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Congressman David Valadao

Representing the 21st District of California



The United States has been blessed with access to an abundance of traditional and renewable energy resources.  Even so, the United States continues to remain dependent on foreign sources of energy from unstable regions of the world.  In this time of record energy prices, I believe Congress must work to unlock and expand our domestic energy potential and end our dependence on foreign energy.

The United States must take an “all of the above” approach to securing energy independence.  In the short term, this means reducing red tape and ending frivolous litigation that blocks the development of America’s energy resources.  We can address the volatility of today’s energy prices by expanding access to North American energy resources, which is why I support projects such as the Keystone Pipeline.

In the long term, securing energy independence means expanding American renewable energy sources including: solar, wind, hydro and nuclear power and promoting emerging domestic energy technologies. In addition, we must lower our national demand for energy by supporting innovation to improve our economy’s energy efficiency.