Maternal and Child Health Training Program

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University of California, San Francisco

Grant Title: Pediatrics-Child Psychiatry Collaborative Office Rounds (COR): A Longitudinal Curriculum for Pediatric Practitioners in the San Joaquin Valley

Web Site: University of California, San Francisco Project Exit Disclaimer

Project Director(s):

Serena Yang, MD
University of California, San Francisco
Fresno Medical Education Progr / School of Medicine
155 North Fresno Street
San Francisco, CA  93701
Phone: (559) 499-6560
FAX: (559) 499-6561


California Central Valley pediatric practitioners must be competent in prevention, early detection, and management of developmental, behavioral, and psychosocial problems faced by many children in an area fraught with poverty and ethnic, cultural and language diversity.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: To enhance practitioners’ understanding of psychosocial aspects of child development, disorders, and disability Objective 1: Increase provider knowledge of psychosocial-developmental aspects of child health Objective 2: Increase screening for psychosocial-developmental health issues at office visits Objective 3: Increase numbers of patients whom practitioners feel they identified and managed effectively for psychosocial-developmental problems Goal 2: To improve practitioners’ ability to distinguish between transient disturbances and serious psychiatric disorders requiring referral Objective 1: Increase practitioner confidence in identifying and managing transient mental disturbances Objective 2: Increase numbers of successful referrals for patients with more serious psychiatric disorders Goal 3: To enhance collaboration between pediatric practitioners and child psychiatrists Objective 1: Improve provider perception of collaboration between pediatric practitioners and child psychiatrists Objective 2: Improve provider knowledge of mental health community resources Objective 3: Improve practitioner implementation of research findings from pediatrics or child psychiatry into practice Goal 4: To facilitate a more comprehensive, developmentally-oriented, and family-centered approach to child health supervision Objective 1: Increase practitioners’ knowledge and practice of developmentally-oriented primary care in the context of family, culture, and community, as outlined in Bright Futures Goal 5: To enhance practitioners’ understanding of emerging health problems and practice issues relevant to psychosocial-developmental child health Objective 1: Increase providers’ knowledge and skills in addressing emerging health problems and practice issues related to psychosocial-developmental child health


This project implements a longitudinal curriculum that blends case-based small study group team-based learning with web-based exercises, evidence-based resources/tools, and large group educational activities. Sessions will emphasize the practical challenges faced when dealing with families’ psychosocial-developmental concerns. Our curriculum will espouse core principles of the Life Course Health Development model and evidence-based strategies of Bright Futures. Faculty from General Pediatrics, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, and Child Psychiatry will be study group moderators. Participants will be primarily UCSF Fresno pediatric residents, general pediatrics faculty, midlevel providers, and community pediatricians


This is a collaboration of UCSF Fresno (Dept. of Pediatrics, Dept. of Psychiatry), Fresno County Dept. of Behavioral Health, Children’s Hospital Central California, and Community Medical Centers.


Via participant self-report questionnaires, we will assess learner demographics, pre and post-test knowledge and confidence, and changes in practice. Attendance will be tracked at each session. Via annual satisfaction surveys, we will obtain feedback from learners and educators on the curricular content, educational sessions, web-based activities, and resources/tools. It is the intent to export the results and educational products to other COR programs and community stakeholders.

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