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Biotechnology Regulatory Services


In order to protect plant health, Biotechnology Regulatory Services (BRS) implements the APHIS regulations for certain genetically engineered (GE) organisms that may pose a risk to plant health. APHIS coordinates these responsibilities along with the other designated federal agencies as part of the Federal Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology.

Biotechnology Permits, Notifications, and Petitions


APHIS exercises its regulatory authority through a system that includes both permits and notifications. A researcher or developer may also request that APHIS no longer regulate an organism by submitting a petition for nonregulated status.

Check the status of a permit, notification, or petition

Compliance and Inspections


BRS uses inspections and other procedures to maintain compliance with the federal regulations and requirements.

Report an unauthorized/accidental release of a regulated article or compliance issue

Office of Compliance Assistance Main Page

News and Information


Find more news, such as documents available for public review and comment, announcements of public meetings, and Agency decisions. Also learn about some current hot topics, such as outreach activities and regulatory changes.

BRS Organization and Functions


Discover more information about program, functions, and the mission of APHIS BRS at the About BRS page.

Last Modified: November 26, 2012


An ISO certified program
ISO 9001:2008
FM 535173
FS 589668