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Federal Spending

America faces a looming crisis due to out of control growth of federal spending. Congress has a solemn obligation to ensure that our children and grandchildren are not stuck paying the bill for this reckless spending. I believe that our federal government spends too much and with very little forethought or restraint.

At a time of economic struggle, spending should be curtailed wherever possible. It is the duty of Congress to pass responsible spending bills that maintain an efficient government and target limited funds where they will do the most good in our economy.

Every day, American families face difficult choices and challenges to make sure their family lives within its means. The federal government has a moral obligation to do the same.

Click here for information on the federal budget process.

Click here to view my budget presentation on the fiscal problem facing our nation.  I urge you to read it and share the information with your friends and neighbors.


Op/Eds authored by Olson on how to address our fiscal crisis:

Entrepreneurial spirit is what makes America great - The Hill 07/24/12

So Steve Jobs didn’t build Apple, government did? 
- Pasadena Citizen 07/24/12

President willing to violate Constitution for political gain - Bay Area Citizen 1/23/12

Tax reform is key to economic recovery- Fort Bend Sun 11/02/11

The case for a balanced budget amendment- Fort Bend Sun 09/16/11

Debt limit talks a chance to make meaningful cuts- Sugar Land Sun 06/30/11

More freedom, less spending key to job creation- Bay Area Citizen 06/21/11

Grow the economy with common sense reforms- The Hill 03/24/11


Federal Spending Issue Bills Supported by Rep. Olson:

1. H.R. 196: To eliminate automatic pay adjustments for Members of Congress, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep Latta, Robert E. [R-OH-5] (introduced 1/4/2013) Cosponsors: 11

2. H.R. 149: Prioritize Spending Act of 2013

Sponsor: Rep Webster, Daniel [R-FL-10] (introduced 1/3/2013) Cosponsors: 27

3. H. R. 54: To provide that no pay adjustment for Members of Congress shall be made with respect to any pay period occurring during the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress.

Sponsor: Rep Fitzpatrick, Michael G.[R-PA-8] (introduced 1/3/2013) Cosponsors: 42

4. H.J.RES.2: Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Sponsor: Rep Goodlatte, Bob[R-VA-6] (introduced 1/3/2013) Cosponsors: 90

5. H.J. RES. 1: Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Sponsor: Rep Goodlatte, Bob[R-VA-6] (introduced 1/3/2013) Cosponsors: 58


Tax Issue Bills Supported by Rep. Olson:

1. H.R. 147: Death Tax Repeal Act

Sponsor: Rep Thornberry, Mac[R-TX-13] (introduced 1/3/2013) Cosponsors:27

2. H.R. 25: Fair Tax Act of 2013

Sponsor:Rep Woodall, Rob[R-GA-7] (introduced 1/3/2013) Cosponsors:58


Labor Issue Bills Supported by Rep. Olson:

1. H.R. 230: Johnson Space Center Workforce of 2013

Sponsor:Rep Green, Al [D-TX-9] (introduced 1/14/2013) Cosponsors: 2


Rep. Pete Olson (R-Texas) is a member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee.

Solutions To Cut The National Deficit: Your Views

Solutions To Cut The National Deficit: Your Views

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