
Commanding Officer
Col Dean Patterson

Colonel Patterson began his military career by enlisting in the Air Force in January, 1984. Upon completing the Officer Candidate Course, he was commissioned a Marine Second Lieutenant in August 1988. 

His initial Operational tour was with Marine Air Support Squadron-3 (MASS-3). While there he served as Assistant Logistics Officer and the Technical Training Officer. He deployed with the Squadron to Operation DESERT SHIELD/ DESERT STORM. During Operation DESERT STORM, he was reassigned to the Second Marine Division Air Support Element (ASE) as a Senior Air Director. Colonel Patterson's fleet assignments include the Assistant Operations Officer MASS-3, Direct Air Support Center Officer In-Charge (OIC) MASS-3, Communication-Electronics Officer MASS-3, Operations Officer MASS-3, Plans Officer MACG-38, and Executive Officer and Detachment OIC for Marine Tactical Air Command Squadron-38 during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF) 2.2. Colonel Patterson's non-fleet assignments include duty with Marine Corps Communications and Electronics School (MCCES), serving first as an Air School's instructor and later as the Bravo Company Executive Officer. He served as the Air-Ground Major's monitor and as the Aide to the Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs. He returned to Headquarters Marine Corps as the Section Head for the Aviation C2 section, Aviation Expeditionary Branch, Deputy Commandant for Aviation.

He assumed command of Marine Air Support Squadron-3 in November of 2005 and relinquished command in June 2007.  The Squadron provided two DASC detachments in support of OIF 05.7.1 and 05.07.2.

His most recent assignment was with the Office of Secretary Defense (OSD) as the Senior Military Assistant to the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy).

He is a graduate of the Marine Corps' Weapons and Tactics Instructor course and the Amphibious Warfare School. He served as the first Commandant of the Marine Corps Fellow at the Center for a New American Security in Washington, D.C. His co-authored thesis, "Rethinking the QDR: The Case for a Persistent Defense Review" won a Walker Series Research Award from Air University. He holds a Master of Arts Degree in Education from Chapman University.



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