Read the latest edition of USAID’s FrontLines to learn how the Agency is helping communities become more resilient to new and long standing crises, and how training and other assistance to journalists and media organizations in developing countries helps create well-informed citizens. Some highlights from the Risk, Resilience & Media edition:

A Maasai father and son tend to their cattle in Kitengela, Kenya. Photo credit: ILRI/Stevie Mann

  • Carrying a paralyzed neighbor to safety on her back was just one of the heroic moves by a Bangladeshi grandmother whose USAID disaster training kicked in during 2007′s Cyclone Sidr, one of the strongest storms of its kind on record.
  • Since men with rifles uprooted their lives in 2000, the Afro-Colombians who lived in Mampujan have been hoping to reclaim their land — and now a ruling from the country’s high court is paving the road for their return.
  • Senegalese farmers are worrying less about fickle rains that lead to drought and instead embracing “conservation farming” to grow the food they and their country need to thrive.
  • Purchasing insurance seems an ideal tool for building resilience in developing countries — if insurers are willing to take a chance on you. That is slowly happening in places where a perfect storm of recurring weather disasters and stubborn poverty has made insurers skittish to enter the market.
  • A hip, hero hacker with a huge following is setting Kenyan youth on notice that they have the power to change not only their own lives, but the trajectory of their country. Though DJ Boyie is a comic book character, his out-sized influence has attracted high-level support, including from USAID.
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