Statement by Laurie Shestack Phipps, Adviser for Economic and Social Affairs, of Position on draft resolution A/C.3/66/L.21 - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women under Agenda Item 28(a) Advancement of Women

Laurie Shestack Phipps
Adviser for Economic and Social Affairs 
U.S. Mission to the United Nations 
New York, NY
November 3, 2011


Mr. Chairman,

The United States joins consensus on the CEDAW resolution and would like to deliver the following Explanation of Position.

We thank Sweden and the Nordic nations, the main sponsors of this resolution, for developing a streamlined resolution that could be adopted by consensus.

The Obama Administration is a strong supporter of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and is committed to U.S. ratification of this important treaty. However, we want to note that by joining consensus on this resolution, which welcomes the CEDAW Committee's reports on five of its sessions, the United States is not indicating its agreement with all of the contents of those reports. There is much in those reports with which the United States agrees. However, there are other aspects with which we do not.

Let me reiterate that, while we have concerns regarding some aspects of the Committee's reports, the United States is a strong supporter of the goals and purposes of CEDAW as well as of the work of the United Nations generally in promoting the human rights of women around the world.


PRN: 2011/229