]
1973 Staff Gift – James Monroe Portrait [2 of 2]
1973 Christmas Card is Sent – 12/13/73 [1 of 2]
1973 Christmas Card is Sent – 12/13/73 [2 of 2]
12/14/73 – Christmas Decorations are Completed – Description
12/14/73 – President and Mrs. Nixon Attend National Community Christmas Tree Lighting at the President’s Park
12/18/73 – Candlelight Tour for Senior Citizens
12/26/73 – Candlelight Tour for WH Staff and Families
12/27-28/73 – Candlelight Tours

Subseries C: Church Services Files

Box 88

Church Services – 1969 [1 of 5]
Church Services – 1969 [2 of 5]
Church Services – 1969 [3 of 5]
Church Services – 1969 [4 of 5]
Church Services – 1969 [5 of 5]
Church Services – 1970 [1 of 5]
Church Services – 1970 [2 of 5]
Church Services – 1970 [3 of 5]
Church Services – 1970 [4 of 5]
Church Services – 1970 [5 of 5]
1/24/71 – Church Service
2/7/71 – Church Service
3/7/71 – Church Service
4/18/71 – Church Service

Box 89

5/19/71 – Church Service (Mother’s Day)
9/12/71 – Church Service
10/10/71 – Church Service
11/14/71 – Church Service
Church Services – 1972
3/19/72 – Church Service
12/17/72 – White House Christmas Worship Service [1 of 2]
12/17/72 – White House Christmas Worship Service [2 of 2]
2/25/73 – Worship Service
3/11/73 – White House Worship Service – Monsignor John G. Kuhn
4/15/73 – Worship Service – Rev. Edward V. Hill
10/14/73 – Worship Service – Cong. Bill Hudnut of Indiana
12/16/73 – Christmas Worship Service
Church Services – 1974
3/17/74 – White House Worship Service – Dr. Norman V. Peale
Church Services – Memoranda [1 of 2]
Church Services – Memoranda [2 of 2]
Church Services – Miscellaneous [1 of 3]
Church Services – Miscellaneous [2 of 3]
Church Services – Miscellaneous [3 of 3]

Subseries D: Dinner Files

Box 90

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau State Dinner, 3/24/69 [1 of 2]
Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau State Dinner, 3/24/69 [2 of 2]
King of Jordan Visit – 4/8-9/69
State Dinner Australian P.M. and Mrs. Gorton, 5/6/69 [1 of 2]
State Dinner Australian P.M. and Mrs. Gorton, 5/6/69 [2 of 2]
5/10/69 – Tricia Masque Ball
State Luncheon Honoring His Majesty Baudouin I, King of Belgians and Her Majesty Queen Fabiola, 5/20/69
State Dinner for His Excellency Carlos Lleras Restrepo, Pres. of Rep. of Colombia and Mrs. Lleras, 6/12/69 [1 of 2]
State Dinner for His Excellency Carlos Lleras Restrepo, Pres. of Rep. of Colombia and Mrs. Lleras, 6/12/69 [2 of 2]
State Dinner for Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, 7/8/69
Dinner for Chancellor Kiesinger, 8/17/69 [1 of 2]
Dinner for Chancellor Kiesinger, 8/17/69 [2 of 2]
State Dinner Honoring His Excellency the President of the Republic of Korea and Mrs. Park (S.F.), 8/21/69 [1 of 2]
State Dinner Honoring His Excellency the President of the Republic of Korea and Mrs. Park (S.F.), 8/21/69 [2 of 2]

Box 91

Dinner for P.M. Keith Holyoake of New Zealand, 9/16/69
Dinner Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, 9/25/69 [1 of 2]
Dinner Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, 9/25/69 [2 of 2]
Stag Dinner for His Highness Prince Souvanna Phouma, PM of Laos, 10/7/69
Dinner for Shah of Iran, 10/21/69
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh Dinner, 11/4/69
Japanese Prime Minister Sato Dinner, 11/19/69
1/27/70 – Prime Minister Wilson State Dinner, Roberta Peters [1 of 2]
1/27/70 – Prime Minister Wilson State Dinner, Roberta Peters [2 of 2]
2/24/70 – Pompidou State Dinner [1 of 4]
2/24/70 – Pompidou State Dinner [2 of 4]
2/24/70 – Pompidou State Dinner [3 of 4]
2/24/70 – Pompidou State Dinner [4 of 4]
4/4/70 – Dinner for the Duke and Duchess of Windsor [1 of 2]
4/4/70 – Dinner for the Duke and Duchess of Windsor [2 of 2]
4/10/70 – Chancellor Brandt Dinner [1 of 2]

Box 92

4/10/70 – Chancellor Brandt Dinner [2 of 2]
4/14/70 – Danish Prime Minister Dinner
5/26/70 – Suharto Dinner [1 of 3]
5/26/70 – Suharto Dinner [2 of 3]
5/26/70 – Suharto Dinner [3 of 3]
6/2/70 – Caldera Dinner [1 of 2]
6/2/70 – Caldera Dinner [2 of 2]
7/23/70 – Dinner for President of Finland [1 of 2]
7/23/70 – Dinner for President of Finland [2 of 2]
8/4/70 – Mobutu [1 of 3]
8/4/70 – Mobutu [2 of 3]
8/4/70 – Mobutu [3 of 3]
9/3/70 – Dinner for the President of Mexico Gustavo Diaz Ordaz [1 of 4]
9/3/70 – Dinner for the President of Mexico Gustavo Diaz Ordaz [2 of 4]

Box 93

9/3/70 – Dinner for the President of Mexico Gustavo Diaz Ordaz [3 of 4]
9/3/70 – Dinner for the President of Mexico Gustavo Diaz Ordaz [4 of 4]
10/26/70 – President Ceausescu Visit and State Dinner [1 of 2]
10/26/70 – President Ceausescu Visit and State Dinner [2 of 2]
12/17/70 – Prime Minister Heath Visit and State Dinner [1 of 2]
12/17/70 – Prime Minister Heath Visit and State Dinner [2 of 2]
1/26-7/71 – Prince Juan Carlos Visit [1 of 2]
1/26-7/71 – Prince Juan Carlos Visit [2 of 2]
2/18-19/71 – Italian Prime Minister Colombo Visit and Dinner [1 of 2]
2/18-19/71 – Italian Prime Minister Colombo Visit and Dinner [2 of 2]
King Hassan Visit Postponed
10/28/71 – State Dinner for President Tito – Yugoslavia [1 of 3]
10/28/71 – State Dinner for President Tito – Yugoslavia [2 of 3]
10/28/71 – State Dinner for President Tito – Yugoslavia [3 of 3]
11/2/71 – State Dinner for Prime Minister McMahon of Australia [1 of 2]

Box 94

11/2/71 – State Dinner for Prime Minister McMahon of Australia [2 of 2]
11/4/71 – State Dinner for Prime Minister Gandhi [1 of 2]
11/4/71 – State Dinner for Prime Minister Gandhi [2 of 2]
12/7/71 – State Dinner for President Medici of Brazil [1 of 2]
12/7/71 – State Dinner for President Medici of Brazil [2 of 2]
3/21/72 – State Dinner for Prime Minister of Turkey – Erim
5/27/71 – Luncheon for King Faisal of Saudi Arabia
6/15/72 – State Dinner for President Echeverria Alvarez of Mexico, Apollo 16 Crew Invited [1 of 2]
6/15/72 – State Dinner for President Echeverria Alvarez of Mexico, Apollo 16 Crew Invited [2 of 2]
State Dinner – 2/1/73, Hon. Edward Heath, Prime Minister, United Kingdom of Great Britain [1 of 3]
State Dinner – 2/1/73, Hon. Edward Heath, Prime Minister, United Kingdom of Great Britain [2 of 3]
State Dinner – 2/1/73, Hon. Edward Heath, Prime Minister, United Kingdom of Great Britain [3 of 3]
2/6/73 – Dinner in Honor of King Hussein [1 of 2]
2/6/73 – Dinner in Honor of King Hussein [2 of 2]
3/1/73 – Dinner Given for Golda Meir [1 of 2]
3/1/73 – Dinner Given for Golda Meir [2 of 2]
4/10/73 – Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew Dinner

Box 95

4/17/73- State Dinner for Italian Prime Minister Andreotti [1 of 2]
4/17/73- State Dinner for Italian Prime Minister Andreotti [2 of 2]
5/15/73 – Haile Selassie Dinner
9/8/73 – State Dinner for Ali Bhutto of Pakistan [1 of 3]
9/8/73 – State Dinner for Ali Bhutto of Pakistan [2 of 3]
9/8/73 – State Dinner for Ali Bhutto of Pakistan [3 of 3]
9/27/73 – Dinner for Prime Minister Kirk of New Zealand
5/1/73 – State Dinner for Willy Brandt of Germany [1 of 2]
5/1/73 – State Dinner for Willy Brandt of Germany [2 of 2]
6/5/73 – State Dinner Honoring President Tolbert of Liberia [1 of 2]
6/5/73 – State Dinner Honoring President Tolbert of Liberia [2 of 2]
6/18/73 – State Dinner for Brezhnev – Johnny Mann Singers [1 of 2]
6/18/73 – State Dinner for Brezhnev – Johnny Mann Singers [2 of 2]
7/17/73 – State Dinner in Honor of Ali Bhutto and Begum Bhutto
7/24/73 – State Dinner for Shah of Iran [1 of 2]

Box 96

7/24/73 – State Dinner for Shah of Iran [2 of 2]
7/31/73 – State Dinner for Prime Minister Tanaka
10/9/73 – State Dinner in Honor of Ivory Coast Prime Minister [1 of 3]
10/9/73 – State Dinner in Honor of Ivory Coast Prime Minister [2 of 3]
10/9/73 – State Dinner in Honor of Ivory Coast Prime Minister [3 of 3]
10/15/73 – Dinner in Honor of William and Mrs. Rogers
12/4/73 – Dinner in Honor of Ceausescu [1 of 2]
12/4/73 – Dinner in Honor of Ceausescu [2 of 2]
3/7/74 – Governor’s Dinner
3/26/74 – Dinner for the Honorable and Mrs. Melvin Laird
4/17/74 – Dinner Honoring Latin America Foreign Ministers
6/6/74 – Luncheon Honoring Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia
State Dinners – Fact Sheets
State Dinners – Guest Lists
Foreign Visits – General

Subseries E: Evenings at the White House Files

Box 97

Evenings at the White House
1/29/70 – First Evening Series Information
1/29/70 – Evening – Red Skelton Background
2/22/70 – 1776 – Evening at the White House
3/19/70 – Evening at the White House – Nicol Williamson [1 of 2]
3/19/70 – Evening at the White House – Nicol Williamson [2 of 2]
4/17/70 – Evening at the White House – Johnny Cash [1 of 2]
4/17/70 – Evening at the White House – Johnny Cash [2 of 2]
2/21/71 – Beverly Sills Evening at the White House
Irish Evening at the White House
3/3/73 – 8th Evening at the White House – with Sammy Davis, Jr.
3/17/73 – Evening at the White House – Merle Haggard and the Osborne Bros. [1 of 2]
3/17/73 – Evening at the White House – Merle Haggard and the Osborne Bros. [2 of 2]
Subseries F: Inauguration Files
1973 Presidential Inaugural [1 of 3]
1973 Presidential Inaugural [2 of 3]
1973 Presidential Inaugural [3 of 3]

Box 98

1973 Inauguration Guide

Subseries G: Prince Charles and Princess Anne Visit Files

7/16-18/70 – Prince and Princess [Wales] Visit to White House [1 of 3]
7/16-18/70 – Prince and Princess [Wales] Visit to White House [2 of 3]
7/16-18/70 – Prince and Princess [Wales] Visit to White House [3 of 3]
Prince and Princess Visit – Connie’s File [1 of 3]
Prince and Princess Visit – Connie’s File [2 of 3]
Prince and Princess Visit – Connie’s File [3 of 3]
Prince and Princess Visit – Photographs
Prince and Princess Visit – Press Clips [1 of 6]
Prince and Princess Visit – Press Clips [2 of 6]
Prince and Princess Visit – Press Clips [3 of 6]
Prince and Princess Visit – Press Clips [4 of 6]
Prince and Princess Visit – Press Clips [5 of 6]

Box 99

Prince and Princess Visit – Press Clips [6 of 6]
Prince and Princess – Press Coverage [1 of 3]
Prince and Princess – Press Coverage [2 of 3]
Prince and Princess – Press Coverage [3 of 3]
Prince and Princess Visit – Newspaper Clippings by Day [1 of 4]
Prince and Princess Visit – Newspaper Clippings by Day [2 of 4]
Prince and Princess Visit – Newspaper Clippings by Day [3 of 4]
Prince and Princess Visit – Newspaper Clippings by Day [4 of 4]

Subseries H: Wedding Files

Julie and David’s Wedding – 12/22/1968 [1 of 2]
Julie and David’s Wedding – 12/22/1968 [2 of 2]
Julie and David’s Wedding – Press Coverage [1 of 2]
Julie and David’s Wedding – Press Coverage [2 of 2]
Julie and David’s Wedding – Press Releases [1 of 3]
Julie and David’s Wedding – Press Releases [2 of 3]
Julie and David’s Wedding – Press Releases [3 of 3]

Box 100

Sketches – Julie’s Wedding Gown [1 of 2]
Sketches – Julie’s Wedding Gown [2 of 2]
Sketches – Bridesmaids’ Dresses [1 of 2]
Sketches – Bridesmaids’ Dresses [2 of 2]
Sketches – Julie’s “Going Away” Dress [1 of 2]
Sketches – Julie’s “Going Away” Dress [2 of 2]
Sketches – Mrs. Nixon’s Dress [1 of 2]
Sketches – Mrs. Nixon’s Dress [2 of 2]
Tricia and Ed Wedding – Press Kit [1 of 2]
Tricia and Ed Wedding – Press Kit [2 of 2]
Tricia and Ed Wedding – Press Releases and Clippings [1 of 2]
Tricia and Ed Wedding – Press Releases and Clippings [2 of 2]
Tricia and Ed Wedding – National Geographic Magazine Photos
[Press Cards – Newspaper and Magazine Requests] [1 of 2]
[Press Cards – Newspaper and Magazine Requests] [2 of 2]
[Press Cards – Radio and TV Requests]

Box 101

[Press Cards – Foreign Requests]
[Press Cards (All) – Magazines, Newspapers, Radio, TV, Photographers, Foreign Requests]
Luci Baines Johnson and Patrick John Nugent Wedding – Press Information [1 of 3]
Luci Baines Johnson and Patrick John Nugent Wedding – Press Information [2 of 3]
Luci Baines Johnson and Patrick John Nugent Wedding – Press Information [3 of 3]
Lynda Bird Johnson and Captain Charles Robb Wedding – Press Information [1 of 6]
Lynda Bird Johnson and Captain Charles Robb Wedding – Press Information [2 of 6]
Lynda Bird Johnson and Captain Charles Robb Wedding – Press Information [3 of 6]
Lynda Bird Johnson and Captain Charles Robb Wedding – Press Information [4 of 6]
Lynda Bird Johnson and Captain Charles Robb Wedding – Press Information [5 of 6]
Lynda Bird Johnson and Captain Charles Robb Wedding – Press Information [6 of 6]

Subseries B: Christmas Files (oversize)
Subseries F: Inauguration Files (oversize)

Box 102

1972 Christmas Card
1972 Staff Christmas Print
Fashion Sketches (Inaugural) [1 of 2]
Fashion Sketches (Inaugural) [2 of 2]
Fashion Sketches – Geoffrey Beane (Inaugural)
Fashion Sketches – Charles Kleibacker (Inaugural)
Fashion Sketches – Jerry Silverman (Inaugural)
Fashion Sketches – Adele Simpson (Inaugural)

Series III: Subject Files

Box 103

Acquisitions [1 of 3]
Acquisitions [2 of 3]
Acquisitions [3 of 3]
Adams, Penny
American Education Week
American Revolution Bicentennial
Antique Monthly [1 of 2]
Antique Monthly [1 of 2]
Appointments (Second Term) [1 of 3]
Appointments (Second Term) [2 of 3]
Appointments (Second Term) [3 of 3]
Armstrong, Anne
Attendance at WH Functions
Beauty Shop
Biographies – Shirley A. Bailey
Biographies – Heinz Bender
Biographies – Ed Cox
Biographies – Tricia Nixon Cox
Biographies – David Eisenhower
Biographies - Julie Nixon Eisenhower
Biographies – Billy Graham

Box 104

Biographies – Mrs. Nixon
Biographies – President Nixon
Biographies – Bebe Rebozo
Birds, White House
Blacks in the Nixon Administration
Blair House
Books on Nixon
Bowling, White House
Cabin Cruisers (Presidential)
Cabinet Wives
Cake Cutting
Camp David
Campaign 1972 – Background Info.
Campaign 1972 – Before GOP Convention, Miscellaneous
Campaign 1972 – After GOP Convention, Miscellaneous [1 of 2]
Campaign 1972 – After GOP Convention, Miscellaneous [2 of 2]
Campaign 1972 – Ed Cox, Campaign Schedules
Campaign 1972 – Julie, Miscellaneous
Campaign 1972 – Tricia, Miscellaneous
Campaign 1972 – Eleanor McGovern
Campaign 1972 – McGovern Children
Campaign 1972 – Opposition Campaign
Campaign 1972 – Press Requests
Campaign 1972 – Women Campaigners
Cars, First Family
Chef, Assistant Chef, Housekeeper

Box 105

Chesire, Maxine
Children Born in White House
Children – White House Conference on Children
Children’s Garden
China Collection, White House
China Trip
Committee for the Preservation of the White House
Cox Family
Curators, White House [1 of 2]
Curators, White House [2 of 2]
Current [First] Family Activities
Day Care and Child Development Council of America
Dogs [1 of 3]
Dogs [2 of 3]
Dogs [3 of 3]
East Side News Summaries [1 of 3]
East Side News Summaries [2 of 3]
East Side News Summaries [3 of 3]
Easter – at Key Biscayne
Easter – Egg Roll, White House
Easter – Egg Roll, 4/3/72 [1 of 2]
Easter – Egg Roll, 4/3/72 [2 of 2]
Easter – Egg Roll, 4/12/71
Easter – Egg Roll, 4/23/73
Easter – Egg Roll, 4/15/74
Easter Outfits
Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Box 106

Eisenhower Family
Eisenhower, Mamie [1 of 2]
Eisenhower, Mamie [2 of 2]
Entertainment – White House [1 of 3]
Entertainment – White House [2 of 3]
Entertainment – White House [3 of 3]
Energy Crisis
Evaluation of Principles
Executive Interns (White House and Govt.)
History of Executive Office Building
1971 Family Miscellaneous
Farrell, Mike
Feldman, Trude
White House Fellows
Film and TV Releases
Nixon – Finance Statements [1 of 2]
Nixon – Finance Statements [2 of 2]
First Inaugural Ball
Florist and Gardener
Ford, Betty
Ford, Gerald
Ford Theater
Fourth of July – 1969

Box 107

Franklin, Barbara
“Freedom’s Finest Hour”
Future Ideas
Gardens [1 of 2]
Gardens [2 of 2]
General – Before 1972 [1 of 6]
General – Before 1972 [2 of 6]
General – Before 1972 [3 of 6]
General – Before 1972 [4 of 6]
General – Before 1972 [5 of 6]
General – Before 1972 [6 of 6]
General – Mrs. Nixon – 1972 [1 of 3]
General – Mrs. Nixon – 1972 [2 of 3]
General – Mrs. Nixon – 1972 [3 of 3]
State Gifts Received: 1969 to Date
Girl Scouts

Box 108

Numbers of People the President and Mrs. Nixon Have Greeted Since ’69 and ‘72
Guide Books – White House [1 of 4]
Guide Books – White House [2 of 4]
Guide Books – White House [3 of 4]
Guide Books – White House [4 of 4]
Haller, Henry
Health (President)
Helicopter (Crashes on W.H. Lawn, 1/18/74)
House and Gardens
Inaugural Book
Inauguration Gown – Mrs. Nixon
Interview Records - Julie
Interview Requests – Foreign
Interview Requests – Julie and David
Interviews, T.V. & Radio, Magazine, and Newspapers on the Family – 1973
Jet Remodeling
Julie – Bible Study Classes
Julie – Crewel Work
Julie – General Information Packets [1of 6]
Julie – General Information Packets [2 of 6]
Julie – General Information Packets [3 of 6]
Julie – General Information Packets [4 of 6]

Box 109

Julie – General Information Packets [5 of 6]
Julie – General Information Packets [6 of 6]
Julie – General Information Packets – Originals
Kennedy Center
Kennedy Portraits [1 of 4]
Kennedy Portraits [2 of 4]
Kennedy Portraits [3 of 4]
Kennedy Portraits [4 of 4]
Key Biscayne
Kissinger, Henry
Kitchen (Family)
Kitchen, White House
Ladies of the Press [1 of 2]
Ladies of the Press [2 of 2]
Legacy of Parks
Leighton, Frances
Letters – [To First Family]
Letters – To Tricia (Sample Mail)
“Living White House” Book
Magazine Artciles
McCall’s – “The Nixon Nobody Knows”, Winzola McLendon [1 of 2]
McCall’s – “The Nixon Nobody Knows”, Winzola McLendon [2 of 2]

Box 110

McClendon, Sarah [1 of 2]
McClendon, Sarah [2 of 2]
McLaughlin, John
Medal of Freedom
Memorabilia – Presidential
Military and Social Aides – White House
Military and Social Aides, White House – Female Social Aides, 11/3070
Military Bands
1971 Miscellaneous [1 of 2]
1971 Miscellaneous [2 of 2]
1972 Miscellaneous
1972 Miscellaneous Weekends
Monday Magazine (RNC) [1 of 2]
Monday Magazine (RNC) [2 of 2]
More Beautiful Capital, Committee for
Mrs. Longworth Refutes Nixon, 2/18/74
Mrs. Nixon - Editorials
Mrs. Nixon’s White House Restoration
Mrs. Nixon – Year End Review, 1969
New Speaker System (Recording of W.H. History, 4/71) [1 of 2]
New Speaker System (Recording of W.H. History, 4/71) [2 of 2]

Box 111

Nixon, Donald
Nixon Relatives
Nixon Relatives – History of Milhous Line
Nixon Relatives – Mrs. Nixon’s Relatives
Nixon Resignation
Nixon’s Jewels
Nixon’s New York Apartment
Nixons – ’60, ’68 Campaign Articles [1 of 2]
Nixons – ’60, ’68 Campaign Articles [2 of 2]
Nixons – After Resignation
Odds and Ends
10/5/73 – W.H. Begins Display of Paintings from Private Quarters
Paintings, White House
Parade Articles (Washington Post)
Pat and Dick Clubs
Pending – China Trip for Coxes and Eisenhowers
Pending – Miscellaneous Dinners Staff, Western W.H., etc.
People-to-People Program
Photographs – Julie – Fall ’70 Campaign Pictures
Photographs – Julie - Miscellaneous
Photographs – Julie – Newest
Photographs – Mrs. Nixon, 1970-1973 [1 of 3]
Photographs – Mrs. Nixon, 1970-1973 [2 of 3]
Photographs – Mrs. Nixon, 1970-1973 [3 of 3]
Photographs Sent on Request
Pictures Sent [1 of 2]
Pictures Sent [2 of 2]
White House Police (New Uniforms)
Portraits Painted – Nixons
The President
The President and the Family, 1968
President and Mrs. Nixon – Released, 10/27/69
President Nixon – Quotes, Brief Bio. [1 of 2]
President Nixon – Quotes, Brief Bio. [2 of 2]
President’s August 15th Speech on Watergate

Box 112

President’s Office- Executive Office Bldg.
President’s Office – WH Oval Office
Presidential Documents [1 of 2]
Presidential Documents [2 of 2]
Presidential Museum in Odessa, Texas
Presidential Papers, Library of
Presidential Scholars
“Presidents of the U.S.” – Published by WH Historical Association, 2/14/69
White House Press Corps
Ethnic Press
Foreign Press
Press Evaluations
Press Information [1 of 2]
Press Information [1 of 2]
Press Lists [1 of 3]
Press Lists [2 of 3]
Press Lists [3 of 3]
1/6/73 – W.H. Press Pool
Press Releases 1969 [1 of 3]
Press Releases 1969 [2 of 3]
Press Releases 1969 [3 of 3]
Prisoners of War

Box 113

Public Broadcasting
Rebozo, Bebe
Article on Bebe Rebozo by Winnie McClendon
Recipes [1 of 3]
Recipes [2 of 3]
Recipes [3 of 3]
Record Library
Acquisitions for and Redecoration of the White House, Jan. 1969 – May 1972 [1 of 3]
Acquisitions for and Redecoration of the White House, Jan. 1969 – May 1972 [2 of 3]
Acquisitions for and Redecoration of the White House, Jan. 1969 – May 1972 [3 of 3]
Redecoration of the White House – Blue Room
Redecoration of White House – Cross Hall and Entrance [1 of 2]
Redecoration of White House – Cross Hall and Entrance [2 of 2]
Redecoration of White House – East Wing Garden Room Refurbished, 6/28/71
Redecoration of White House – New East Wing Reception Room, 3/71
Redecoration of White House – Family Quarters
Redecoration of White House – Green Room
Redecoration of White House – Gym in EOB?
Redecoration of White House – Map Room
Redecoration of White House – Misc. [1 of 3]
Redecoration of White House – Misc. [2 of 3]
Redecoration of White House – Misc. [3 of 3]
Redecoration of White House – President’s Bedroom
Redecoration of White House – Red Room
Redecoration of White House – Press Releases [1 of 2]

Box 114

Redecoration of White House – Press Releases [2 of 2]
Redecoration of White House – Vermeil Room, 6/17/71
Redecoration of White House – Yellow Oval Room
Relatives of Other Presidents
Republican Convention, 8/72
Republican Convention – Acceptance Speeches, 8/23/72
Republican Convention – Afternoon Session Tribute to President Eisenhower [Empty]
Republican Convention – Arrive in Florida, 8/20/72
Republican Convention – Julie and David
Republican Convention – Miscellaneous [1 of 4]
Republican Convention – Miscellaneous [2 of 4]
Republican Convention – Miscellaneous [3 of 4]
Republican Convention – Miscellaneous [4 of 4]
Republican Convention – Nominate the President, 8/22/72
Republican Convention – Schedules [Empty]
Republican Convention – Tribute to Mrs. Nixon
Republican Convention – Tricia and Ed
[Republican Party – Miscellaneous]
Republican Women – Biographies
Rhodes Calls for RN Resignation, 5/9/74
“Right to Read” Program
Rooms, White House – Miscellaneous [1 of 2]
Rooms, White House – Miscellaneous [2 of 2]
Rooms, White House – Queen’s Bedroom
Rough Drafts – Stories on the Nixons
San Clemente [1 of 5]
San Clemente [2 of 5]
San Clemente [3 of 5]

Box 115

San Clemente [4 of 5]
San Clemente [5 of 5]
Sanchez, Manuel
Schedules [1 of 4]
Schedules [2 of 4]
Schedules [3 of 4]
Schedules [4 of 4]
Secret Service
Security Clearances
Seelye, Gloria
Tricia Cox Speeches
Julie Eisenhower Speeches [1 of 2]
Julie Eisenhower Speeches [2 of 2]
Staff Assignments
Staff Memos
Staff – White House [1 of 2]
Staff – White House [2 of 2]
Stage (Rebekah Harkness)
Status of Women, Advisory Council on
Connie Stuart [1 of 4]
Connie Stuart [2 of 4]
Connie Stuart [3 of 4]
Connie Stuart [4 of 4]
Summer in the Parks
Support the President File
4/7/74 – Income Tax Information on the First Family
Teleflora [1 of 3]

Box 116

Teleflora [2 of 3]
Teleflora [3 of 3]
1970 Thanksgiving [1 of 2]
1970 Thanksgiving [2 of 2]
Thanksgiving Lunch for Senior Citizens, 11/27/69 [1 of 2]
Thanksgiving Lunch for Senior Citizens, 11/27/69 [2 of 2]
Nick Thimmesch [July 1973]
Helen Thomas File
Tourists – White House [1 of 2]
Tourists – White House [2 of 2]
Travel Vouchers
White House Trees
Trips Made by the President, ’69-‘71
Typing Originals [1 of 3]
Typing Originals [2 of 3]
Typing Originals [3 of 3]
Miscellaneous Wedding
Tricia’s Wedding, 6/12/71
Wedding of Princess Anne of Great Britain – Nov. 14, 1973

Box 117

West Side News
White House Tours [1 of 2]
White House Tours [2 of 2]
Lucy Winchester
Ron Ziegler

Series IV: Press Briefings

Box 118

Press Briefings [Oct. 69 – Feb. 70] [1 of 5]
Press Briefings [Oct. 69 – Feb. 70] [2 of 5]
Press Briefings [Oct. 69 – Feb. 70] [3 of 5]
Press Briefings [Oct. 69 – Feb. 70] [4 of 5]
Press Briefings [Oct. 69 – Feb. 70] [5 of 5]
Press Briefings [Nov. 69 – March 70] [1 of 3]
Press Briefings [Nov. 69 – March 70] [2 of 3]
Press Briefings [Nov. 69 – March 70] [3 of 3]
Press Briefings [March – July 70] [1 of 5]
Press Briefings [March – July 70] [2 of 5]
Press Briefings [March – July 70] [3 of 5]
Press Briefings [March – July 70] [4 of 5]
Press Briefings [March – July 70] [5 of 5]
Press Briefing [March –Dec 1970 [1 of 7]
Press Briefing [March –Dec 1970 [2 of 7]
Press Briefing [March –Dec 1970 [3 of 7]
Press Briefing [March –Dec 1970 [4 of 7]
Press Briefing [March –Dec 1970 [5 of 7]

Box 119

Press Briefing [March –Dec 1970 [6 of 7]
Press Briefing [March –Dec 1970 [7 of 7]
Press Briefings [Aug – Dec 1970] [1 of 4]
Press Briefings [Aug – Dec 1970] [2 of 4]
Press Briefings [Aug – Dec 1970] [3 of 4]
Press Briefings [Aug – Dec 1970] [4 of 4]
Press Briefing [Jan – Dec 1971] [1 of 5]
Press Briefing [Jan – Dec 1971] [2 of 5]
Press Briefing [Jan – Dec 1971] [3 of 5]
Press Briefing [Jan – Dec 1971] [4 of 5]
Press Briefing [Jan – Dec 1971] [5 of 5]
Press Briefings 1971 [1 of 6]
Press Briefings 1971 [2 of 6]
Press Briefings 1971 [3 of 6]
Press Briefings 1971 [4 of 6]
Press Briefings 1971 [5 of 6]
Press Briefings 1971 [6 of 6]

Box 120

Press Briefings 1972 [1 of 4]
Press Briefings 1972 [2 of 4]
Press Briefings 1972 [3 of 4]
Press Briefings 1972 [4 of 4]

Series V: Press Releases

[Press Release – 1969 – Incomplete Set] [1 of 2]
[Press Release – 1969 – Incomplete Set] [2 of 2]
[Press Releases – 1970] [1 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1970] [2 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1970] [3 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1970] [4 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1970] [5 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1970] [6 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1970] [7 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1970] [8 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1970 – Incomplete Set] [1 of 4]
[Press Releases – 1970 – Incomplete Set] [2 of 4]

Box 121

[Press Releases – 1970 – Incomplete Set] [3 of 4]
[Press Releases – 1970 – Incomplete Set] [4 of 4]
[Press Releases – 1971] [1 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1971] [2 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1971] [3 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1971] [4 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1971] [5 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1971] [6 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1971] [7 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1972] [1 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1972] [2 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1972] [3 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1972] [4 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1972] [5 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1972] [6 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1972] [7 of 8]
[Press Releases – 1972] [8 of 8]

Box 122

[Press Releases – 1973] [1 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1973] [2 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1973] 3 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1973] [4 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1973] [5 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1973] [6 of 7]
[Press Releases – 1973] [7 of 7]
[Press Release: 5/11/74 – Interview with Julie and David Eisenhower]
[Press Releases – 1974 – Incomplete Set] [1 of 2]
[Press Releases – 1974 – Incomplete Set] [2 of 2]

Series VI: Staff Files

Staff Memos – 1969

Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – Rita de Santis
Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – Gwen King – Correspondence for Mrs. Nixon
Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – Patti Matson
Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – John Nidecker
Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – John Picklin
Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – Julie Robinson
Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – Sanchez, Manolo and Fina
Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – Coral Schmid
Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – Rex Scouten, Chief Usher
Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – Helen Smith
Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – Gerry Van der Heuvel
Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – Stephanie Wilson
Mrs. Nixon’s Staff – Miscellaneous Articles

Series VII: Miscellaneous Files
Subseries A: Background Information

Box 123

Mrs. Nixon’s Activities for the Cause of Volunteerism – As of 12/71
Mrs. Nixon and Cultural Activities [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon and Cultural Activities [2 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon’s Projects and Activities as First Lady [1 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon’s Projects and Activities as First Lady [2 of 2]
Summary of Family Activities, 1969-1972 [1 of 6]
Summary of Family Activities, 1969-1972 [2 of 6]
Summary of Family Activities, 1969-1972 [3 of 6]
Summary of Family Activities, 1969-1972 [4 of 6]
Summary of Family Activities, 1969-1972 [5 of 6]
Summary of Family Activities, 1969-1972 [6 of 6]
Activities for Mrs. Nixon and Girls [1969-1974] [1 of 4]
Activities for Mrs. Nixon and Girls [1969-1974] [2 of 4]
Activities for Mrs. Nixon and Girls [1969-1974] [3 of 4]
Activities for Mrs. Nixon and Girls [1969-1974] [4 of 4]
Activities for Mrs. Nixon, Julie, and Tricia [1 of 2]
Activities for Mrs. Nixon, Julie, and Tricia [2 of 2]
1970 Summary of Activities – Julie, David, and Tricia

Box 124

Julie – Services to Youth, ’73-‘74
Sample Schedule
Julie’s Cancelled Activities
Biography – Mrs. Richard Nixon [1 of 3]
Biography – Mrs. Richard Nixon [2 of 3]
Biography – Mrs. Richard Nixon [3 of 3]
Biography and Background Information: Mrs. Nixon – New Biography
Biography and Background Information: Mrs. Nixon – Old Biography
Biography and Background Information: Mrs. Nixon [1 of 6]
Biography and Background Information: Mrs. Nixon [2 of 6]
Biography and Background Information: Mrs. Nixon [3 of 6]
Biography and Background Information: Mrs. Nixon [4 of 6]
Biography and Background Information: Mrs. Nixon [5 of 6]
Biography and Background Information: Mrs. Nixon [6 of 6]
Julie – Biographies [1 of 3]
Julie – Biographies [2 of 3]
Julie – Biographies [3 of 3]
Mrs. Nixon’s Calendar

Box 125

Calendars [1 of 2]
Calendars [2 of 2]
Biography and Background Information: Cities and States Visited by Mrs. Nixon (’69-’72)
[1 of 2]
Biography and Background Information: Cities and States Visited by Mrs. Nixon (’69-’72)
[2 of 2]
Biography and Background Information: Countries Mrs. Nixon Has Visited as of 7/74
Pat, Tricia, and Julie – Travel
Cities and States Visited by Tricia, ’69-‘72
Cities and States Visited by Julie, ’69-‘72
Comments and Quotes – Mrs. Nixon
Comments on the President – Mrs. Nixon

Subseries B: Press Coverage

Box 126

Journal Articles - The Franklin Mint Almanac
Journal Articles – The Interamerican Scene, 1972
Journal Articles – NRTA Journal
Magazine Articles – American Girl
Magazine Artciles – The American Rose
Magazine Articles – Community – United Way of America
Magazine Articles – Family Health
Magazine Articles – Family Weekly
Magazine Articles – First Monday, September 6, 1971
Magazine Articles – First Monday, June 1972
Magazine Articles – First Monday, February 7, 1972
Magazine Articles – FTD News
Magazine Articles – Good Housekeeping
Magazine Articles – Ladies Home Journal
Magazine Articles – Look, “Father and the Bride”, 6/71
Magazine Articles – Ladies Home Journal – June 1971
Magazine Articles – Life
Magazine Articles – McCalls
Magazine Articles – Mademoiselle
Magazine Articles – Miscellaneous
Magazine Articles – National Geographic
Magazine Articles – Newsweek
Magazine Articles – Palm Beach Life
Magazine Articles – Partners
Magazine Articles – People
Magazine Articles – Readers Digest
Magazine Articles –Saturday Evening Post
Magazine Articles – Seventeen
Magazine Articles – Telva
Magazine Articles – Time
Magazine Articles – Tomorrow’s Business Leader
Magazine Articles – Tuesday at Home

Box 127

Magazine Articles – U.S. News and World Report
Magazine Articles – Vica
Magazine Articles – Vogue
Magazine Articles – Women’s Wear Daily
Newspaper Articles – AP
Newspaper Articles – Christian Science Monitor
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Daily News
Newspaper Articles – L.A. Herald Examiner
Newspaper Articles – L.A. Times
Newspaper Articles – New York Times
Newspaper Articles – UPI
Newspaper Articles – Washington Post
Newspaper Articles – Washington Star
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Campaigning
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Fashion, 1971
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Fashion, Miscellaneous
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Letters
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Misc. [1 of 5]
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Misc. [2 of 5]
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Misc. [3 of 5]
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Misc. [4 of 5]

Box 128

Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Misc. [5 of 5]
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Most Admired Woman
Newspaper Articles – The “New” Pat Nixon
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Politics
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Republican National Convention [1 of 2]
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Republican National Convention [2 of 2]
Newspaper Articles – Speculation on 1972 First Lady
Newspaper Articles – Mrs. Nixon – Watergate
Television – “A Visit with the First Lady” – ABC News [1 of 2]
Television – “A Visit with the First Lady” – ABC News [2 of 2]
Newspaper Articles – Nixon Family [1 of 2]
Newspaper Articles – Nixon Family [2 of 2]
Newspaper Articles – Evaluation of Tricia Nixon – Press, Nov. 1, 1969
Newspaper Articles – 2/2/71, Tricia’s 25th Birthday
Newspaper Articles – Tricia – 1971

Box 129

Newspaper Articles – Tricia and Ed Cox, 1971 [1 of 2]
Newspaper Articles – Tricia and Ed Cox, 1971 [2 of 2]
Newspaper Articles – 3/16/71, Tricia and Ed Engagement Announced [1 of 2]
Newspaper Articles – 3/16/71, Tricia and Ed Engagement Announced [2 of 2]
Newspaper Articles – Ed Cox, 1971
Newspaper Articles – Ed’s Summer Job, 1971 [1 of 2]
Newspaper Articles – Ed’s Summer Job, 1971 [2 of 2]
Magazine Articles – Julie – Family Circle
Magazine Articles – Julie – Holiday
Magazine Articles – Julie – Newsweek, 7/16/73
Magazine Articles – Julie – Time Magazine, 6/25/73
Magazine Articles – Julie – U.S. News and World Report
Newspaper Articles – Julie – New York Daily News, 7/18/73
Newspaper Articles – Julie – Women’s Wear Daily
Newspaper Articles – Julie and Volunteer Teaching
Newspaper Articles – Julie’s Job at Curtis Publishing Company
Newspaper Articles – Julie – Misc.
Newspaper Articles – Julie – Miscellaneous

Box 130

Newspaper Articles – Julie Eisenhower – Press Clippings [1 of 2]
Newspaper Articles – Julie Eisenhower – Press Clippings [2 of 2]
Newspaper Articles – Julie – Public Comment
Newspaper Articles – Julie Teaching 4th Graders, 1971
Newspaper Articles – Julie and Teen Corps, 1971
Newspaper Articles – Julie and David – General Article File
Radio – Julie – Broadcast By Clifford Evans
Radio – Julie and David – BBC Interview [1 of 2]
Radio – Julie and David – BBC Interview [2 of 2]
Television – Julie – Dimension Washington Interview [1 of 3]
Television – Julie – Dimension Washington Interview [2 of 3]
Television – Julie – Dimension Washington Interview [3 of 3]
Television – Julie – Today Show, 5/24/73
Newspaper Articles – Other – Misc.

Subseries C: Publications

American Education
Annual Report 1973 – National Multiple Sclerosis Society
National Volunteer Awards Ceremony, 1972
Quest for a Lasting Peace
Report to the President from the First Lady’s Committee for a More Beautiful Capitol
The Chaplain
The Week That Changed the World



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