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Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-06-084
Date: February 2006

Office of Research, Development, and Technology FY 2005 Research Project Status Summary

Table of Contents


Over the past 2 years, the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) researchers conducted 170 research projects in support of the Agency's goals. Sixty-six of those projects were completed during the Fiscal Year (FY) 2004/2005 Plan timeframe. As a result, 50 ready-to-use products are now available to our customers. A total of 26 projects were completed in support of the Safety goal, and 40 projects were completed in support of the Mobility and Productivity goal. A number of these projects also support Agency objectives in the Environment and National Homeland Security goal areas.

Current and Future Project Distribution (End of FY 2005)

A pie chart showing that 39% was completed FY 2004-2005 Plan Period; 52% Ongoing FY 2006 and Beyond; and 9% Projects Discontinued

Eighty-nine projects from the FY 2004/2005 Plan are multiyear projects and will continue in FY 2006 or beyond. Further details on projects that were conducted and completed during the FY 2004/2005 period or that are ongoing for FY 2006 or beyond are available in the Research Development and Technology (RD&T) FY 2005 Research Project Status Tables.

FY 2004-2005 Projects Completed and Products Available by Goal *

A bar graph showing the total number of projects completed: 26 for Safety, 40 for Mobility & Productivity, and 7 for Other; for the Number of Products available there are 14 for Safety, 36 for Mobility & Productivity, and 7 for Other.

Note: Seven research projects supporting the Safety or Mobility and Productivity goals also support the Environment and Security goal areas.

Funding challenges were an ongoing issue in FY 2005. RD&T worked through a number of changes to project schedules and delays. Many changes and delays were due to funding uncertainties caused by the numerous short-term extensions to FHWA's authorization prior to the passage of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Fifteen projects cited funding as a cause for delay or halting of research.

Comparative Project Status

A bar graph showing that for FY 2004 there were 143 Total Number of Active Projects, 102 Number of Projects Reported on Schedule, and 7 Number of Discontinued Projects. For FY 2005 there was 113 Total Number of Active Projects, 71 Number of Projects Reported on Schedule and 8 Number of Discontinued Projects.

RD&T Performance Measures Summary

The following chart depicts performance measures that are updated annually as a component of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) for Federal R&D programs.

Measure Target
Number of deliverable research products, innovations, and technologies that support the accomplishment of USDOT and FHWA safety goals. 5 5 5 7
Number of deliverable research products, innovations, and technologies that support the accomplishment of USDOT and FHWA mobility goals in the area of infrastructure improvements. 5 10 5 7
Number of deliverable research products, innovations, and technologies that support the accomplishment of USDOT and FHWA mobility goals in the area of congestion mitigation. 3 7 3 12
Number of deliverable research products, innovations, and technologies that support the accomplishment of USDOT and FHWA environmental goals. 2 2 2 2
Number of deliverable research products, innovations, and technologies that support the accomplishment of USDOT and FHWA security goals. 2 2 2 1
The annual percentage of research projects reported on schedule. (See Note 1.) 90% 71% 90% 62%
The annual percentage of all research projects that are completed within budget. 90% 99% 90% 100%
The percentage of customer satisfaction for deploying technology and innovation as measured by the FHWA Satisfaction Survey-State/Other Local Partners National Report. 70% 71% 80% (See Note 2.)

Note 1: Delays were largely due to funding uncertainties caused by numerous short-term extensions to FHWA's authorization prior to the passage of SAFETEA-LU.

Note 2: FHWA's comprehensive annual State DOT partner satisfaction and MPO partner satisfaction survey has been discontinued. As a replacement, FHWA RD&T currently is developing a customer survey focused on FHWA research and technology.

The charts on the following pages detail RD&T Infrastructure, Operations, and Safety research, and identify the goals supported by the research. The charts also indicate which projects were completed during the FY 2004/2005 Plan period and which are ongoing for 2006 and beyond. The comment column provides more information about each project and, when necessary, an explanation of changes or deviations from the plan or schedule.

A complete list of acronyms can be found at the end of the document to assist in the interpretation of the acronyms used in the tables.

Infrastructure R&D Status

Office of Infrastructure R&D
Project Technical
Projected Goal
Project Completion
Status (Percent)
On Schedule Anticipated Research
Completion Date
25 50 75 100
Pavement Design and Analysis
Cost and Performance Benefits of Concrete Pavement Design Features* Peter Kopac
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes Software is available for quickly assessing relative costs and benefits of incorporating the various design features.
Strategic Analysis of Pavement Evaluations for Rehabilitation (SAPER) Software Tool James Sherwood
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed No The software product is currently being evaluated by FHWA prior to distribution.
Guidance for Constructing Smooth, Long-Lasting Concrete Pavements* Peter Kopac
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes The guidance is available as a final report and TechBrief.
Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Binder (LTPPBind) Version 3.0 Aramis López
Mobility and Productivity     X   Yes Feb 05 No The beta version is available. The final version is pending and is awaiting the availability of funds for 508 compliance.
LTPP Traffic Projection Software Aramis López
Mobility and Productivity X       No Sep 05 No This project currently is on hold, as recommended by the Traffic Expert Task Group, until final results of NCHRP 1-39 are available.
Evaluation of NCHRP 1-37A Mechanistic-Empirical Design Models Katherine Petros
Mobility and Productivity X       No Dec 05 No The model evaluation has started but a lack of resources has slowed the process.
Guidance for the Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) in Concrete Pavements Peter Kopac
Mobility and Productivity     X   Yes Oct 06 No Guidance on the design of FRP CRCP is available in the final report. The field trial is scheduled for spring 2006.
Impact of Dynamic Modulus on Model Prediction Tom Harman
Mobility and Productivity   X     No Dec 06 No Equipment challenges have delayed the timely completion of this project.
Cost and Performance Benefits of Concrete Pavement Design Features* Peter Kopac
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes Software is available for quickly assessing relative costs and benefits of incorporating the various design features.
Strategic Analysis of Pavement Evaluations for Rehabilitation (SAPER) Software Tool James Sherwood
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed No The software product is currently being evaluated by FHWA prior to distribution.
Guidance for Constructing Smooth, Long-Lasting Concrete Pavements* Peter Kopac
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes The guidance is available as a final report and TechBrief.
Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Binder (LTPPBind) Version 3.0 Aramis López
Mobility and Productivity     X   Yes Feb 05 No The beta version is available. The final version is pending and is awaiting the availability of funds for 508 compliance.
LTPP Traffic Projection Software Aramis López
Mobility and Productivity X       No Sep 05 No This project currently is on hold, as recommended by the Traffic Expert Task Group, until final results of NCHRP 1-39 are available.
Evaluation of NCHRP 1-37A Mechanistic-Empirical Design Models Katherine Petros
Mobility and Productivity X       No Dec 05 No The model evaluation has started but a lack of resources has slowed the process.
Guidance for the Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) in Concrete Pavements Peter Kopac
Mobility and Productivity     X   Yes Oct 06 No Guidance on the design of FRP CRCP is available in the final report. The field trial is scheduled for spring 2006.
Impact of Dynamic Modulus on Model Prediction Tom Harman
Mobility and Productivity   X     No Dec 06 No Equipment challenges have delayed the timely completion of this project.
Pavement Materials and Construction
Lithium Technology for Mitigation of Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR) Fred Faridazar
Mobility and Productivity   X     Yes Sep 07 Yes The lithium guidelines annual report is currently available.
Mixture-Specific Procedure for Estimating ASR Potential Richard Meininger
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed No The report is being prepared.
Characterization of Modified Asphalts Jack Youtcheff
Mobility and Productivity     X   No Mar 06 No Equipment challenges have delayed completion of this project. The new estimated completion date is March 2006.
Moisture Sensitivity of Asphalt Binders* Jack Youtcheff
Mobility and
  X     Yes Dec 06 No Work is underway to explore the applicability of the pneumatic adhesion tester to evaluate the effect of water on the adhesive and cohesive strength of asphalt binders. The short-term goal is to develop a protocol for evaluating the moisture susceptibility of asphalt binders. Once this is complete, the remaining effort will be directed at evaluating asphalt mastics.
Determination of Lime in Hot Mix Asphalt* Jack Youtcheff
Mobility and
      X Yes Completed No The report is being prepared.
Guidance on Compatibility of Mixture Components Peter Kopac
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed No A three-volume final report is under review.
FHWA Dynamic Angle Validation Kit (DAVK) Tom Harman
Mobility and Productivity   X     Yes Jul 05 Yes The original project to develop the DAVK is complete. This extension will incorporate mixless technology.
Computer-Based Guidelines for Concrete Pavements Fred Faridazar
Mobility and Productivity     X   No Jan 06 No The contract was modified to include a pocket PC-based system of guidelines on curing concrete. The development of HIPERPAV™ II software is complete. The Volume III report has been submitted for publication.
Seasonal Monitoring Program* Aramis López
Mobility and Productivity       X No Completed Yes The release was delayed due to 508 conversions. A set of three CDs (Version 1.2) is now available.
Pavement Data and Performance
LTPP Distress Identification Manual Aramis López
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes The manual (FHWA-RD-03-031) was printed in December 2003. To date, more than 2,000 copies have been distributed.
Fatigue Model Katherine Petros
Mobility and Productivity     X   No Sep 04 No This project involves the development of a viscoelastoplastic fatigue model for modified asphalt concrete (AC) binders using the results from accelerated loading facility (ALF) testing.
Weigh in Motion (WIM) Pavement Smoothness Specifications Aramis López
Mobility and Productivity     X   No Jan 05 No Version 1.0 has been delayed.
Anytime Weather Software Aramis López
Mobility and Productivity X       Yes Feb 05 No The alpha version is complete. The final version is pending and awaiting availability of 508 compliance funds. 
DataPave Online Aramis López
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes The product is available at
Bridge of the Future
Compilation and Evaluation of Results from High-Performance Concrete (HPC) Bridge Projects Joseph Hartmann HRDI-06
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed No The study is complete and most results have been implemented. The report is in the publication process.
Ultra-High Performance Concrete* Joseph Hartmann
Mobility and Productivity   X     Yes Oct 08 No Several reports on material characterization and structural behavior are in the publication process. Optimized girder testing also is in progress.
Curved Girder Bridge Strength Prediction Equation William Wright
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes AASHTO SCOB T-14 balloted and accepted changes to the AASHTO bridge design code in June 2004.
New FRP Specifications Eric Munley
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes The AASHTO materials specification is complete, and the FRP deck testing specification is near completion. The FRP repair specification is in the early stages of development. The work now is focusing on building consensus.
Standard Tests Using a GeoGauge Mike Adams
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes The GeoGauge testing device has been validated and is commercially available to State highway administrations.
Corrugated Web Plates for Steel Girders William Wright
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed No The physical testing is complete, and report production is underway.
Improved Fracture Toughness Specifications for High Performance Steel (HPS) William Wright
Mobility and Productivity   X     No Jun 05 No The physical testing is complete. Development of design criteria will be accomplished in cooperation with AASHTO SCOB T-14.
Design Guidance for Composite Timber Bridges Sheila Duwadi
Mobility and Productivity     X   Yes Dec 05 No This study will produce design and material specifications for FRP-reinforced timber bridges for adoption by AASHTO.
Safety, Reliability, and Security
Improved Seismic Design Provisions for AASHTO Bridge Specifications Philip Yen
Safety, Mobility and Productivity       X No Completed No This was a study on improving the current seismic design provisions for bridges. A new seismic design provision was proposed to and is being adopted by AASHTO.
Revising Proposed New Seismic Design Provisions for AASHTO Bridge Specifications* Phillip Yen
Safety, Mobility and Productivity     X   Yes Jun 06 No The purpose of this project is to revise the new, proposed seismic design guidelines (NCHRP 12-49) based on the suggestions of the AASHTO SCOB. This project will change the design criteria and simplify the design procedures of the proposed provisions to be adopted by AASHTO.
Seismic Retrofit Manual Phillip Yen
Safety, Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed No This project involved a study of the seismic vulnerability of bridges and other structural highway components. The report is complete and is under final editorial review for publication.
Wind-Induced Vibration of Stay Cables Harold Bosch
Safety, Mobility and Productivity       X No Completed No This project studied the wind/rain effects on bridge stay cables for development of a design guide. The technical review and first editorial review are both complete. Comments are now being reviewed. The design guide will be published in 2006.
Implementation of New Small-Scale Wind Tunnel Harold Bosch
Safety, Mobility and Productivity X       Yes Sep 06 No In this project, researchers will evaluate and enhance flow conditions in the new wind tunnel. They also will develop test apparatus and procedures to facilitate the use of the tunnel. Work is just beginning.
Support for SPR-3(078)-Wind-Induced Vibration of Cable-Stayed Bridges Harold Bosch
Safety, Mobility and Productivity X       Yes Oct 06 Yes Work has started on the development of a guideline for mitigating the wind-induced vibration of stay cables. Two databases have been refined and are now available. Wind instrumentation for the Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge has been designed and procured. Analysis and parametric studies have been performed on a number of stay cable networks.
Abutment Scour (ABSCOUR) Field Data (not included in FY 2004/2005 Performance Plan) Sterling Jones
Safety, Mobility and Productivity     X   No Oct 04 No The database has been upgraded for testing prediction methods. The ABSCOUR program used by the Maryland State Highway Administration is being evaluated and revised based on this data. The study is approximately 3 months behind schedule due to complications involving ABSCOUR discrepancies.
Effects of Inlet Geometry on Culvert Performance* Sterling Jones
Mobility and Productivity     X   No Oct 04 No This study is approximately 6 months behind schedule due to difficulties in getting a contract underway to fabricate models. 
Examples for Design of Seismic Isolation Bearings Hamid Ghasemi
Safety, Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes The draft final report is available.
A Risk-Based Methodology for Assessing the Seismic Performance of Lifeline Systems Report Phillip Yen
Safety, Mobility and Productivity     X   Yes Dec 05 No This project involves developing computer software to help State DOTs assess the seismic risk to bridges. The project research is nearly complete and is now being validated.
Design Procedure for Bottomless Culverts Sterling Jones
Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Environment     X   No Dec 04 No This study was interrupted to conduct additional scour tests on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. Results will be presented at the 2006 National Hydraulics Engineering Conference.
Tacoma Narrows Technology Demonstration and Research Project Hamid Ghasemi
Safety, Mobility and Productivity     X   Yes Dec 06 No Several studies under this project are on schedule. One study concerning health monitoring is behind schedule. 
Seismic Retrofitting Manuals: Part III: Truss Bridges with Long Spans Phillip Yen
Safety, Mobility and Productivity     X   Yes Dec 05 No This is a study of the seismic vulnerability of long truss and other special bridges for design and retrofitting. The manual is 90 percent complete and will be reviewed by the Highway Seismic Research Council.
Stewardship and Management
Measurement of the Benefits of Infrastructure R&D Sheila Duwadi
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes This project produced a methodology to measure the benefits of research. The final report and a CD containing the methodology were delivered to FHWA. As it is an in-house report, it has not been published.
Guidelines for the Ultrasonic Inspection of Hanger Pins Hamid Ghasemi
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes The report is complete and has been published.
Guidelines for the Use of High-Energy Radiography for Structures Hamid Ghasemi
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed No This study investigated the use of nuclear methods for evaluating bridges and bridge materials.
Covered Bridge Manual* John O'Fallon
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes This manual is a guide to rehabilitating, restoring, preserving, and reconstructing historic covered bridges.
Fatigue Retrofit Manual William Wright
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes The manual is complete.
Corrosion Performance of Epoxy-Coated Rebar in Concrete (10-Year Laboratory Study) Paul Virmani
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes This report is printed and available online at
Ultrasonic Methods for Health Monitoring of Prestressing Tendons Hamid Ghasemi
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed No This study investigated the use of ultrasonic methods for examining bonded strands for corrosion or breakage.
Bridge and Tunnel Surveillance: A State-of-the-Art Review Sheila Duwadi
Mobility and Productivity, Security     X   Yes Jan 05 No This project developed a protocol for assessing security and surveillance systems.
Guidelines for Corrosion Control Design of Bridges William Wright
Mobility and Productivity X       Yes Apr 05 No This effort will coordinate closely with AASHTO SCOB T-9 to develop best practice guidance using FHWA (and other) research results as a baseline. The effort started in FY 2004.
Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) for Bridges Joey Hartmann
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed No An article on this project appeared in the December 2005 issue of Public Roads Magazine.
Best Practices Manual for Quality Bridge Coatings William Wright
Mobility and Productivity     X   Yes Sep 05 No This effort will produce a training course and national level inspector certification program. Program to be available in January 2005.
Thermal Imaging System for Crack Detection* Frank Jalinoos
Mobility and Productivity     X   Yes Sep 06 No This project will develop a method for detecting cracks and preventing the failure of steel structures. Test setup is complete, and laboratory testing is in progress
Corrosion-Resistant Alloys for Use as Reinforcement in Concrete* Paul Virmani
Mobility and Productivity   X     Yes Aug 06 No This study will identify cost-effective clad or alloyed reinforcement for concrete bridge members to provide 75 years of service life.
HERMES II Ground Penetrating Radar System*  Frank Jalinoos
Mobility and Productivity X       Yes Oct 08 No This project will help develop tools to rapidly survey concrete decks for deficiencies. A prototype system currently is undergoing expanded testing under a new workplan in cooperation with State partners.

* Addition to FY 2004/2005 Performance Plan

Operations R&D Status

Office of Operations R&D
Project Technical
Projected Goal
Project Completion
Status (Percent)
On Schedule Anticipated Research Completion Date Product
25 50 75 100
Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) and Research Related to Human Centered Systems
Infrastructure Consortium (IC) Prototype I Intersection Collision Avoidance (ICA) Projects* Gene McHale
Safety     X   No Apr 05 No These projects were mostly completed by September 2005. However, the completion date for all of the projects was extended due to the significant Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems (CICAS) support required by the IC. The final reports are expected in the near future.
CICAS IC* Gene McHale
Safety X       Yes Aug 2010 No Partnering with automobile manufacturers, the IC will design, develop, and test prototype CICAS technologies in support of the USDOT's CICAS Initiative. Following testing of prototype systems, the IC will support field operational testing of the CICAS technologies.
Human Factors Assessment of Infrastructure-Based ICA Devices-Phase II Greg Davis
Safety       X Yes Completed No Research for this study was conducted on a closed test course. The goal was to gather deceleration profiles and reaction time data for drivers responding to warnings given close to and far from an intersection. A paper on this project was accepted by TRB.
Enhanced Digital Mapping Toni Wilbur
Safety       X No Completed Yes The final report is complete and available at
Adobe Acrobat(Download Acrobat Reader)
Work Zone ITS for Crash Avoidance-Phase I* Peter Huang
Safety       X Yes Completed Yes For Phase I of this project, researchers developed the operational concept for work zone crash avoidance and tested the concept using a driving simulator. They also developed hardware requirements and tested several types of sensor applications in the field. The final report was completed in March 2005.
Work Zone ITS for Crash Avoidance-Phase II* Peter Huang
Safety   X     Yes Apr 06 No In this phase, a prototype system will be developed, tested, and demonstrated. A public demonstration will be held at the ChryslerTM proving ground in the first quarter of 2006.
Transportation Management Center (TMC) National Pooled Fund Study Results Raj Ghaman HRDO-03

Thomas Granda HRDS-07
Safety, Mobility and Productivity NA NA NA NA Yes Ongoing Yes This is a study of the operational and human centered issues common among agencies that manage and operate TMCs. States contribute to this pooled fund project on a yearly basis and select projects on an ongoing basis depending on the availability of funds.
Traffic Control Device Consortium Pooled Fund
Joe Moyer
Safety, Mobility and Productivity NA NA NA NA Yes Ongoing Yes A consortium of State, regional, and local entities, FHWA, and other partners are evaluating innovative traffic control devices. The results will be included in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). This study will be done in conjunction with the Human Centered Systems Laboratories.
Real-Time Linux® Operating System for Advanced Traffic Controllers * David Gibson
Mobility and Productivity   X     Yes Sep 06 No The purpose of this project is to connect the Linux real-time operating system to advanced transportation controllers. This will provide the support necessary for faster detector polling and information processing, which is required for CICAS and vehicle infrastructure integration (VII) research. Phase I is complete. Phase II should be complete by September 2006.
Traffic Control and Operations
Adaptive Control System (ACS) “Lite”-Field Tests Raj Ghaman
Mobility and Productivity   X     No Jan 06 No EconoliteTM controller testing was completed in Gahanna, OH. The remaining field tests with Eagle controllers are planned for Houston, TX. The test with PeekSM controllers is planned for St. Petersburg/Tampa FL, and the field test of McCain controllers is planned for San Diego, CA. The estimated completion date is January 2006.
Surface Transportation Security and Reliability Information System Model Deployment (iFlorida) Toni Wilbur
Safety, Security, Mobility and Productivity   X     No Jun 08 No This project will demonstrate and evaluate how security, reliability, and safety can be enhanced through the widespread availability of real-time information. The deployment phase is nearing completion.
Coordinated Freeway and Arterials Plans and Procedures Handbook James Colyar
Mobility and Productivity     X   No Dec 04 No The final report is under development.
Ramp Metering 2000 Software Expanded Simulation Testing* Deborah Curtis
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed No FHWA determined that the developer owns the software rights. Distribution is at the discretion of the developer.
Ramp Management Handbook* James Colyar
Mobility and Productivity     X   No Jun 05 No This is a followup document to the Freeway Management and Operations Handbook (FHWA-OP-04-003). The draft handbook is finished, and the final handbook now is under development.
Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Initiative-Phase I: Foundational Research* Dale Thompson HRDO-03
Safety, Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes The foundational research to initiate the ICM program is complete. ICM stakeholder involvement will continue through Phase II (ICM Research and Systems Development). During Phase II, researchers will address integration issues, initiate research projects, develop ICM analysis tools, and establish demonstration sites. More information is available at:
Integration of DynaMIT, CLAIRE, and the Advanced Incident Detection Algorithm (AIDA) for Real-Time Traffic Management on Arterials: Field Test in Los Angeles, CA* Henry Lieu
Mobility and Productivity     X   No Apr 06 No The goal of this project is to integrate DynaMIT, CLAIRE, and AIDA to facilitate real-time traffic management on arterials in Los Angeles, CA. The data collection process has proven more time consuming than anticipated so the target completion date has been reevaluated. The new estimated completion date is April 2006.
Integration of DYNASMART-X, CLAIRE, and RHODES® for Real-Time Traffic Management: Field Test in Houston, TX * Henry Lieu
Mobility and Productivity X       No Dec 07 No The goal of this project is to integrate DYNASMART-X, CLAIRE, and RHODES into TranStarSM in Houston, TX. This will allow for real-time traffic management to alleviate traffic congestion, particularly congestion caused by freeway reconstruction and flooding. The project was delayed by 1 year due to contracting issues that have now been resolved. The project started in early 2005 and is projected to be completed in December 2007.
Winter Weather Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) Deployment Assistance* Randall VanGorder

Rudy Persaud
Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Environment     X   Yes Sep 06 Yes This project will provide deployment assistance to ensure that the MDSS technology is transferred successfully to the private sector. The project also will complete all programming, documentation, and evaluations from the second year of the MDSS demonstration.
Winter Weather MDSS Pooled Fund Study Rudy Persaud
Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Environment     X   Yes Jun 06 No This project is a pooled fund study involving seven States. The project goal is to develop an MDSS to help maintenance crews better plan and respond to winter weather and road conditions.
Clear Roads Pooled Fund Study* Rudy Persaud
Mobility and
  X     Yes Dec 07 No Clear Roads is a new pooled fund research project aimed at rigorous testing of winter maintenance materials, equipment, and methods for use by highway maintenance crews.
Empirical Studies of Traffic Flow in Inclement Weather* James Colyar
Safety, Mobility and Productivity   X     Yes Dec 06 No This project involves collecting traffic and weather data from Baltimore, MD; Minneapolis, MN; Phoenix, AZ; and Seattle, WA. After the data are collected, the relationship between adverse weather and traffic operations will be researched.
Traffic Detector Handbook David Gibson
Safety, Mobility and Productivity       X No Completed No The update to the handbook is complete, and a peer review currently is underway. The estimated publication date is March 2006.
Traffic Detector Video* David Gibson
Safety, Mobility and Productivity X       No Sep 06 No The video script has been approved, but the project is being delayed while the contractor searches for an appropriate installation to film the video. The estimated completion date is September 2006.
Pedestrian Stereo Imaging Sensor* David Gibson
Safety, Mobility and Productivity X       Yes Sep 07 No This project will investigate the uses of stereo imaging to detect and trace pedestrians near intersections. Phase 1 was completed in September 2005. A second phase has been recommended, with an estimated completion date of September 2007.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Aerial Surveillance David Gibson
Safety, Mobility and Productivity         No NA No This project was terminated due to contactor fiscal problems.
Traffic Analysis Tools/Simulation and Modeling
Emergency Vehicle Network Delay Study Gene McHale
Mobility and Productivity       X No Completed Yes This project was delayed due to other priorities related to TSIS/CORSIM software. The expected completion date was December 2004. The project now has ended, and a final report is available.
CORSIM Application Guidelines James Colyar
Mobility and Productivity     X   No Sep 05 No The start of the project was delayed, but the draft report is now complete. A final report is being written. The new target completion date is January 2006.
Federal Facility Evacuation Study James Colyar
Safety, Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes Project completed.
Next Generation Simulation Modeling (NGSIM) James Colyar
Mobility and Productivity   X     Yes Dec 07 Yes

The following tasks or products are complete and available at

  • Algorithm assessment and algorithm prioritization reports.
  • High-level project development plans. Prototype and full vehicle trajectory dataset on I-80 in Emeryville, CA.
  • Open-source version of MITSIMLab, a simulation package used for algorithm validation.
  • Freeway lane selection algorithm.

The following tasks and products are under development:

  • Freeway dataset on Highway 101 in the Los Angeles, CA, area (January 2006).
  • Arterial dataset of the Los Angeles, CA, area (February 2006).
  • Commercial validation of freeway lane selection algorithm (December 2005).
  • Cooperative freeway merge algorithm (July 2006).
  • Arterial lane selection algorithm (August 2006).
  • Oversaturated freeway flow algorithm (August 2006).

For more information, see

Traffic Analysis Tools Case Studies and Best Practices James Colyar
Mobility and Productivity       X No Completed Yes Project completed.
Strategic Work Zone Analysis Tools (SWAT) Deborah Curtis
Mobility and Productivity       X No Completed No Work is underway on the final draft report.
QuickZone Work Zone Delay Estimation Tool Deborah Curtis
Mobility and Productivity       X No Completed Yes The software is available from the McTrans Center.
QuickZone Partnership Program Deborah Curtis
Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed No No further funding and no additional States are being added. FHWA, however, is maintaining a working relationship with the current seven partner States.
Exclusive Truck Lane Simulation Safety
James Colyar
Safety, Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes Study completed.
DynaMIT-P-Field Test in Hampton Roads, VA* Henry Lieu
Mobility and Productivity     X   No Apr 06 No The Phase 1 offline evaluation work was completed in July 2004. The Phase 2 online evaluation work started in September 2004. The estimated target completion date is April 2006.
Enabling Technologies
Global Positioning System (GPS) Surface Observation System Installation for Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor (IPWV) James Arnold

Rudy Persaud
Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Environment, Security   X     No Dec 07 No The installation of GPS Surface Observation System (GSOS) meteorological sensors at NDGPS sites provides useful weather observations and the information needed to calculate atmospheric water vapor. Funding was not available to meet the December 2005 target date. The new estimated completion date is December 2007.
NDGPS Reference Station Modernization James Arnold
Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Environment, Security   X     No Dec 08 No This project involves research to define existing GPS capability. The December 2008 target completion date is based on anticipated funding.
High-Accuracy NDGPS James Arnold
Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Environment, Security   X     Yes Dec 07 No This is a research program to evaluate the potential for achieving very high-accuracy navigation solutions using existing infrastructure.
Precipitable Water Vapor for Weather Forecasting James Arnold
Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Environment, Security   X     Yes Dec 07 No This is a research program to develop and evaluate a precipitable water vapor algorithm, which will help improve weather forecasting.
Dedicated Short-Range Communications/ Wireless Access for Vehicular Environments* James Arnold
Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Environment, Security     X   Yes Dec 08 No This project involves the development of telecommunications technology. Researchers will obtain a spectrum allocation from the Federal Communications Commission; develop licensing rules, standards and, prototypes; and perform an initial deployment of the technology.
Telecommunications Interference Model for Predicting Ionospheric Changes* James Arnold
Safety, Mobility and Productivity, Environment, Security X       Yes Dec 08 No This is a research program to develop and evaluate an ionospheric model for predicting interference levels with telecommunication systems.
Identify Mobility Applications for VII Bob Ferlis
Mobility and Productivity     X   Yes Jan 06 No This project will identify promising mobility applications that will be enabled by the anticipated VII infrastructure. Candidate applications will include innovations of current services and technologies, such as adaptive cruise control, and new concepts that use vehicle control technologies to achieve significant mobility improvements.

* Addition to FY 2004/2005 Performance Plan

Safety R&D Status

Office of Safety R&D
Project Technical
Projected Goal
Project Completion
Status (Percent)
On Schedule Anticipated Research Completion Date Product Available Comments
25 50 75 100
Run-Off-Road Prevention: Design
Requirements for High-Conspicuity Traffic Signs Carl Andersen
Safety X       No Mar 04 No The study plan is complete, but the human factors studies are delayed until FY 2005 due to a lack of funding.
Guidelines for Maintaining Night Visibility of Traffic Signs Ken Opiela
Safety     X   No Sep 07 No Research is in progress, and draft versions of parts of the final report have been reviewed.
Driver Recognition of Traffic Control Color Coding Carl Andersen
Safety X       No Sep 06 No No work has been done to date due to a lack of funding. This project was intended to follow work on high-conspicuity signs.
The Effects of Innovative Applications of Pavement Markings and RRPMs on Driver Performance Ken Opiela
Safety     X   Yes Mar 06 No Field data has been gathered to allow work to begin using a highway driving simulator. Subject testing started in March 2005.
Visibility Requirements for Novel Pavement Marking Treatments Ken Opiela
Safety X       No Sep 08 No This effort would follow completion of the above project.
Guidelines for Maintaining Night Visibility of Pavement Markings Ken Opiela
Safety X       Yes Jun 07 No Contract initiated in August 2005.
Requirements for Light Emitting Diode (LED) Traffic Signals Carl Andersen
Safety X       No Jun 06 No This project has not yet been initiated.
Develop Design Guidelines for Crosswalk Lighting* Carl Andersen
Safety     X   Yes May 06 Yes Phases I, II, III are complete, and a draft report is being prepared.
Wet Night Visibility of Pavement Markings* Carl Andersen
Safety     X   Yes Mar 07 No A draft report on static testing is under review.
Run-Off-Road Mitigation: Severity Reduction
Guardrail Blockout Surrogate Test Ken Opiela
Safety   X     No Sep 06 No This project initially on hold. Work is currently in progress.
Mailbox Surrogate Test Ken Opiela
Safety   X     No Jun 06 No Project efforts were restarted with a series of pendulum tests.
Cable Median Barrier Development Ken Opiela
Safety X       Yes Sep 06 No Work in progress.
Vehicle Impacts for Median Landscape Treatments Ken Opiela
Safety X       Yes Jun 07 No Work will begin in March 2006.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety
Study of the Characteristics of Emerging Road and Trail Users and Their Safety Ann Do
Safety       X Yes Completed No A TechBrief (FHWA-HRT-04-104) on this study is available at
Pedestrian Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool (PBCAT) Version 2.0 Ann Do
Safety     X   Yes May 06 No Version 2 is currently under review in FHWA's Office of Safety. PBCAT Version 1.0 currently is available.
Evaluation of Safety Design and Operation of Shared-Use Paths Ann Do
Safety     X   No Apr 06 No The publication will be available in April 2006.
Hazard Index for Assessing Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety at Intersections Ann Do
Safety   X     No Sep 06 No This project is ongoing.
Speed Management
Results of Field Tests on Impacts of Setting and Enforcing Rational Speed Limits Ray Krammes
Safety     X   No Dec 05 No Two demonstration projects are complete. Five demonstration projects are underway. The revised target completion date for all demonstrations is December 2006.
Divergent Diamond Interchange and Double Crossover Intersection and Pedestrian Performance Joe Bared
Safety, Mobility and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes A paper on this project was presented at the International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design in June 2005.
Safety Evaluation of Michigan U-Turns Joe Bared
Safety X       Yes Jul 06 No The contract for this project has been awarded. Less than 25 percent of the project work is complete at this time.
Safety Analysis of Interchanges Joe Bared
Safety X       Yes Mar 07 No Work on this project has started, but less than 25 percent is complete at this time.
Roundabout Accessibility Study Greg Davis
Safety       X No Aug 04 No Study has been completed. Report is in publication process.
Novel Intersections-Divergent Diamond Interchanges Greg Davis
Safety X       No May 07 No This project started in FY 2005, and is targeted for completion in May 2007.
Evaluation of Separator Islands at Nonsignalized Intersections Joe Bared
Safety   X     No Sep 09 No The start of the contract for this project was delayed due to funding limitations in FY 2004. The revised target completion date is September 2009.
Safety Management Systems
Roadway Safety Hardware Management Systems* Kerry Perrillo Childress
Safety, and Productivity       X Yes Completed Yes This is a final report on transportation asset management for roadway safety. It includes case studies and a primer on implementation of asset management systems.
Rollover Causation Study Mort Oskard
Safety     X   No Sep 06 No This project was partially completed and then was terminated.
Pavement Edge Dropoff Study Kerry Perrillo Childress
Safety   X     Yes Jun 07 No The project scope has changed, and this is now a pooled fund study to evaluate the effectiveness of the Safety Edge. Participating States include California, Georgia, Indiana, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, and Utah. The new project completion date is December 2007.
Safety Analyst Mike Griffith
Safety     X   Yes Nov 06 Yes White papers and functional specifications for the software are currently available.
Evaluation of Low-Cost Safety Improvements Kerry Perillo Childress
Safety X       Yes Dec 2010 Yes This pooled fund study (involving 26 States) includes multiple products. A database for installation of safety strategies has been completed.  Evaluations are ongoing of four safety strategies from the AASHTO NCHRP Report 500 guidebooks.
Safety Effects of Using Narrow Lanes and Shoulder-Use Lanes to Increase the Capacity of Urban Freeways” Carol Tan
Safety       X Yes Completed Yes The paper was published in June 2005.
Safety Evaluation of Red Light Running Cameras* Mike Griffith
Safety       X Yes Completed Yes This study documented findings from evaluations of red light running cameras in several jurisdictions.
Advanced Research-Digital Highway Measurement Vehicles Pete Mills
Safety     X   Yes Dec 07 No This project involves ongoing, long-term research that will validate the performance of a prototype instrumented vehicle.
Human Centered Systems
Personal Transportation Technology: Segway® Human Transporter Carol Tan
Safety     X   Yes Jun 06 No Data collection is in progress.
In-Roadway Warning Lights Study Thomas Granda
Safety     X   No Dec 05 Yes Budget limitations and system installation delays at the field sites have slowed this project. Interim findings were presented at the ITE Annual Meeting in August 2004.
Traffic Control Device Consortium Pooled Fund Study Projects Joe Moyer
Safety, Mobility and Productivity   X     Yes Sep 06 Yes This pooled fund study encompasses a series of ongoing research projects. Four studies are complete, and two are planned for completion in September 2006.
Work Zone Safety
Improving Visibility of Work Zone Features to Aid Drivers Ken Opiela
Safety X       No Jun 06 No There currently is no funding to initiate this effort, but alternative funding sources are being pursued.
Guidelines for Work Zone Safety Impacts Analysis Ken Opiela
Safety X       No Dec 09 No There currently is no funding to initiate this effort, but alternative funding sources are being pursued.

*Addition to FY 2004/2005 Performance Plan

Acronym List

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ABSCOUR abutment scour
ASR alkali-silica reactivity
CICAS Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems
CORSIM CORridor SIMulation
CRCP continuously reinforced concrete pavements
DAVK Dynamic Angle Validation Kit
FRP fiber reinforced polymer
FY fiscal year
GPS global positioning system
GSOS GPS surface observation system
HERMES High Speed Electromagnetic Roadway Measurement and Evaluation System
HPC high performance steel
HPS high performance concrete
IC Infrastructure Consortium
ICA intersection collision avoidance
ICAS intersection collision avoidance system
ICM integrated corridor management
IPWV integrated precipitable water vapor
ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers
ITS intelligent transportation system
LCCA life cycle cost analysis
LTPP Long Term Pavement Performance
MDSS Maintenance Decision Support System
MITSIM Microscopic Traffic Simulator
MPO metropolitan planning organization
NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program
NDGPS Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System
NGSIM Next Generation SIMulation
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PART Program Assessment Rating Tool
R&D research and development
RD&T research, development, and technology
RHODES Real-Time Hierarchical Optimized Distributed Effective System
RRPM raised retroreflective pavement markers
SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
SAPER Strategic Analysis of Pavement Evaluations for Rehabilitation
SCOB Subcommittee on Bridges
SWAT strategic work zone analysis tools
TMC transportation management center
TRB Transportation Research Board
TSIS Traffic Software Integrated System
United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration