Dec 19, 2011 1:50pm

Two-Month Payroll Tax Holiday Passed By Senate, Pushed By President, Cannot Be Implemented Properly, Experts Say

Officials from the policy-neutral National Payroll Reporting Consortium, Inc. have expressed concern to members of Congress that the two-month payroll tax holiday passed by the Senate and supported by President Obama cannot be implemented properly.

Pete Isberg, president of the NPRC today wrote to the key leaders of the relevant committees of the House and Senate, telling them that “insufficient lead time” to implement the complicated change mandated by the legislation means the two-month payroll tax holiday “could create substantial problems, confusion and costs affecting a significant percentage of U.S. employers and employees.”

ABC News obtained a copy of the letter, which can be read HERE. Isberg agreed that it would be fair to characterize his letter as saying that the two-month payroll tax holiday cannot be implemented properly.

The NPRC is a non-profit trade association that does not take positions on policy. The group represents organizations that provide payroll processing and services to more than 1.5 million employers, impacting one third of the private sector.

“We’re neutral and we’d be happy to do the work,” Isberg told ABC News.

“The concern is really for those who don’t use a payroll service provider,” he said. Americans will have different outcomes, he said, causing confusion “because they’ll have different outcomes. Some will have it done on time, some won’t, some will have adjustment notices later in the year.”

The two-month payroll tax holiday, which the president has said should be extended throughout 2012, will mean that wages would face a Social Security tax of 4.2 percent during January and February, but it would increase to 6.2 percent in March.

Isberg wrote that “many payroll systems are not likely to be able to make such a substantial programming change before January or even February. The systems affected tend to be highly complex, normally requiring at least ninety days for a change of this magnitude for software testing alone; not to mention analysis, design, coding and implementation.”

Part of the issue has to deal with Congress’ desire to make sure “that highly compensated employees not enjoy the full benefit of the 2% tax break because of bonuses or other high compensation falling into the first two months of the year,” Isberg wrote, saying “there simply is insufficient time to implement this major change in withholding requirements.”

UPDATE: Asked about this letter, White House press secretary Jay Carney said today that “because Congress was so slow to get its work done, last year this was an issue when the payroll tax cut was extended — that it was so late in the year that it had — it created complications, A.  But it — those were worked out. B, you know, this president is committed to make sure that his administration — the Treasury Department and his administration works with American businesses to ensure that this tax cut is extended for American taxpayers, wage earners, people who get a paycheck, 160 million.  You know, he would far rather ask this administration to work overtime during the holidays to make that happen than ask Americans to spend the holidays worrying how they’re going to make ends meet with a thousand dollars less in their pockets.”

At the Treasury Department Jenni LeCompte, said, “Everyone agrees that a full-year extension of the payroll tax cut would have been preferable, which is why the Administration has long advocated an extension for the entirety of 2012.  Unfortunately, in the waning days of this session of Congress, Members were unable to reach agreement on the details of a year-long extension that could generate strong bipartisan support.  The best they could do was the two-month extension passed by a vote of 89-10 in the Senate on Saturday. While any short-term extension is bound to create some administrative complications, it is feasible to implement the bipartisan Senate bill, and the Treasury Department will work with employers to ensure the smoothest possible implementation.  In the current economic situation, any such complications will be outweighed by the economic benefits of ensuring that taxes do not go up on 160 million Americans starting on January 1st.”

-Jake Tapper

User Comments

Based on the article, these partisan neutral reasons are all the more reason for Harry Reid to get back to work. You’re such a deep thinker Harry!

Posted by: deanbob | December 19, 2011, 2:12 pm 2:12 pm

Oh great! The only thing to come out of the Senate in months, and it won’t work! Why am I not surprised?

Posted by: newcountryman | December 19, 2011, 2:19 pm 2:19 pm

DEANBOB , the Senate already passed at least some sort bill , they did their job in a bipartisan vote too . The conservative Tea ( Grover Norquist ) controlled House won’t pass ANY bill unless they can have their traditional anti-environment corporate welfare ( in this case an oil pipeline ) included , nothing new here.

Posted by: davem | December 19, 2011, 2:21 pm 2:21 pm

I guess oBama, Harry Reid, and the DEMOCRATS think that anyone running a business has NOTHING better to do than deal with all the payroll confusion that will come from their pathetic little political games for 2 months at a time. Way to build confidence for anyone running a business that you have any semblance of a clue about what you are doing.

Posted by: Michelle Shu Jas | December 19, 2011, 2:23 pm 2:23 pm

Just like Obama….Looks good to voters, but doesn’t work. Can you say, “Kick The Can” for two months…or just enough to get thru the Holidays?

Posted by: x32792 | December 19, 2011, 2:45 pm 2:45 pm

Solution, fire all your employees.

Posted by: Marvin Lee | December 19, 2011, 2:46 pm 2:46 pm

It’s clear that the dipsricks in Washington have no clue how the real world works – especially the communists

Posted by: Don | December 19, 2011, 2:46 pm 2:46 pm

Bohner is correct on this one. This is stupid and shows how little regard the Congress has for the people. Harry and his necompoops need to get on with this and make it a year with the pipeline attached. Why are Dems such a sad lot?

Posted by: art | December 19, 2011, 2:47 pm 2:47 pm

Dave M is a blatant liar. The house has been passing bills left and right only to have them tabled WITHOUT DEBATE by the democrat senate.

Posted by: Josh Biggs | December 19, 2011, 2:47 pm 2:47 pm

87senators voted for this garbage. Miserable failure.

Posted by: foggy | December 19, 2011, 2:49 pm 2:49 pm

No, DaveM. The Republican controlled House has ALREADY passed a one year extension of the payroll tax holiday. Like all other jobs related bills passed in the House, reid just kills them. Won’t even allow a vote in the Senate. As for the Keystone pipeline, everybody knows it’s a good idea that will eventually be approved. obama just doesn’t want to make the call until after the 2012 election. That keeps the union and environmentalist donations flowing into his coffers. That’s just sick.

Posted by: JohnK | December 19, 2011, 2:51 pm 2:51 pm

This is an ideal example of elitist in Washington making laws that the real world can’t implement. Do they ever ask anybody if their actions will work? They tend to be going the wrong way on a One Way street.

Posted by: ss12 | December 19, 2011, 2:51 pm 2:51 pm

Sure Dave M, it’s only those very wealthy that deserve a tax break. Now go back to kissing Grover Norquist’s backside.

Posted by: Stu in Iowa | December 19, 2011, 2:52 pm 2:52 pm

Since most employers file quarterly payroll tax returns, a 2 month extension would also result in more detailed revisions to the payroll tax forms, splitting out individual months and adding up monthly totals. These people have no clue on how things are done and how their bills affect employers, and cost additional money with ancillary expenses.

Posted by: Tom | December 19, 2011, 2:52 pm 2:52 pm

Once again, the commoners point out the ‘governing’ Royals as COMPLETE IDIOTS.

Posted by: Tsar | December 19, 2011, 2:53 pm 2:53 pm

Huh? Isn’t this holiday already in the system for this year anyway? Why would it need all this testing and other stuff? It should already be in place from 2011. Sounds like a simple “expiration date” change should do the trick.

Posted by: ChicagoDP | December 19, 2011, 2:54 pm 2:54 pm

These morons believe with the waive of their hand it’ll be so. Idiots!

Posted by: doesntmatter | December 19, 2011, 2:56 pm 2:56 pm

In the Spirit of the Season, we need to implement the law before we read the law. That way, it can be full of surprises and unexpected things that can pop-up. It’ll be FUN! That’s just what the economy needs! More Surprises! – Yours, Nancy P

Posted by: Why_Read_Laws | December 19, 2011, 2:56 pm 2:56 pm

Hey Dave M….when was the last time the Senate passed a budget? I’ll give you a hint…it was when the Republicans were in charge.
Reid is on record has saying that he will never allow any bill coming the the House to be debated in the Senate.

Posted by: DapperDon | December 19, 2011, 2:58 pm 2:58 pm

We never hear about the Senate anymore. Why?

Posted by: Rico | December 19, 2011, 2:58 pm 2:58 pm

For all of you unfortunate souls who suffer from coulrophobia, I really do understand…

Posted by: Randomdandy | December 19, 2011, 2:59 pm 2:59 pm

Our federal government is an absolute joke. The shame of the nation.

Posted by: Paul | December 19, 2011, 2:59 pm 2:59 pm

HUH? It’s already at 4.2% now. It will be at 4.2% for the first two months of 2012. Why on earth do you need 90 days to test this out?

Posted by: JJ Jones | December 19, 2011, 3:00 pm 3:00 pm

so along with healthcare this obama plan is garbage


Posted by: yep I said that | December 19, 2011, 3:00 pm 3:00 pm

There is a reason that classified ads never say “Wanted: Part-time law professor with community organizing experience. Applicants with real world experience need not apply.”

Where are all of those communities btw?

Posted by: L_Dave | December 19, 2011, 3:01 pm 3:01 pm

DAVEM, wow, being allowed to produce and distribute our own energy resources is now equated to “corporate welfare” by you leftist bums? As they say, liberalism is a mental disorder. I really think food stamps need to be restricted so they can only be used to purchase turnips, prune juice and cod liver oil.

Posted by: JediJones | December 19, 2011, 3:02 pm 3:02 pm

I agree that htis legislation won’t work, and I blame both parties (since it was a bipartisan vote!)
The deal is, we have not had a comprehensive budget bill passed sine Obama came to the White House three years ago, just a long, repeated series of stop-gap budgets to keep the doors open and spew forth billions. That’s what the stop-gap measures really do – freeze spending at current rates, which were set as parts of the “stimulus” bills.
It’s all completely insane.

Posted by: El Conquistador | December 19, 2011, 3:05 pm 3:05 pm

DaveM – the house passed an extension for the full year. Get your facts straight before sharing your uninformed opinion.

Posted by: Mike | December 19, 2011, 3:06 pm 3:06 pm

JJ JONES, did you bother to read the whole article? The part that’s difficult to implement is that the Democrat Senate stuck in the bill a provision that people who earn high income or bonuses in the first 2 months of the year that is above their standard salary are not entitled to get all of the tax cut. That makes the program a whole lot more complicated than a simple 4.2% discount for everybody. I can’t imagine how much more difficult it will be to even things out if they go and extend the cut later for another 10 months as soon as the programmers get done with this request. As usual, it’s class bigotry and hate for successful high income earners coming from the libs that screws up our lives and our economy.

Posted by: JediJones | December 19, 2011, 3:06 pm 3:06 pm

I’m a CPA and work with small businesses. We handle payroll issues for them, and prepare quarterly and annual reports. The Senate law is a travesty and shows once again that the people in Congress have no idea how a real business works. As has already been mentioned here, the quarterly report forms will be a nightmare, and there will be alot of confusion on the part of small businesses as to what they’re required to withhold. I’m not sure why the payroll services would have such a hard time implementing this, tho. That doesn’t make any sense to me. Just change the % and you’re set. Why is it that complicated? Anyways, the Senate under Harry Reid has no shame – no budget passed ever since Obama was elected – why???? How on earth did that man get re-elected? Hoping and praying for adults to be elected next November . . .

Posted by: Linda C | December 19, 2011, 3:10 pm 3:10 pm

Been over 950 days since Dingy Harry – led Senate passed a budget.

House of Representatives have passed over 10 spending bills and Senate is too cowardly to vote on them!

Posted by: Wheres the budget? | December 19, 2011, 3:10 pm 3:10 pm

Obama & Reid have no idea how the real world operates. The most incompetent administration and Senate majority leader -EVER.

Posted by: Ellsworth | December 19, 2011, 3:11 pm 3:11 pm

Doing something for 2 months will do NOTHING – the dopeyratz controlled Senate has done nothing but stall or not bring up legislation to a vote. This is yet another example of stupidity by Harry Weird and the spineless ones.

Posted by: Rick A Roo | December 19, 2011, 3:15 pm 3:15 pm

CHICAGODP – your comment belies your lack of familiarity regarding payroll and the processes involved. Code needs to be tested before it is implemented. Depending on the size of the company there can be dozens of categories that employees fall in, each requiring their own code. As the article states testing the code alone can take 90 days,which would put implementation 30 days beyond the 60 day extension.

Posted by: Mike | December 19, 2011, 3:15 pm 3:15 pm

Dave M, you are the prime example of the intentionally uninformed easily manipulatable drone the democrats look for in their “voters”. Meanwhile, Obama and the dems keep putting people out ofr work, out of their homes and drain their savings to promote the Marxist agenda by the man who wants to be dictator, Idi Amin Barack Obama!

Posted by: WallyG | December 19, 2011, 3:18 pm 3:18 pm

Oh dear, Obama will have to start personal destruction of those who dare to tell him the plan won’t work – even if they are correct. How dare they thwart the wishes of the king, er, the president or his chosen ones!

Posted by: lukuj | December 19, 2011, 3:19 pm 3:19 pm

Just like when they changed DST and caused considerable expense in re-programming system. It is clear that our elected politicians have no clue how the real world works because most of them have never held a real job.

Posted by: Karl | December 19, 2011, 3:19 pm 3:19 pm

Along with this extension, pass an extension of the Mortgage forgiveness act. The one where is someone has to be foreclosed upon or walk away from their home, that there will be no Federal taxing of the loss to the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Afterall, we should derive a benefit from the bailout (fraud) of the very institutions causing the financial crisis !!!

Posted by: Joe | December 19, 2011, 3:19 pm 3:19 pm

I’ll eat my hat if a competent programmer couldn’t make these changes on a day’s notice. Perhaps these payroll service providers should go out of business: that’s the American way.

Posted by: Neil C Denver | December 19, 2011, 3:19 pm 3:19 pm

HELP the American ! Along with this extension, pass an extension of the Mortgage forgiveness act. The one where is someone has to be foreclosed upon or walk away from their home, that there will be no Federal taxing of the loss to the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Afterall, we should derive a benefit from the bailout (fraud) of the very institutions causing the financial crisis !!!

Posted by: Joe | December 19, 2011, 3:21 pm 3:21 pm

This is really a bit insane … congress is scrambling to “fix the economy” when it is the uncertainty and upheaval they are creating that is now holding back the economy. The economy would likely recover FASTER if congress went home for the remainder of their terms.

Posted by: Jim In Frankfort | December 19, 2011, 3:25 pm 3:25 pm

Professor of Constitutional law at Harvard, my rear!
Jokebama doesn’t even understand the basics of bad municipal laws. His ineptitude coupled with hatred of America should earn him the punishment for treason against the United States–which I believe to be a date before a military firing squad.
IF he ever taught law…how come no former student has come forward? One would think that a law student would crow about the fact that one of his/her teachers went on to become POTUS.
An empty suit crowned with an empty head…

Posted by: Stephen M Chudej | December 19, 2011, 3:29 pm 3:29 pm

I am a programmer who has done payroll systems. Payroll systems control $$, so only a fool would slap together a change and drop it into production in one day. Also, payroll systems are used to calculate payroll for times other than “now”. They have to write date code around that logic too, so that if you run a payroll outside of that window, it wont use the 4.2%. Also, 4 months after that window, the code still has to be able to calculate the payroll from the window for a past payroll run. Believe it or not, companies actually do payroll reports for more than just the current pay period.

Payroll companies LOVE how big gov makes payroll very, very complicated. I wouldnt be surprised if the rule is way more than just a simple %. They prob added lots of other rules, like if you have a gov tax lean you dont get the discount, or if you have more than 4 kids you get an extra .5 %. In all my time writing payroll, I never saw a very simple change like this. There are always a list of “gotchas” that go with the main point.

Posted by: matt | December 19, 2011, 3:33 pm 3:33 pm

Harry is used to lead the party of no and economic destruction. Can someone in Nevada help him retire and soon?

Posted by: Dave Templeton | December 19, 2011, 3:44 pm 3:44 pm

Nancy Pelosi must have just bought stock in a Payroll Processing company.

Posted by: Michelle Shu Jas | December 19, 2011, 3:44 pm 3:44 pm

We must pass the bill so we can see what’s in it…

Posted by: Princess Pelosi | December 19, 2011, 3:56 pm 3:56 pm

Conservatives remind me of a ( dumber than usual ) dining room table . No use trying to explain anything to such peons / morons. We’ll see you in 2012 , and get ready enjoy the next 4 years of Obama , “Obama-care ” ( lol ) , Dodd-Frank in full force , the fully intact and US business regulating CPB up and running , along and the Democratic majority Senate and House . People may not like Democrats , but they like the conniving 1%er Republicans ( and especially the Tea baggers like Paul Ryan ) even less.

Posted by: davem | December 19, 2011, 4:01 pm 4:01 pm

why was it extended for two months only in the first place? Also when are they planning to not extend it anymore, we cannot have this change as permanent can we? How are we planning to come up with the money that is not being contributed due to this tax cut?

Posted by: sheikhhasan | December 19, 2011, 4:02 pm 4:02 pm

I call “Bull” on this. I write Payroll/WriteUp software for a large developer. I’ve been waiting for a decision from Congress to put the correct number in my softwares tax table file. If it changes after 2 months, I’ll just change the value in the file and send an email to the the users to download it. The code will remain the same, just one number in a file will change. If they don’t make a decision soon, I will send out my end of year release with a guess (that it will be extended) and then send a new tax file if it isn’t.

Posted by: Meinken | December 19, 2011, 4:03 pm 4:03 pm

Hello Concerned Citizens, Dec 19 2011
considering all the problems with Microsoft Accounting or computer accounting using the Microsoft Operating System or systems. Could it be that most of the Nations Finacial Crisis is caused by
the Microsoft Operating System and Softwares?
Just out of Curiosity, If you were given another Alternative Computer Operating System that was effective and reliable, along with software that was dependable. and you were able to Ditch all Microsoft Software and also dump Facebook if given a better alternative, How many would make the change? hypothetically.

Posted by: Fezzy Bear | December 19, 2011, 4:05 pm 4:05 pm

I’m voting for Nancy Pelosi , Harry Reid , Mr. Obama and anyone else who makes John Boehner , Mitch McConnell , Donald Trump and the rest of the lying p-o-s conservative slime balls run around like their hair is on fire . If it infuriates , frustrates , aggravates , annoys , etc. a conservative , I am for it. ; )

Posted by: darcywade | December 19, 2011, 4:07 pm 4:07 pm

Where are all you morons who voted for Obama?

Posted by: Archy Cary | December 19, 2011, 4:12 pm 4:12 pm

Here is a thought, stop giving money to people who don;t pay income taxes. Earned Income Credit my rear end.

Posted by: osagewillie | December 19, 2011, 4:17 pm 4:17 pm

–Where are all you morons who voted for Obama?–

We are “occupying” Wall Street! Get it? I’m cracking myself up today!

Posted by: Lloyd Blankfein | December 19, 2011, 4:30 pm 4:30 pm

I hear you Darcy , the next time I vote for a conservative will be a cold day in you-know-where. They’ve proven time and time again over the last 3 years that all they really care about is making it appear to the mostly uneducated and easily manipulated US electorate as if Mr. Obama and the the Democratic party in general are a total failure , making the country suffer even more than ever in the process . 8 years of Bush/ Cheney added to the way the conservatives have acted ( i.e. like petulant bratty kindergarteners ) since they were voted into the legislative minority in DC should have people wanting to tar and feather every conservative politician extant . Conservatives threatened to “shut down the govt” in August , and it cost the USA it’s AAA credit rating . What a bunch of irresponsible petulant numbskulls , but that’s how they do business , Newt did the same thing as the irresponsible speaker of the House when he was in the “Moral Majority ” ( Bwahahahaaha , that’s a good one…) . And now , guess what ? Same old story , same old song and dance from the Right-wingers scumbags like Boehner and McConnell , i.e. NO NO NO …. ( unless of course we can have our corporate welfare / 1%er benny , then it’s just fine for the “little people” to get a teeny weeny break , but only if /when Big Business / Big Oil get their lion’s share of the pie first .)

Posted by: FOXROTSBRAINS | December 19, 2011, 4:31 pm 4:31 pm

Meinken – This conversation has nothing to do with Microsoft or operating systems.

Posted by: programmer | December 19, 2011, 4:31 pm 4:31 pm

Sounds like a lot of Y2K Bullcrap going on here.

Complicated programs don’t have to be changed other than by adding a miscellaneous credit for the tax differential.

Posted by: Hazmat77 | December 19, 2011, 4:33 pm 4:33 pm

My comment should have been directed to Fezzy Bear – not Meinken.

Posted by: programmer | December 19, 2011, 4:36 pm 4:36 pm

Programmer – The names appear below the comments. FezzyBear had the Microsoft comment , not me.

Posted by: meinken | December 19, 2011, 4:41 pm 4:41 pm

Democrats are so smart. They as so smart that they had the full power in all three houses and produced nothing, except for the unconstitional Obama Care that nobody read before it was passed and Cash for Clunkers that was also badly flawed. And during that time not even a budget was passed.
Now as for instilling confidence into a polarized and pessimestic public, these stop gap budgets and soaring debits while Obama takes lavish vacations endlessly does nothing to help.
If Democrats are as smart as they say they are, we is everything they do so stupid and anti-American.
Do they hate us that much?

Posted by: daveD | December 19, 2011, 4:43 pm 4:43 pm

And Programmer, sorry, didn’t see your correction before I send my comment

Posted by: meinken | December 19, 2011, 4:44 pm 4:44 pm

“…. ( unless of course we can have our corporate welfare / 1%er benny , then it’s just fine for the “little people” to get a teeny weeny break , but only if /when Big Business / Big Oil get their lion’s share of the pie first .)”

BP already did. Besides, what could go wrong?

Posted by: George Kaiser | December 19, 2011, 4:45 pm 4:45 pm

For all the idiots out there that say “Its already in the system”, “nothing new need to be done”. You don’t have a clue. There is a ceiling under the new Senate law, that would cut off the 4.2% at a certain level of income. That ISN’T in the system. Also, as previously noted, payroll taxes are filed quarterly. Two months would be a disaster at trying to get reports correctly filed. THE IRS takes forever to get new forms out anyway. Another example of how out of touch these politicians are, on both sides, if they voted FOR this boondoggle. IDIOTS!!!!!

Posted by: RRnWTX | December 19, 2011, 4:48 pm 4:48 pm

“….while Obama takes lavish vacations endlessly does nothing to help.”———————-This is the kind of mindless right-wing dingbat rhetoric that makes me stop reading anything that comes after it. Just more childish patently and tacitly untrue hyperbole (i.e.a load of b/s ) from the sad excuses for human beings who can’t do anything but tell lies and half-truths apparently ( i.e. conservatives ) .

Posted by: darcywade | December 19, 2011, 4:56 pm 4:56 pm

Two weeks? Lets stop with the stop-gap fixes and do some planning to reduce the uncertainity for those of us who work for a living

Posted by: charles | December 19, 2011, 4:58 pm 4:58 pm

Problem, spending, congress, tax code….fix….get rid of them all and start anew

Posted by: mameshki | December 19, 2011, 5:00 pm 5:00 pm

This is the kind of mindless right-wing dingbat rhetoric that makes me stop reading anything that comes after it. Just more childish patently and tacitly untrue hyperbole (i.e.a load of b/s ) from the sad excuses for human beings who can’t do anything but tell lies and half-truths apparently ( i.e. conservatives ) .
Sadly, that how Conservatives operate. But what can we do?

Posted by: John Corzine | December 19, 2011, 5:05 pm 5:05 pm

“Sadly, that how Conservatives operate. But what can we do?”

Those elected Republican peons will do nothing without my permission.

Posted by: grover norquist | December 19, 2011, 5:09 pm 5:09 pm

The Senate and Obama need to stop their vacation and get their tails back to D.C. and give the American people something we can plan around.

Two months? For what, another last minute vote for another two months?

Pass it. Don’t pass it. Whatever. Just make it so I can figure out how to get on with my life in spite of the maroons in D.C.

I’m calling you back, Senators and President. Anyone else with me?

Posted by: ProfShadow | December 19, 2011, 5:10 pm 5:10 pm

“Those elected Republican peons will do nothing without my permission.”

That would be funny back in 2009.

Posted by: 38,500 | December 19, 2011, 5:12 pm 5:12 pm

I don’t know why you are going after Pres.Obama, he said he was the 4th greatest president. Lincoln, FDR, Johnson and him. How can you be against anything from this administration.

Posted by: Lizzie | December 19, 2011, 5:13 pm 5:13 pm

“I’m calling you back, Senators and President. Anyone else with me?”

Good luck.

Posted by: George Kaiser | December 19, 2011, 5:14 pm 5:14 pm


The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.

The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.

The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.

Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic. Someone over there has it figured out. We have a lot of work to do.

Posted by: Golfendude | December 19, 2011, 5:24 pm 5:24 pm

“That would be funny back in 2009″

Saying that Boehner or any of those other Republican twits in Washington, have the backbone to stand up to me is as funny now as it ever was.

Posted by: grover norquist | December 19, 2011, 5:26 pm 5:26 pm

DARCYWADE, how very bitter. It sounds like you can’t get a man. Better hit the treadmill and try to find a sale on Weight Watchers. There’s a reason married women are more conservative than single women. They have someone with more common sense around every day to help them think things through and be less irrational.

Posted by: JediJones | December 19, 2011, 5:55 pm 5:55 pm

Evil arrogant and wicked you who care not for the poor and misfortunate. You can’t call yourself Christian or Muslim you are no longer humans and I wheep for you life is not as important as your greed and hatred change now please wake up see the error of your ways help each other stand or fall together

Posted by: eace | December 19, 2011, 6:04 pm 6:04 pm

If you don’t stand for something, then you’ll fall for anything.

Posted by: JediJones | December 19, 2011, 6:09 pm 6:09 pm

Is there ANY Obama program that can be implemented correctly? NO!!!!

Posted by: Phoebe | December 19, 2011, 6:30 pm 6:30 pm

Social Security payments exceed the SS taxes, and the government prints money to cover the shortfall. And now we have decreased the SS taxes and the government will print some more. Simple, no?

Posted by: Marc Jeric | December 19, 2011, 8:00 pm 8:00 pm

my friend is a 27 years old doctor,mature and beautiful. and now she is seeking a good man who can give her real love, so she got a sername Andromeda2002 on ^^ a*g*e*d*a*t*e’,,,,C\o\\m , a nice and free place for younger women and older men,or older women and younger men, to interact with each other.Maybe you wanna check out or tell your friends.

Posted by: MIKOE | December 20, 2011, 3:23 am 3:23 am

alot of ignorrance on display here by the left … the Senate amendment is not a simple extension of the current holiday. Please read the actual Senate bill and then come back and tell us how simple it is. Until then you are justing looking stupid but thats par for your course …

Posted by: JeffC | December 20, 2011, 11:47 am 11:47 am

Do away with the federal income tax…. Do away with the IRS….

We want the FAIR TAX

Posted by: Tim | December 20, 2011, 5:09 pm 5:09 pm

Headline reads “Experts Say”. Article contains exactly zero experts. The only ‘expert” quoted is a former Bush official who is now a lobbyist for ADP. It does not appear that the quoted individual has any actual experience much less expertise in programming payroll systems.

If the people who provide your payroll system need months to change a percentage and/or a date that shouldn’t have never even been hardcoded in the first place, it’s time to get a new payroll provider.

So “experts say” translates into one single non-expert PR/lobbyist type and his concern trolling. Journalism fail.

Posted by: Neil | December 20, 2011, 10:01 pm 10:01 pm

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