
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Bernal, D., C. Sepulveda, M. Musyl, and R. Brill.
2009. The eco-physiology of swimming and movement patterns of tunas, billfishes, and large pelagic sharks. In: P. Domenici and B. G. Kapoor (eds.). Fish locomotion: An eco-ethological perspective, Chapter 14, pp. 433-438. Enfield, New Hampshire: Science Publishers.
Boye, J., M. Musyl, R. Brill, and H. Malte.
2009. Transectional heat transfer in thermogulating bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) – a 2D heat flux model. J. Exp. Biol. 212(22):3708-3718.
Brodziak, J.
2009. Fish stocks/overfishing. In: R. Gillespie and D. Clague (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Islands, pp. 310-311, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Chaloupka, M., G. H. Balazs, and T. M. Work.
2009. Rise and fall over 26 years of a marine epizootic in Hawaiian green sea turtles. J. Wildl. Dis. 45(4):1138-1142.
Hoeke, R. K., J. M. Gove, K. B. Wong, R. E. Brainard, E. Smith, P. Fisher-Pool, M. Lammers, D. Merritt, O. J. Vetter, and C. W. Young.
2009. Coral reef ecosystem integrated observing system: In-situ oceanographic observations at the U.S. Pacific islands and atoll. Journal of Operational Oceanography 2(1):3-14.
Howell, E. A., P. H. Dutton, J. J. Polovina, H. Bailey, D. M. Parker, and G. H. Balazs.
2010. Oceanographic influences on the dive behavior of juvenile loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the North Pacific Ocean. Mar. Biol. DOI 10.1007/s00227-009-1381-0.
Kopf, R. K., K. Drew, and R. L. Humphreys, Jr.
2009. Age estimation of billfishes (Kajikia spp.) using fin spine cross-sections: the need for an international code of practice. Aquat. Living Resour. 22:1-11.
Mangel, M., J. Brodziak, and G. DiNardo.
2009. Reproductive ecology and scientific inference of steepness: a fundamental metric of population dynamics and strategic fisheries management. Fish. Fish. 10:1-16.
Musyl, M. K., C. D. Moyes, R. W. Brill, and N. M. Fragoso.
2009. Factors influencing mortality estimates in post-release survival studies. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 396:157-159.
Parrish, F. A., and E. B. Roark.
2009. Growth validation of gold coral Gerardia sp. in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 397:163-172.
Polovina, J. J., M. Abecassis, E. A. Howell, and P. Woodworth.
2009. Increases in the relative abundance of mid-trophic level fishes concurrent with declines in apex predators in the subtropical North Pacific, 1996-2006. Fish. Bull. 107(4):523-531.
dos Santos, R. G., A. S. Martins, E. Torezani, C. Baptistotte, J. N. Farias, P. A. Horta, T. M. Work, and G. H. Balazs.
2010. Relation between fibropapillomatosis and environmental quality: a case study with Chelonia mydas off Brazil. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 89(1):87-95.
Tsuda, R.T, J. R. Fisher, P. S. Vroom, I. Abbott.
2010. New records of subtidal benthic marine algae from Wake Atoll, central Pacific. Bot. Mar. 53:19-29
Vroom, P. S. and C. L. Braun.
2010. Benthic composition of healthy subtropical reef: baseline species-level cover, with an emphasis on algae, in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. PloS ONE 5(3):E9733.
Walsh, W. A., K. A. Bigelow, and K. L. Sender.
2009. Decreases in shark catches and mortality in the Hawaii-based longline fishery as documented by fishery observers. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1:270-282.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Braun, C. L., J. E. Smith, and P. S. Vroom.
2009. Examination of algal diversity and benthic community structure at Palmyra Atoll, U.S. Line Islands. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008. Session number 18, 865-869.
Kenyon, J. C.
2009. Coral recruits to settlement plates at remote locations in the U.S. Pacific. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008. Session Number 14, 415-419.
Vargas-Ángel, B., and B. Wheeler.
2009. Coral health and disease assessment in the U.S. Pacific territories and affiliated states. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008. Session number 75-179.

NOAA Technical Memoranda

Hospital, J., and M. Pan.
2009. Demand for Hawaii bottomfish revisited: incorporating economics into total allowable catch management. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo., NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-20, 19 p. + Appendix.
Link, J. S., T. F. Ihde, H. M. Townsend, K. E. Osgood, M. J. Schirripa, D. R. Kobayashi, S. Gaichas, J. C. Field, P. S. Levin, K. Y. Aydin, and C. J. Harvey (eds.).
2010. Report of the 2nd National Ecosystem Modeling Workshop (NEMoW II). U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NOAA-TM-NMFS-F/SPO-102, 78 p.
Patrick, W. S., P. Spencer, O. Ormseth, J. Cope, J. Field, D. Kobayashi, T. Gedamke, E. Cortés, K. Bigelow, W. Overholtz, J. Link, and P. Lawson.
2009. Use of productivity and susceptibility indices to determine stock vulnerability, with example applications to six U.S. Fisheries. U.S. Dep. Of Commerc., NOAA Tech. Memo. NOAA-TM-NMFS-F/SPO-101, 70 p.

Conference Presentation Abstracts

Baker, J. D., B. L. Becker, T. A. Wurth, T. Johanos, and C. Littnan.
2010. Review of translocation as a tool for conservation of the Hawaiian monk seal. [Abstr.] Society for Conservation Biology Global Meeting, Edmonton Alberta, Canada, July 3-7, 2010.
Donovan, M. K., and R. E. Schroeder.
2009. Comparison of reef fish assemblage structure across an exploitation gradient in American Samoa. [Abstr.] Western Society of Naturalist, Monterey, California, November 12-15, 2009.
Helyer, J., and I. D. Williams.
2009. Integrating benthic community structure data into a stratified random sampling design to improve reef fish abundance estimates in the Northwestern Hawaii Islands [Abstr.] 11th National Stock Assessment Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 17-20, 2010 and 1st National Habitat Assessment Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 18-20, 2010.
Hoeke, R., C. Storlazzi, and P. Ridd.
2009. The importance of episodic circulation to sedimentation patterns and distribution of benthic habitats in a fringing coral reef embayment. [Abstr.] 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, February 22-26, 2010.
Hospital, J., and M. Pan.
2010. Economic and social characteristics of the Hawaii small boat fishery. [Abstr.] International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) Forum, Montpellier, France, July 13-16, 2010.
Nadon, M., I. Williams, and B. Zgliczynski.
2009. Towards using underwater visual surveys and benthic habitat information for stock assessment of coral reef fish: examples from the U.S. Pacific. [Abstr.] 11th National Stock Assessment Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 17-20, 2010 and 1st National Habitat Assessment Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 18-20, 2010.
Pan, M., C. Sun, and D. Squires.
2010. Tuna price in response to changes of market structure and ecosystem conditions – price linkage between Hawaii and Japanese tuna sashimi markets. [Abstr.] International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) Forum, Montpellier, France, July 13-16, 2010.
Richards, B. L., and I. D. Williams.
2009. Distribution of large-bodied reef fish in relation to benthic habitat and oceanography in the Mariana Archipelago. [Abstr.] 1st National Habitat Assessment Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 18-20, 2010.
Rooney, J., J. Weiss, E. Donham, F. Lichowski, and J. Miller.
2009. Benthic habitat assessment and mapping in the Pacific Islands Region. [Abstr.] 1st National Habitat Assessment Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 18-20, 2010.
VanHoutan, K. S., S. K. Hargrove, and G. H. Balazs.
2010. Eutrophication, invasive macroalgae, and a tumor-forming disease in marine turtles. [Abstr.] Society for Conservation Biology Annual Meeting, Alberta, Canada, July 3-7, 2010.

Manuscripts Approved by Science Director to be Submitted for Publication

Brodziak, J., and G. Ishimura.
Development of Bayesian production models for assessing the North Pacific swordfish population. Fisheries Science.
DeMartini, E. E., T. W. Anderson, J. C. Kenyon, J. P. Beets, and A. M. Friedlander.
Management implications of juvenile reef fish habitat preferences and coral susceptibility to stressors. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Howell, E. A., J. J. Polovina, D. M. Parker, and G. H. Balazs.
Oceanographic influences on the dive behavior of juvenile loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the North Pacific Ocean. Marine Biology.
Kenyon, J. C., C. B. Wilkinson, and G. S. Aeby.
Community structure of hermatypic corals at Midway Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: a legacy of human disturbance. Atoll Research Bulletin.
Musyl, M. K., C. D. Moyes, R. W. Brill, and N. Fragoso.
Factors influencing mortality estimates in post-release survival studies: comment on Campana et al. (2009). Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Rooney, J., E. Donham, A. Montgomery, H. Spalding, J. Gove, and O. Vetter.
Mesophotic coral ecosystems in the Pacific: Examples from Hawai'i, American Samoa, and the Mariana Archipelago. Coral Reefs.
Schroeder, R. E., M. O. Nadon, B. L. Richards, B. J. Zgliczynski, R. E. Brainard, J. K. Baum, and S. A. Sandin.
Remote Islands sustain highest reef fish biomass. Science: Brevia section (intended).
Tsuda, R. T., I. A. Abbott, J. R. Fisher, and P. S. Vroom.
Marine benthic algae from Johnston Atoll, central Pacific. Pacific Science.
Weiss, J., J. Miller, and J. Rooney.
Seafloor characterization using multibeam and optical data at French Frigate Shoals, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of the International Coral Reef Symposium.
Work, T. M., and G. H. Balazs.
Pathology and distribution of sea turles landed as bycatch in the Hawaii-based North Pacific pelagic longline fishery. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.